Thursday, January 28, 2010

From the Unhappy Grammy, Grandparents blog:

The above photo has nothing to do with the below blog. I unabashedly stole it [from here]

The below found here

Open Message to Nashua DCYF

Just a message to Nashua DCYF. I know your moles are on here watching everything I write and you have yourselves to thank. I hope you like my blog, as I speak the truth and you are the people, (I use that term loosely) that have inspired me to fight the corruption and the abuses of a government system gone astray. A government agency accountable to no-one. An agency that cares nothing about children or families.

You call yourselves "Child Protector's?" Do you even know what it mean's to protect a child? Do you have any idea what it's like to lose a child, taken illegally, through lies? Do you know what its like to follow the rules and live by the laws of the land and to really help people, only to be lied about in order to steal a child? A child that would never have been born without the love and caring of a real family? A child that you wouldn't have made big money off of and still are, if she had died? I hope some day you'll look back and realize how you've hurt so many children and innocent families. Hopefully, some day you'll realize money means nothing compared to the life of a child.

So thank you for giving me a mission in life. To fight for the wrongfully accused. Just think, I used to spend my time with my grandchildren, alway's happy and looking out for my family. Now I spend my time fighting the fraud and corruption of DCYF. A fight for all children taken illegally, all for the almighty dollar!

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I assume the above is a complaint out of New Hampshire. All of the United States can be this abusive and unfair. We have a monarchy of judges who rule as they please, no rhyme or reason.

Click top banner on most blogs to go to newest posts. To share this post with a friend, click on white envelope below. I have asked the owner of the above blog to contact me at

My story and reason why I blog on the internet found here.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Is Obama hiding something?

Image stolen [from here]

Image stolen [from here]

Is the way the Rod Blagojevich is being handled a giveaway that Obama might have something to hide? Blagojevich is still walking around and is going to appear on a television show with Donald Trump. That is in your face.

From Wikipedia:

Rod Blagojevich corruption charges

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not to be confused with Rod Blagojevich controversies.

Rod Blagojevich, former Governor of Illinois, has been under investigation by the Federal Bureau of Investigation since 2005 for corruption. Blagojevich and his Chief of Staff John Harris were charged with corruption by federal prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald. As a result of the scandal, Blagojevich was impeached by the Illinois General Assembly and removed from office by the Illinois Senate in January 2009. The federal investigation continued after this removal, and Blagojevich was indicted on corruption charges in April 2009.[2]

The investigation became public knowledge when a federal judge revealed that Blagojevich was the "Public Official A" in the indictment of Tony Rezko. The case gained widespread attention with the simultaneous arrests of Blagojevich and his chief of staff, John Harris, on December 9, 2008, at their homes by federal agents.[3][4] Blagojevich and Harris were each charged with one count of conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud and one count of soliciting bribes. The case involved sweeping pay to play and influence peddling allegations, including the alleged solicitation of personal benefit in exchange for an appointment to the United States Senate as a replacement for Barack Obama, who had resigned after being elected President of the United States (see bribery).[5] United States Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald noted that there had been no evidence of wrongdoing by Obama.[6]

After the arrest, Illinois elected officials began calling on Blagojevich to resign. The 50 members of the U.S. Senate's Democratic caucus called on Blagojevich to not appoint a senator and pledged not to seat anyone he attempted to appoint. Legislators introduced bills in both houses of the Illinois General Assembly to remove the Governor's power to appoint a senator and require a special election; however, no such bill passed. Blagojevich did eventually appoint Roland Burris to the seat. Despite attempts to keep Burris from taking the seat, he was eventually allowed to take the oath of office. However, he has since become a target for detractors who question whether he has been honest in his filings to attain the seat.

Within days after Blagojevich's arrest, Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan filed a motion with the Illinois Supreme Court seeking to declare the Governor "unable to serve" and strip him of the powers of his office. The court denied the request. Meanwhile, Speaker of the Illinois House of Representatives Mike Madigan (the Attorney General's father) announced that on December 16 he would begin impeachment proceedings. The state House impeached Blagojevich on January 9, 2009, and the state Senate convicted him on January 29, thereby removing him; they also disqualified him from holding further office in the state.


Blagojevich had been under investigation for corrupt activity for several years, as part of a broader federal investigation by Fitzgerald, code-named Operation Board Games, that had been going on for three years.[7] To date, 15 people have been charged in connection with the investigation.[3][7] Blagojevich had long been suspected to be a target of the investigation, but it was confirmed by U.S. District Judge Amy St. Eve that he was the "Public Official A" referred to in the federal indictment of Tony Rezko.[8] Just before the 2008 United States general elections on November 4, 2008, Federal investigators were granted authority to tape Blagojevich's conversations.[9] On December 8, 2008, in a press conference, Blagojevich claimed "whether you tape me privately or publicly, I can tell you that whatever I say is always lawful and the things I'm interested in are always lawful."[9] He further stated that "if anybody wants to tape my conversations, go right ahead, feel free to do it. I appreciate anybody who wants to tape me openly and notoriously; and those who feel like they want to sneakily, and wear taping devices, I would remind them that it kind of smells like Nixon and Watergate."[9] After a meeting between Blagojevich and Jackson regarding the Senate seat,[9] when asked his thoughts on being the subject of federal tapings, Blagojevich stated, "I don't believe there's any cloud that hangs over me. I think there's nothing but sunshine hanging over me."[10]

The public scandal and turmoil began with arrests of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, a Democrat, and his Chief of Staff John Harris at 6:15 a.m. on December 9, 2008, at their homes by deputies of the United States Marshals Service on behalf of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).[3][4] Blagojevich and Harris were each charged with one count of conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud and one count of soliciting bribes. The case involved sweeping pay to play and influence peddling allegations, including the alleged solicitation of personal benefit in exchange for an appointment to the United States Senate as a replacement for Barack Obama, who had resigned after being elected President of the United States.[5] United States Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald noted that there had been no evidence of wrongdoing by Obama.[11] The cases are part of a broader federal investigation by Fitzgerald code-named Operation Board Games that had been going on for three years in which 15 people have been charged by Fitzgerald.[3][7]

Prior to the scandal, Blagojevich considered himself as a contender for the 2016 presidential election, but was willing to pursue an interim position as a United States Cabinet member, United States ambassador, or high profile corporate titan instead.[12] The governor's statutory power to appoint a replacement for Obama in the U.S. Senate was something that Blagojevich viewed as convertible currency of the form that could assure this future.[12] Soon after the Presidential election, it became very clear to Fitzgerald from his wiretaps that a sale of the Senate seat was imminent; Fitzgerald immediately pressed for Blagojevich's arrest.[3] After the arrest, the prosecution began proceedings to obtain an indictment from a grand jury, a process that was granted an extension to April 7, 2009.[13][14][15]

A federal grand jury in Illinois returned an indictment against Blagojevich and five other defendants on April 2, 2009.[2] Blagojevich is the seventh Illinois Governor to have been arrested or indicted;[16] and he could become the fourth, including Daniel Walker, jailed since 1971.[17] In addition to the allegations concerning the Senate seat, Blagojevich has also been charged with

  • attempting to extort the owners of the Tribune Company to fire editors at the Chicago Tribune who criticized the governor's handling of state affairs
  • abuse of power concerning release of US$8 million of state funds to Children's Memorial Hospital expecting to obtain a $50,000 campaign contribution.[3][6]
  • seeking graft in the form of $2.5 million in campaign contributions (through 2008) from companies and individuals who have received state contracts or appointments.[18]

On January 2, 2009 Governor Blagojevich's federal security clearance was revoked.[citation needed] In June 2009 it was determined by the judge overseeing the case that the Blagojevich trial would start on June 3, 2010.[19]

In the wake of the scandal reform measures are being proposed. Wisconsin Senator Russell Feingold, who is the chairman of the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary's Subcommittee on the Constitution, Civil Rights and Property Rights, has stated that he will introduce a constitutional amendment requiring vacant Senate seats be filled by special elections, as the House of Representatives requires.[20]

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[click here] for Has US President Barack Obama morphed into George W. Bush?

Rule By The Rich

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Below video uploaded Jan. 21, 2010:

Rod Blagojevich Uncensored -

Text with video:
Anytime the media crucifies one of their own or a politician, you can be sure there's more to the story than meets the eye. Remember former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich?

Blagojevich threatened to stop the states dealings with Bank of America Corp. over a shut-down factory in Chicago. On December 8, 2008 (the day before his arrest), all state agencies were ordered to stop conducting business with Bank of America to pressure the company to make the loans. Blagojevich said the biggest U.S. retail bank would not get any more state business unless it restored credit to Republic Windows and Doors, whose workers were staging a sit-in. John Douglas, a former general counsel for the FDIC and attorney for Bank of America, called Blagojevich's worker support dangerous.

Reposted from Please support them or become active with your local organization.

1/11/10 Rod Blagojevich Comments On Quotes In Esquire Magazine

Uploaded April '09. This video might best explain the US banking mess and where we are headed. Banksters are shipping money out of the US. What are they preparing for?

Text with video:
FNC talks with Rep. Kucinich who is furious about the bailout scandal no one is talking about... If your angry about the AIG bonuses you better cover your ears for this next segment here -- everyone. Merrill Lynch knew it was getting ten billion dollars in TARP funds at the same time they were preparing to give three point seven billion dollars in Performance bonuses to their top executives at a time that they were losing fifteen billion dollars in the fourth quarter. It is shocking as you know the White House just put pressure on the head of GM. Two resign is it time for the CEO of Bank of America Ken Lewis to go."

Congressman (D) Dennis Kucinich Grills Ken Lewis on Fed Emails

Text with video:
Former Bank of America CEO, Ken Lewis, testified June 11, 2009 to congress about the BOA's merger with Merrill Lynch. During the hearing Rep. Dennis Kucinich, D-Ohio, challenged Lewis to be more forthcoming about his dealings with the Federal Reserve during the merger. Specifically Kucinich cited emails from Fed officials saying Lewis had asked government officials to provide a letter saying that they had in fact ordered Lewis to merge with the struggling financial firm, Merrill Lynch, because Lewis feared lawsuits from company shareholders if the merger led to company losses. Lewis said he did not recall asking for such a letter. After the hearing Kucinich told reporters that Lewis testimony could put the former CEO in legal jeopardy.

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Scum of Earth, Clean in Comparison to Lieberman?

Sen. Lieberman & Mass Youtube censorship.

Text with posted video:
Sen. Lieberman is forcing Youtube to suspend and delete accounts. They implementing a law that has not passed the senate s1959. Please down load this video and re-post it for the maximum result!!

* * * *

I posted this comment on this post:
Connecticut Yankees

I recall reading text from the "Legend of Sleepy Hollow", the worst, most disgusting you could be was to be a "Connecticut Yankee". Although those with the most lineage in Connecticut might be the best liars and thieves, there seems to be really no major difference between the Democrats and Republicans in Connecticut, they seem to both equally want avoid serving the best interest of the public. Lieberman, alone, should be cause for America to build a fence around Connecticut. Yes, containment of these toxic wastes needs to be initiated.

Liberman would like to label anyone holding a Bible, a terrorist. Send emails of concern to an elected official, you're a domestic terrorist. Have an issue with banking and corporate fraud, you're a domestic terrorist. Tell others the truth on youtube, Lieberman wants you censored. If George W. Bush is the worst human alive, that would make Lieberman #2, and Cheney #3.

Just my two cents ...

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[click here] for my beef with Connecticut, maybe a requested 10 mil in compensation, beef

Monday, January 25, 2010

Corporate Thugs

The below cut and pasted from:

Financial Terrorist

This Wall Street Thug is not the exception!

Watch the video of Bernard Madoff below.

Bernard Madoff represents the attitude, personality and stupidity of the average averice in America and indeed around the world. His greed and disconnect from reality was fueled by others greed and warped views of wealth and abundance, so I don't condemn Madoff for his misdeeds, because he is a product of his environment, an environment that promotes excess, slickness and shrewdness, an environment that graduates a mentality that borders if not sometimes completely cross the line of the psychotic criminal element.

"Wall street is a system designed to promote, honor, encourge and reward sustainable, elabarate shcemes and sophisticated hoax that reward paper chasers with the ill gotten gains of other. -meinkampf

The Enabler

The Enabler

WAS Chairman of the Federal Reserve (1987-2006

WHAT HE DID Pushed for sweeping power to regulate Wall Street — and then failed to use it. Fueled "irrational" bubble with low interest rates.

WORST MOVE Called derivatives like CDOs "extraordinarily useful"; regulating them would be a "mistake."NOW ADMITS He was "partially" wrong to not impose tougher oversight.

The Pioneer

The Pioneer

WAS CEO of Citigroup (1998-2003)

WHAT HE DID Created the first too-big-to-fail company, Citigroup. Led the boom in subprime mortgages.

RECENTLY Celebrated $45 billion taxpayer bailout of Citi by taking Mexican vacation on Citigroup jet, complete with $13,000 carpets, pillows made from Hermés scarves, and Baccarat crystal glassware.

The Ideologue

The Ideologue

WAS Senate Banking Committee chair (1995-2000)

KNOWN AS "High priest of deregulation"

WHAT HE DID Pushed repeal of Glass-Steagall Act, leading to rise of megabanks.WORST MOVE Wrote law that exempted disastrous CDS deals from all regulation.NOW ADMITS Nothing. Says there is "no evidence" his laws caused crash, which he dismissed as a "mental recession."

The Arsonist

The Arsonist

WAS Chief of AIG Financial Products (2001-2008)

WHAT HE DID Blew a $500 billion hole in fabric of the universe by placing massive bet on the bubble economy with money he didn't have.

WORST MOVE In August 2007 told investors his CDS deals could not lose even "$1"; lost $352 million that quarter.NOW Enjoying his $280 million in earnings.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Corporate Thugs

A Corporate Thug in action.

Why did Corporate thug Richard Fuld former CEO of Lehman Brothers deed his $14 million oceanfront home in Florida to his wife for just $100 - the minimum amount needed for a property transfer. The scoundrel did this before Citigroup purchased the collapsed Lehman Brothers . And after he was named in a $150 million lawsuit brought by San Mateo County. A classic move of the criminal minded. Him and his wife are CRIPS in sheep clothing.

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Text with video:
Congresswoman Donna Edwards and constitutional law professor Jamie Raskin speak out against the Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United v. FEC and call for a mass movement of people to support a constitutional amendment. Visit to learn more and get involved!

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Alan Greenspan worshiped the philosophy of Ayn Rand

From Wikipedia:

Ayn Rand

Ayn Rand (pronounced /ˈaɪn ˈrænd/; born Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum; February 2 [O.S. January 20] 1905 – March 6, 1982), was a Russian-American novelist, philosopher,[1] playwright, and screenwriter. She is known for her two best-selling novels and for developing a philosophical system she called Objectivism. Born and educated in Russia, Rand immigrated to the United States in 1926. She worked as a screenwriter in Hollywood and had a play produced on Broadway in 1935–1936. She first achieved fame with her novel The Fountainhead, published in 1943,[2] which in 1957 was followed by her best-known work, the philosophical novel Atlas Shrugged.

Rand's political views, reflected in both her fiction and her theoretical work, emphasize individual rights (including property rights) and laissez-faire capitalism, enforced by a constitutionally-limited government. She was a fierce opponent of all forms of collectivism and statism,[3][4] including fascism, communism, socialism, and the welfare state,[5] and promoted ethical egoism while rejecting the ethic of altruism.[6] She considered reason to be the only means of acquiring knowledge and the most important aspect of her philosophy,[7] stating, "I am not primarily an advocate of capitalism, but of egoism; and I am not primarily an advocate of egoism, but of reason. If one recognizes the supremacy of reason and applies it consistently, all the rest follows."[8]

Ayn Rand
Half-length monochrome portrait photo of Ayn Rand, seated, holding a cigarette
Ayn Rand
Born Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum
February 2, 1905(1905-02-02)
Saint Petersburg, Russian Empire
Died March 6, 1982 (aged 77)
New York City, United States
Occupation Philosopher, writer
Alma mater University of Petrograd
Notable work(s) The Fountainhead
Atlas Shrugged
Spouse(s) Frank O'Connor (m. 1929)

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A brewing, new phase of the banking scandals?:


Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 11:55:10 -0800
To: "Attention: Glenn A Fine, General, Inspector (OIG)"
From: joseph zernik
Subject: Kindly requesting Inspector General, US Dept of Justice, Glenn A Fine's response re: Complaint of misconduct by Kenneth Kaiser - Assistant Director of FBI and Kenneth Melson - Director, US Attorney General Office in re: the LA-JR (alleged Los Angeles Judiciary Racket). Timely response requested.
Cc: "US agencies, law school faculty, NGOs, and others"

The favor of response within 10 business days is requested.

RE: Requesting Inspector General, US Dept of Justice, Glenn A Fine's timely response in re: November 2009 Complaint of Misconduct by Kenneth Kaiser - Assistant Director of FBI and Kenneth Melson - Director, US Attorney General Office, alleging Misconduct: (a) Fraud in their responses to US Congressional inquiries of August 2008, and (b) Refusal to accord the 10 million residents of Los Angeles County Equal Protection, in view of incontrovertible evidence of conduct of the LA-JR (alleged Los Angeles Judiciary Racket).

TO Glenn A Fine, Inspector General, US Dept of Justice, and the DOJ/DIG Investigations Division.
By email: "Attention: Glenn A Fine, General, Inspector (OIG)"

Dear Mr Fine:

Thank you very much for the first ever written response from your office, dated January 25, 2010, copied below. My January 24, 2010 email note: Samaan v Zernik (SC087400), also copied below, was explicitly stated as an addendum to complaint, which was filed with your office in November 2009, alleging Misconduct by senior US Officers: Mr Kenneth Kaiser - Assistant Director of FBI, and Mr Kenneth Melson - Director of US Attorney General Office. Please accept instant notice as a request for a timely response regarding the receipt and disposition of the November 2009 complaint. Please also note that instant request is fully consistent with "Restoring Confidence in the Department of Justice" listed as a "Top Management Challenge in the Department of Justice" for 2009. Please also notice that such request for Equal Protection was fully consistent with FBI policy, stated in December 2008 (underline added): "FBI will pursue all allegations of judicial corruption vigorously, as public corruption violations are among the most serious of all criminal conduct and can tear at the fabric of a democratic society".

Brief Chronology:

1) In early 2008, Complaint was filed with US Department of Justice, Office of the Attorney General, including incontrovertible evidence of the operation of the LA-JR - alleged Los Angeles Judiciary Racket. In view of such serious conditions, only minimal enforcement actions by US Department of Justice were requested: Providing Equal Protection through enforcement of the right to access court records - to inspect and to copy - in Los Angeles County, California. It was claimed that enforcement of such right, in and of itself, would paralyze the LA-JR.

2) US Department of Justice and Office of the US Attorney General refused to respond at all.

3) Around August 2008, the Hon Dianne Feinstein - US Senator and the Hon Diane Watson - US Congresswoman, filed on my behalf Congressional Inquiries on the same matter, which were answered by
Messrs Kaiser and Melson. Responses of Messrs Kaiser and Melson to US Congress were the subject of the November 2009 complaint to your good offices. The complaint alleged that upon review by your office, such responses must be deemed as Misconduct by Messrs Kaiser and Melson: Fraud and Deceit upon US Congress, and refusal to accord Equal Protection to the 10 million residents of Los Angeles County California.

4) Events that consequently transpired, confirmed my allegations in re: the LA-JR, beyond any reasonable doubt:

a) In October 2008, California Court of Appeals, 4th District ruled that ALL judges of the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles had been taking for over a decade payments, which were "not permitted". Such "not permitted" payments continue to this date, to the tune of >$45,000 per judge per year. Such payments by Los Angeles County, California, were matched by conditions, where it became practically impossible to win a case against LA County at the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles.

b) On February 20, 2009, the California Governor signed Retroactive Immunities/Pardons for ALL judges who took the "not permitted" payments, in fact affirming their criminality.

c) On March 4, 2009, less than two weeks later, 70 yo former US Prosecutor, Attorney Richard Fine, who was the one who had exposed such widespread corruption of ALL the judges of the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, was abducted in open court by the Los Angeles Sheriff Department, albeit with no warrant, with no conviction, and with no sentencing. He has been held locked up in a hospital room in Los Angeles ever since, albeit - with no medical justification for the false hospitalization.

d) Since October 2009, Los Angeles Sheriff, Lee Baca, has denied multiple requests to access the California Public Records which were the arrest and booking papers of Inmate Richard Fine.

e) In January 2010 following formal Inquiry by Los Angeles County Supervisor, the Hon Michael Antonovich, the office of Lee Baca finally provided written responses - stating that California Public Records Act did not require that it produce papers which did not exist.

5) In November 2009, complaint was filed with your office, alleging Misconduct by Messrs Kaiser and Melson. By phone staff of your office was willing to confirm receipt of my complaint, and further stated that the complaint was "under review". However, your office so far refused to provide any written acknowledgement of receipt of the complaint. Likewise, no response whatsoever was received regarding the disposition of the complaint.

I therefore again request your written response regarding receipt and disposition of the November 2009 complaint alleging Misconduct by Mr Kenneth Kaiser and Mr Kenneth Melson: (a) Fraud in their responses to US Congressional Inquiries of August 2008, and (b) Ongoing refusal to accord the 10 million residents of Los Angeles County Equal Protection, through enforcement of the right to access court records - to inspect and to copy - in view of incontrovertible evidence of conduct of the LA-JR (alleged Los Angeles Judiciary Racket).

The favor of a response within 10 business days is requested.

Dated: January 25, 2010 in La Verne, Los Angeles County, California,
Joseph Zernik
Patriotic pics of Beyonce' Knowles, Sharon Stone, and Charlize Theron,
Coming soon- deep house music!
Please sign our petition - Free Richard Fine:

At 06:45 AM 1/25/2010, you wrote:
Dear Mr. Zernik -

Thank you for your correspondence. The Department of Justice, Office of the Inspector General investigates allegations of misconduct by employees of the U.S. Department of Justice, as well as waste, fraud and abuse affecting a Department of Justice agency or program.

The matters that you raised are outside of our investigative jurisdiction, therefore no action will be taken by this office.

Please contact our office in the future with any information that relates to our investigative jurisdiction.

DOJ/OIG Investigations Division
From: joseph zernik []
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2010 7:57 PM
To: David Pasternak; Samuels, Sandor - Legal; Boock, Todd A -Legal; Shatz, Sanford -Legal; Modisett, Jeffrey A, Managing Partner- LA; Jenna Moldawsky; Amberg, John W.; John A Clarke- Clerk of the Court; Charles McCoy -Presiding Judge ; Mohammad Keshavarzi; Wachtell, Michael
Subject: Samaan v Zernik (SC087400) Kindly request to cease and desist racketeering.

Please take notice of digitally signed letter, attached, and copied below.

Sunday, January 24, 2010
10-01-24 Samaan v Zernik (SC087400) kindly requesting Bank of America Corporation, Supervising Judge Gerald Rosenberg, Deputy Clerk Ruth Miklos, and Atty David Pasternak to cease and desist racketeering.

Joseph Zernik, PhD
PO Box 526, La Verne, CA 91750;
Fax: 801 998-0917; Email:
Blog: Scribd:

10-01-24 Samaan v Zernik (SC087400): Kindly request to Supervising Judge Gerald Rosenberg, to Deputy-Clerk Ruth Miklos, to Attorney David Pasternak, and others - to Cease and Desist Racketeering
Bryan Cave, LLP; Buchalter Nemer; John A Clarke – Clerk of the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles; Mara Escrow Company; Charles McCoy – Presiding Judge; Ruth Miklos – Deputy-Clerk; Brian Moynihan – President; Bank of America Corporation; David Pasternak, Gerald Rosenberg – Supervising Judge;Nivie Samaan; and Sheppard Mullin .
Please take notice of instant repeat request to cease and desist racketeering, pertaining to false and deliberately misleading January 21, 2010 purported Minutes by Judge Gerald Rosenberg and Deputy-Clerk Ruth Miklos, in collusion with David Pasternak and others, which upon review should be deemed fraud and forgery of a court record, and as part of a scheme of extortion. [1]
Samaan v Zernik (SC087400) was falsely claimed to be a case of the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles. The facts in the matter demonstrated that no such caption as Samaan v Zernik ever existed under the jurisdiction of the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles. Under such false caption, Attorney David Pasternak and the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles were opined by fraud expert, second to none, as conducting real estate fraud. [2] Countrywide Financial Corporation, and later Bank of America Corporation, were alleged as central to the racketeering at the Court in this matter. [3] [4]
Regarding alleged fraud and forgery in the January 21, 2010 purported Minutes, [1] please notice the following:
1) The January 21, 2010 purported Minutes were listed under caption Samaan v Zernik (SC087400), and the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles. The evidence demonstrated that such caption never existed as a case of the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles.
2) The January 21, 2010 purported Minutes listed Gerald Rosenberg, in his capacity as Judge, as presiding in such caption. None of the judges that purported to preside in such caption held an Assignment Order, neither does Judge Rosenberg. His conduct in this regard must be deemed non-judicial conduct, and therefore, not covered by any judicial immunity.
3) The January 21, 2010 purported Minutes were listed as a “Ruling” of the above named court “on Submitted Matter Regarding Receiver’s Request for Bonus.” However, there was nothing properly before Gerald Rosenberg, in his capacity as judge, to rule upon.
4) The January 21, 2010 purported Minutes designated David Pasternak as “Receiver” in Samaan v Zernik. Even had there been such valid caption as Samaan v Zernik, no Appointment Order for David Pasternak as “Receiver” had ever been entered by the Court. Therefore, David Pasternak could not possibly be designated as “Receiver”.
5) The January 21, 2010 purported Minutes stated that David Pasternak’s purported request for “Bonus” was “Denied.” The purported grounds for such Denial were:
The Receiver's (DAVJJD J. PASTERNAK) Request forBonus Compensation is DENIED. There is no legal authority submitted for the award of said bonus.
Even had there been a valid caption such as Samaan v Zernik, and even had there been an Appointment Order entered for David Pasternak as Receiver, such ruling would have contradicted all previous court actions under the same purported caption: There had never been any legal authority submitted for any of Mr Pasternak’s actions under the false caption of Samaan v Zernik. Neither was there any legal authority for any of Gerald Rosenberg’s conduct under such false caption.
6) The January 21, 2010 purported Minutes ended with a purported: Clerk’s Certificate of Mailing/Notice of Entry of Order, which was signed by Ruth Miklos, on behalf of John A Clarke, Clerk of the Court. Upon comparison of such paper to a collection of Minutes of the Court, [5] the format of the signature box and the service list clearly showed that the January 21, 2010 purported Minutes were never adequately issued in Sustain, the case management system (CMS) of the court. Instead, the signature box and the service list were typed in the word processing capacity of the CMS. In fact, the paper should be deemed a forgery, generated through false use of Sustain.
7) The purported January 21, 2010 purported Minutes ended with an invalid, false and deliberately misleading Service List:
1875 Century Park East, Suite 2200 Los Angeles, California 90067-2523

-MOE KESHAVARZI, ESQ, Attorney at Law
333 South Hope Street, 48th. Floor Los Angeles, California 90071-1448

-BRYAN CAVE LLP Attorneys at law
120 Broadway, Suite 300 Santa Monica, California 90401-2386

-JOSEPH ZERNIK Defendant, in Pro-Per Status [sic –jz]
P.O. Box 526 La Verne, California 91750

1000 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1500 Los Angeles, California 90017·-2457

California Rules of Court required that each and every party be listed with its designation in the Service List. The purported counsel listed above should have been listed with their purported clients and purported party designations, as such:
-BRYAN CAVE LLP Attorneys at law
120 Broadway, Suite 300 Santa Monica, California 90401-2386
Appeared, and purported to be Counsel of Record for:
Bank of America Corporation, Non Party, Real Party in Interest, Defendant, Plaintiff, Cross Defendant - interchangeably – all with no legal foundation at all.

-JOSEPH ZERNIK Defendant, in pro per
P.O. Box 526 La Verne, California 91750

1000 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1500 Los Angeles, California 90017·-2457
Appeared and purported to be Counsel of Record for:
Mara Escrow Company, subsidiary of Old Republic Internationalwith no party designation at all.

333 South Hope Street, 48th. Floor Los Angeles, California 90071-1448
Appeared for Nivie Samaan purported Plaintiff.

The January 21, 2010 purported Minutes are a repeat with variation of the December 8, 2009 purported Reassignment Order to Judge Richard Stone. [6] The December 20, 2009 Notice to Cease and Desist Racketeering, which was consequently issued, [7] appeared to have been ignored by the Hon Rosenberg, albeit, the false case of Samaan v Zernik was never moved to Judge Richard Stone, either.

In short:
The January 21, 2010 purported Minutes upon review should be deemed as forgery, and as additional evidence of various predicated acts pursuant to RICO, and in addition - as deprivation of rights under the color of law, and as deprivation of implied guarantee for honest services.
The January 21, 2010 purported Minutes also demonstrated the ongoing fraud in operation of Sustain, the case management system (CMS) of the LA Superior Court, and the need to subject all CMSs of the courts to publicly accountable validation (certified functional logic verification)..

Dated: January 24, 2010.
Joseph Zernik
Los Angeles County, California
Patriotic pics of Sharon Stone, Beyonce’ Knowles, and Charlize Theron,
Coming soon- deep house music!

1) John A Clarke – Clerk of the Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles
By fax and by letter USPS First Class mail
2) Bryan Cave, LLP
By email
3) Buchalter Nemer
By email
4) Mara Escrow Company
By fax and by letter USPS First Class mail
5) Ruth Miklos - Deputy-Clerk
By fax and by letter USPS First Class mail
6) Charles McCoy – Presiding Judge,
By fax and by letter USPS First Class mail
7) Brian Moynihan – President, Bank of America Corporation,
By email
8) David Pasternak,
By email
9) Gerald Rosenberg – Supervising Judge,
By fax
10) Nivie Samaan
By email
11) Sheppard Mullin
By email

1) FBI Los Angeles – as a request to investigate overwhelming evidence of racketeering at the Los Angeles Superior Court.
2) Robert Mueller, III, Director, FBI - as a request to investigate overwhelming evidence of racketeering at the Los Angeles Superior Court.
3) Glen A Fine – US Dept of Justice – Inspector General – in re: Complaint against Kenneth Kaiser and Kenneth Melson.
4) Mary Schapiro – SEC Chair – in re: Complaint against Bank of America Corporation.
5) David Kotz – SEC - Inspector General – in re: Complaint re: SEC’s refusal to investigate Bank of America Corporation.
6) Kevin Bailey – Deputy Comptroller of the Currency – in re: Complaint against Bank of America Corporation.
7) Eric Thorson – Dept of the Treasury – Inspector General – in re: Refusal of Thrift Supervision and Federal Trade Commission to investigate Countrywide.
8) Jon Leibowitz, Chair, Office of Federal Trade Commission
By Email
9) Basel Accord Committee – in re: US government failure to conduct banking supervision as a good faith party to the Basel Accords.
10) Central Banks, Analysis Departments – slim prospects for early emergence of the US from current depression, absent measures to safeguard government integrity.

Linked Records:
[1] January 21, 2010 – purported Minutes by Judge Gerald Rosenberg in Samaan v Zernik(SC087400), alleged as fraud and forgery:
[2] December 17, 2007 Grant Deed by David Pasternak – Opinion letter of fraud expert James Wedick regarding “fraud being committed” by David Pasternak.
[3] Six Key Records, which were all filed or produced by Bank of America and/or Countrywide inSamaan v Zernik, and were all alleged as fraud, were the subject of complaints pursuant to Sarbanes Oxley Act (2002), filed with Bank of America Audit Committee with a request to either authenticate or repudiate the records:
[4] Bank of America and/or Countrywide’s records in Samaan v Zernik that were opined as fraud by fraud expert:
Collection of Minute Orders by the Los Angeles Superior Court, none of them is claimed to be an honest valid and effectual, yet they demonstrate the alleged forgery in the January 21, 2010 purported Minutes.
[6] December 8, 2009 purported Reassignment Order to Judge Richard Stone:
[7] A notice to cease and desist racketeering, separately issued for the fraudulent December 8, 2009 Reassignment Order.

The Usual:
[] []
See full size image []

"This case should demonstrate that the FBI will pursue all allegations of judicial corruption vigorously, as public corruption violations are among the most serious of all criminal conduct and can tear at the fabric of a democratic society," said John F. Pikus, special agent in charge of the Albany division, in a prepared statement.

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Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Tom Petters, International Scammer, a Flight Risk

I just talked by phone with a victim who was swindled out of millions. He says Tom Petters probably bought one of his airplanes just with the millions, he stole from him. There are countless other victims, and complicit judges are the main culprits for this abuse being so blatant and widespread. US Congressman and US Senators, such as Patrich Leahy, have been informed of this problem. There are a number of us out to film and document these courageous efforts.

Tom Petters

This picture of Tom Petters was found [here].

Hedge Funds Snared In Alleged Fraud At Petters Group

By Joseph Checkler, Hans Schoemaker and David Walker


NEW YORK -(Dow Jones)- Alleged fraud at Petters Group Worldwide has already led to the ouster of the private company's chief executive, but it's also causing pain for several hedge funds around the world.

Already, Swiss fund-of-hedge-funds manager Gottex Fund Management has cited exposure to Petters, Minnetonka, Minn., as one of the reasons it's closing its fund of funds that does asset-based direct lending to companies.

The alleged fraud at Petters, which was founded by Tom Petters, goes back to the 1990s and involves Petters Co. Inc., a subsidiary of Petters Group. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has been investigating allegations that Petters' managers produced fake documents and showed them to their investors stating they were reselling goods at a profit. Petters Group's Tom Petters, who denies the charges, resigned as chief executive Monday.

Hedge funds are involved in a few ways: Some may be investors in Petters, and others, like Gottex, have investments in hedge funds that lent money to the company through their asset-based lending funds. Petters, a holding company that owns brands such as Polaroid, Sun Country Airlines, Fingerhut and Mr. Coffee, was founded in 1988 and has about $2 billion in annual sales.

Toronto-based Northwater Capital Management Inc., an $8 billion-plus asset manager with more than $4 billion in hedge fund of funds, also disclosed this week that some of its funds of funds are exposed to Petters.

"If the allegations are true, NCMI believes that it will have a material negative impact on the net asset value of the trusts," Northwater said in a Monday statement. Two separate Northwater funds had 4.3% and 2.5% of their assets invested in Petters. A Northwater spokesman said the company wouldn't comment beyond the release. Northwater and Gottex, which make direct investments to several different individual hedge funds, would not name the funds that were exposed to Petters.

However, some individual hedge funds have already taken Petters to court.

One hedge fund, Minneapolis-based Interlachen Capital Group, sued Petters on Monday in federal court, saying it gave Petters $60 million to buy electronic equipment that was used for another purpose. Petters offered "imaginary televisions as collateral," according to Interlachen's complaint.

Last month, according to court documents, another asset-based lender, Acorn Capital Group of Greenwich, Conn., sued Petters in New York's Southern District, demanding money for one of its loans. The suit names Thomas Petters himself, but not Petters Group.

Gottex has been forced to temporarily halt redemptions from its ABI Fund until it is able to assess the value of the portfolio, a spokesman confirmed, citing the Petters Group exposure as the main reason.

"As soon as more information regarding the Petters Group-related investments becomes available, the ABI Fund will endeavor to bring the period of suspension to an end as promptly as possible," the group said in a statement.

Gottex's asset-backed lending fund predominantly invests in hedge funds that make direct loans to borrowers, taking control over their assets as security. Its asset-backed investing fund does the same thing, but also invests in some of the companies it makes loans to.

Petters Group is no stranger to dealing with hedge funds. In October 2006, Andrew Redleaf's Minneapolis-based hedge fund Whitebox Advisors went in on a deal with Petters Group to buy Sun Country Airlines, with each side taking a 50% stake. Petters, through its Petters Aviation affiliate, bought all of Whitebox's stake by November 2007. The airline has struggled since, along with the rest of the industry.

-By Joseph Checkler, Hans Schoemaker and David Walker, Dow Jones Newswires; 201-938-4297;

Click here to go to Dow Jones NewsPlus, a web front page of today's most important business and market news, analysis and commentary: http:// You can use this link on the day this article is published and the following day.

  (END) Dow Jones Newswires
Copyright (c) 2008 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

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Congressman Keith Ellison is proposing a Private Attorney General bill bolstering Grand Juries and our ability as citizens to present evidence of public corruption and laws broken. [click here for more information]

Would there have been a need for a 700 Billion dollar bailout if the Private Attorney proposed legislation was national law and these White Collar Criminals and Judges had to fear being arrested and prosecuted?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saturday, June 17, 2006
Polaroid acquired for $426 million in swindled cash
The following article mentions General Ashcroft who was given numerous opportunities to disclose corrupt bankruptcy judges which he reported before he left office reporting such judges as members of a crime ring in our national courts- his failure to disclose led to the Polaroid swindle which bankruptcy predators Ashcroft now protects purchased Polaroid for $426 million in swindled cash less than a year ago.. Ashcroft’s comments on all of this to this author? "I can't or won't get involved" making him as criminal as the judges he reported and now protects- now Ashcroft lobbies for millions on Capitol Hill working with congressional members who should have prosecuted Ashcroft and every one else who has looked the other way.
Now tens of thousands fear going to court, including myself who suffered a massive stroke over this matter in May of 2005, because they don't want to be killed [some already have] by such bankruptcy court predators who Ashcroft should have locked up but didn't- - now tens of thousands suffer- Time Magazine wrote on this characterizing it as “The Great Retirement Rip-off” but has now gone silent. The Boston Globe has also gone silent after having written extensively on this leaving this author and the tens of thousands of ex-Polaroid employees to wallow in poverty and swindled out of their jobs, their pensions, their life estates, their lives- article follows:
Sunday, May 28, 2006

In this day’s Meet the Press exchange between Tim Russert, Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner, and Senator Chuck Hagel, Russert opened the program with a discussion on the FBI’s recent raid on Congressman William Jefferson’s office to locate evidence relative to his already validated bribery.

Louisiana Congressman William Jefferson was videotaped accepting a $100,000 bribe. FBI agents found $90,000 of it in his freezer. In Washington, according to Time Magazine, that’s known as a bribe-sicle. In the real world that’s known as government corruption and grand theft however in Washington, that’s business as usual. Sensenbrenner commented that no corrupt member of congress can hide behind the speech and debate clause [Article 1 Section 6] of the US constitution to shield criminal activity, and therefore, one could not advance arguments in re the congressman’s apparent indemnification against criminal prosecution, notwithstanding the Bush Administration’s ordered hold on matters for 45 days. This, said Sensenbrenner, is part of the checks and balances intended by congress. Other allegations of criminal wrongdoing were also directed toward Speaker Hastert but were uncommented upon by Sensenbrenner.

In this age of government corruption including the judges John Ashcroft has already accused of participating in such organized crime [as did the Minneapolis FBI in December of 2001] in some of our highest courts, such corruption is not confined just to Capitol Hill, there are criminal judges serving all over this country and the worst kind of a criminal would have to be a judge on the take. Senator Hagel averred that no individual is above the law to which everyone he said would agree- however, in the Polaroid matter, competent evidence has been brought to congress, and everyone else for that matter, ever since the Polaroid scandal hit the airwaves. It began in October of 2001 when Jacques Nasser put Polaroid unlawfully into bankruptcy, and it continued when Minneapolis based Thomas Petters unlawfully purchased Polaroid out of bankruptcy from Nasser for $426 million in cash he swindled from this author and various and numerous other senior citizens across the country. As a consequence of the bogus bankruptcy, Congressmen Bill Delahunt and Congressman Martin Meehan of the Massachusetts delegation led a coalition of other members of the Massachusetts delegation including Senators Kennedy and Kerry to urge Nasser and Polaroid officials to honor the pension plans of disenfranchised Polaroid employees who, notwithstanding this congressional scolding, lost their jobs, their pensions, all of which sent the bill for all of this to Public Benefit Guaranty Corporation and every taxpayer in this nation. Because of what such delegation members initially did and later walked away from, as one of their many victims, author recently went to Washington, in order to make appropriate discoveries from the congressman and the Senators who were apparently outraged over the Polaroid swindle. Author asked Delahunt prior to his visit to Washington to come forth with information known to him and the rest of his coalition as to the Polaroid swindle on which all 12 members of the Massachusetts delegation wrote in behalf of their constituents, all of whom were victimized by Nasser, Petters et al corroborated swindle of money to bankrupt Polaroid [substantially liquid at the time Polaroid was put into bankruptcy] and then take it back out of bankruptcy for $426 million in cash which Petters stole from author and various other senior citizens. This widespread swindle left author, his family, and tens of thousands in Massachusetts without jobs, pensions, their life estates, etc leaving the bill for all of this court sanctioned crime, as Senator Grassley has espoused, to be paid by the Public Benefit Guaranty Corporation [PBGC] and ostensibly each and every taxpayer in this nation. It is interesting to note that ever since the Polaroid swindle was completed in June of 2005 by Minneapolis entrepreneur Thomas Petters, and the money distributed to those who effected such swindle, all members of the Massachusetts congressional delegation went mysteriously silent and one must ask why this body of legislators who earlier had championed this assault upon Nasser and Polaroid in behalf of their victimized constituents suddenly went silent. US Attorney David Kelley, in the near aftermath of the Enron conviction of Lay and Skilling, said that “where there is money, there is crime” and Kelley had much earlier turned the Minnesota [where Petters lives]component of this massive swindle over to the SEC for a criminal investigation, as Sensenbrenner’s colleague Congressman Lamar Smith did the same with the Criminal Section of the Civil Rights Division at Department of Justice, and as three United States senators asked for a criminal investigation with the FBI and the US Attorney's office, including Paul Wellstone, now deceased, Mark Dayton, and Norm Coleman. The uncontested evidence of this swindle was turned over to the SEC in June of 2005 by US Attorney David Kelley, just prior to the court’s [US District Court for New York’s Southern District] decision to allow the swindled taking of Polaroid by Minnesota entrepreneur Thomas Petters who had earlier worked with Jacques Nasser and other Wall Street con artists to put Polaroid unlawfully into bankruptcy in the Delaware district. This author has researched the trail of the money movement by Nasser and Petters and has produced prima facie evidence that millions of dollars have been swindled from he and tens of thousands of other victims in Massachusetts. This is why author asked Delahunt and other members of the Massachusetts delegation to come forth with evidence they are withholding which would indict those who effectuated such swindle. In fact, when this author went to Congressman Markey’s office on this, Markey apologized to author and the author told Markey that he didn’t think his apology would have any meaning to the thousands he [Markey] and his other Massachusetts congressional delegation members had deserted at this critical stage in this time of need.

Now the matter has been referred to the Department of Labor and its Employee Benefits Security Administration [EBSA] who is investigating in Washington as well as they are in Boston, Massachusetts, as is the SEC and the IRS for fraud on various criminal counts, and with all of this going on, each and every member of the Massachusetts delegation continues to fail to supply information which this author has requested to indict Petters, Nasser et al for various counts of fraud in the Minnesota, Colorado, California, New York, Delaware and Massachusetts districts.

Moreover, and again while in Washington, the author went to Congressman Henry Hyde, with whom the author rode into Washington from Chicago the previous day, and told Hyde his story. Hyde told the author that this was something that he should have taken to his state’s [Minnesota] congressional delegation which of course the author did on many previous occasions. Hyde said “why don't you just get the media and head upstairs to Congressman Ramstad’s office and demand that he do something”. Sam Stratman, Hyde’s liaison, was directed by Hyde to look at the author’s evidence which included millions of dollars in bounced checks by Petters on at least seven (7) promissory Notes which Petters failed or refused to honor. Stratman couldn’t understand how Petters could ever have gotten away with this where after author told Stratman to ask the judge who Petters had paid. The author told Hyde that all that was done to him could only be resolved by the various congressional committees who oversee crime and criminal judges in particular, but that given such corruption, it wasn't likely that any of such congressional members would even convene a hearing or entertain remedies.

The author asked Henry if he [as the prior chairman of the House Judiciary Committee] could take the matter to Jim Sensenbrenner, its current chairman, so that the author could have the matter heard by the committee and have at least the corrupt judges involved indicted, but that went nowhere. Next, the author went to see Congressman Lamar Smith, who in 2002, demanded that the Criminal Section of the Civil Rights Division at Department of Justice criminally investigate the matter. Smith chairs the subcommittee on the courts and the federal judges who preside over them- the very same judges Ashcroft identified as corrupt and who operate as a ring of organized crime in our national bankruptcy courts. Even after Smith made these demands and DOJ did nothing, FBI Director Mueller directed his unit chiefs at the bureau’s Government Corruption/ Public Fraud units to investigate and they did nothing. The FBI as well as the US Attorneys office had previously been asked to criminally investigate by US Senators Wellstone, Dayton and Coleman and again did nothing.

Had any of those who had these massive crimes referred to them acted on such requests, the Polaroid swindle would never have happened, but now that it has, every taxpayer in this nation will have to pick up the tab because the people they voted into office left them high and dry. They’ve been left high and dry because the judges, as criminal as they are, can do anything and get away with it.

If anyone in this country needs money, they go out and get a job. Bankruptcy judges, when they need money, they pick up the phone to schedule a hearing with a bankruptcy Trustee who the judge knows has money in his or her trust account, and literally at the stroke of a pen, he or she moves that money out of the trustee’s trust account into his or her or their spouse’s offshore bank account. This is what US Trustee Barbara Stuart did in Minnesota in the author’s case and even though General Ashcroft fired her for that, the author still lost his money to these corrupt judges. Author was recently questioned why a corrupt bankruptcy judge would jeopardize his or her career over a $50,000 bribe but the answer soon became apparent- if this judge has a backlog of cases as most of them do, and can schedule 20 such hearings in a month at $50,000 a crack, just do the math- $1,000,000 per month on top of his or her salary paid for by the taxpayers of this country who in return have absolutely no justice available to them in a court of law. This is what the respective bankruptcy judges [just in the Polaroid bankruptcy swindle] did in both the Minnesota and Delaware Districts and after this money had been swindled, those who bribed the judges, siphoned hundreds of millions of dollars out of Polaroid, the employees, their investors, this author and his family, and left the bill for all of this to each and every taxpayer in this nation. Ask Labor Secretary Chao, ask Senator Grassley, ask General Ashcroft, ask the tens of thousands of Polaroid ex-employees who had their lives ripped apart- the story is the same, the resolution is also the same- nothing- why?--because the attorneys and trustees who built this nationwide ring of organized crime as reported by Ashcroft in his article on corrupt bankruptcy judges, have undaunted power given to them by corrupt bankruptcy judges [on retainer] to have anyone who interferes with this machinery killed or thrown in jail. It’s that simple, This is what happened to this author, it is what happened to others similarly aggrieved in the San Francisco district. In one instance alone, they shot and killed [on the steps of the San Francisco federal courthouse] a lawyer who was enroute to the US Attorneys office to blow the whistle on various corrupt judges. What did Congressmen Sensenbrenner, Smith and Senator Specter do about this? Nothing.

What the author’s case and the case involving the swindle of the tens of thousands in the Massachusetts delegation has produced is nothing because all those who are empowered to act on this have apparently been paid to look the other way, including the judges already identified by General Ashcroft. This apparently includes the Massachusetts congressional delegation, and various members of the Senate and House Judiciary Committees before whom the author has asked hundreds of times to appear-and such requests were directly brought to their respective chairs; that is, US Senator Arlen Specter and Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner, as it was brought to Congressman Lamar Smith who chairs the House’s Subcommittee on the Courts on which Mr. Sensenbrenner also serves as a member.

Is this country a runaway train or is congress everything Jim Sensenbrenner and Senator Hagel represented it to be on Meet the Press?

While it is possible that the midterm elections will clean house, it is not likely because most people cannot even begin to comprehend just how bad things are in Washington, given Jim Sensenbrenner’s apparently meaningless comments and those of Senator Hagel who each apparently still believe, or would like to have others believe that no one is above the law.

This simply is not the case- in this country, justice belongs to the owner of the fattest wallet, and more often than not, that wallet got fat because a judge stuffed it with stolen money while your elected officials kept insisting that no one is above the law.

What has all of this congressional indifference to the law cost us as a society?

By 2004, PBGC’s surplus had turned into a $23 billion deficit. By the end of this year, the shortfall may top $30 billion. As the Government Accountability Office put it earlier this year: "PBGC's accumulated deficit is too big, and plans simply do not have enough money in the system to back up the long-term promises many employers have made to their workers." To add to its woes, the agency has a record 350 active bankruptcy cases, according to Bradley D. Belt, executive director. Of those, Belt told Congress, "37 have underfunding claims of $100 million or more, including six in excess of $500 million."

Barring a reversal in congressional indifference to those who mobilize corrupt bankruptcy judges to stuff their offshore bank accounts such as those in particular who assaulted the author and the tens of thousand of Polaroid victims, the PBGC could require a multibillion-dollar taxpayer bailout. The last time that happened was during the 1980s and '90s, when another government insurer, the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp., was unable to keep up with a thrift industry spinning out of control. The Federal Government eventually spent $124 billion. Unlike the FSLIC, which was backed by the U.S. government, the PBGC is not. That means an indifferent Congress could turn and obviously has turned its back on the existing crisis and the much larger crisis it will face because of our corrupt government and those we send t Washington each year to keep us out of harm’s way. By the agency's estimate, that would translate into a 90% reduction in pensions it currently pays, and a shifting of all of this bill to the PBGC which of course is now essentially bankrupt and by necessity will have to send the final bill for all of this unacted upon and tolerated corruption, as Senator Grassley has correctly asserted, to each and every taxpayer this country.

The predators who “raped” Polaroid [reported on by the Boston Globe] in particular, including the corrupt bankruptcy judges who issued the corrupt orders, have already squirreled their victims’ money away and now roam the world unrestricted looking for new victims. They did it in Minnesota, New York, Colorado, California, Massachusetts, and Delaware- and your state may be next. All they require is a federal courthouse staffed, as they all are, with corrupt bankruptcy judges who await instructions [and money] from their predator petitioners. Anyone with money, can buy a corrupt judge especially a federal bankruptcy judge who this country’s chief cop, John Ashcroft, has already identified as the worst kind of criminal- his article is available to anyone merely by emailing the author at

When the author disclosed all of this to Congressman Hyde and his liaison Mike Stratman [who looked though all of the compelling evidence of this swindle including millions of dollars in bounced checks and unpaid promissory Notes of Petters, plus confession affidavits on the bankruptcy fraud], both Hyde and Stratman asked the author why he supposed nothing was ever done about all of this. The author’s response? You tell me- this is why I came to Washington. One of the documents contained in the author's extensive amount of evidence on this swindle was a letter signed by all twelve members of the Massachusetts delegation; that is, Senators Kerry and Kennedy, Congressmen William Delahunt, Martin Meehan, James McGovern, Michael Capuano, John Olver, Richard Neal, Barney Frank, John Tierney, Edward Markey, Stephen Lynch. Author vividly remembers Stratman holding this document in the air telling author that this [the signed letter by each delegation member to Polaroid’s Chief Counsel Neal Goldman demanding that Polaroid honor its pension obligations to the tens of thousand of their constituents] was a very powerful letter. Author told Stratman that he didn’t agree because every Massachusetts delegation member had turned their back on the problem, and that he [the author] could think of only one reason why and that was that they were paid to back off- this is why author asked Delahunt and the other members to disclose documents which they thus far have failed or refused to do. In fact, after the author flew over 1,000 miles to come to Washington, Delahunt wouldn't even get out of his chair to acknowledge author’s presence, who stood just 4 feet away from Delahunt in his office.

After Stratman failed or refused to do anything, Hyde told author, “well, I just can’t get involved; I’m retiring this fall after 33 years in congress”. Hyde wouldn’t even pick up the phone to call his buddy Jim Sensenbrenner, who replaced Hyde as chairman of the House Judiciary Committee.

What Hyde and Stratman didn’t do, failed or refused to do, etc had nothing to do with Henry's imminent retirement- it had to do with their knowledge that this is a hot political potato and they don’t want to get caught up in the corruption. What neither of them realize is that by their failed or refused actions, they’re already involved in the corruption.

Hyde also refused, as author had requested, to call Senator Specter or comment on why all 12 members of the Massachusetts delegation suddenly went silent on all of this after the money was distributed. Had Hyde done the very least of what author had expected of him, author would have stood a chance of having this swindle heard by Specter’s Senate Judiciary Committee, Sensenbrenner’s House Judiciary Committee, and Smith’s House Subcommittee on the Courts which, notwithstanding the past, is the only apparent path of remedy for the author and the tens of thousands who were ripped off by Polaroid predators Nasser and Petters.

Now in the aftermath of this swindle, author has asked Massachusetts Governor Romney, and via the Governor, his State Attorney General, and US Attorney to intervene in behalf of his constituents with whom author stands ready to share evidence necessary to criminally prosecute such Polaroid predators.

What are the author’s recommendations? call your congressmen and Senators and demand a change- have them call Messrs. Sensenbrenner, Smith, and Specter and demand that their respective committees have this author and the tens of thousands have their cases heard and prosecute those who have abused the system to the imperilment of each and every taxpayer in this nation. The reader’s worst nightmare will be to sit on this. Those deliberating whether to become involved in this matter or not, must realize that if they are waiting for the courts or their elected representatives to restore their lives and life estates, they’re barking up the wrong tree. These financial predators have already spent or squirreled your money away, and are now living lavishly while you worry about paying the groceries or losing your homes.

For those in particular in the Massachusetts district, call every Massachusetts delegation member and ask everyone of them today why they have turned their backs on you, and when you do, tell the author who will apprise Department of Labor officials with whom he is working to prosecute those who swindled you out of your entire life estates, your jobs, your earned pensions, and literally have destroyed your lives.

This case is far too prominent to cover-up any further- it produced the largest swindle ever to hit Wall Street; that is, the purchase of Polaroid with $426 million in embezzled cash and property by its purchaser Thomas Petters. Fixing this is up to you, call your elected officials today including Governor Romney and demand coverage by the media.

The author may be reached at

Ashcroft’s report on judicial corruption follows:

"Corruption in the agencies charged with enforcing our laws not only threatens communities by allowing dangerous criminals to roam free, it also undermines the confidence of our citizens in law enforcement and the criminal justice system. The same is true with respect to judicial corruption. We must all, in our own countries, lead the fight to ensure integrity within our police and judicial systems."
(United States Attorney General John D. Ashcroft, in remarks to the Second Global Forum on Fighting Corruption)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The United States Department of Justice responds to victims of bankruptcy court corruption that they should obtain private legal counsel to pursue civil options. It has been reported from various regions that U.S. Trustees have the type of influence with U.S. Attorneys that hinders justice. In those regions, U.S. Attorneys have an unwritten mandate that requires the FBI to receive their approval before investigating bankruptcy trustees.

U.S. Trustees violate RICO and the Sherman Act by targeting bankruptcy petition preparers. Price fixing goes on in the background, and case decisions revealing this secretive price fixing are unpublished.

Bankruptcy trustees, and attorneys for U.S. Trustees are so secure in perpetrating federal offenses that they arrogantly boast of what they will do, which tells litigants that their cases are already pre-decided. Bankruptcy judges do not disappoint trustees. They disregard law, binding legal principles and jurisdiction so that trustees prevail.

Bankruptcy court corruption is not just a matter of bankruptcy trustees in collusion with corrupt bankruptcy judges. The corruption is supported, and justice hindered by high ranking officials in the United States Trustee Program. The corruption has advanced to punishing any and all who mention the criminal acts of trustees and organized crime operating through the United States Bankruptcy Courts. As though greed is not enough, the trustees, in collusion with others, intentionally go forth to destroy lives. Exemptions provided by law are denied debtors. Cases are intentionally and unreasonably kept open for years. Parties in cases are sanctioned to discourage them from pursuing justice. Contempt of court powers are misused to coerce litigants into agreeing with extortion demands.

This does not ensure integrity and restore public confidence. The American public, victimized and held hostage by bankruptcy court corruption, have no where to turn. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
People wrongfully assume that all victims of bankruptcy court corruption are debtors. You do not have to file for bankruptcy to be a victim of crimes committed under color and claim of official right of the United States Bankruptcy Court. Babysitters, family members, heirs, employers, and employees of debtor companies are victims. Those attorneys who do not submit to the racketeering practices of bankruptcy trustees are victims of the corruption.

People wrongfully assume that only the young and financially irresponsible file for bankruptcy. Medical bills and lost of retirement income are also reasons why people file bankruptcy. Divorce can lead into one or both spouses filing for bankruptcy. Unemployment and underemployment results in people filing for bankruptcy. Situations vary, and debtors should not be generalized, neither should judgment upon debtors be used to dilute the ugliness of corruption in the bankruptcy courts.

Law enforcement does not refuse to investigate the murder of someone reported to have a bad reputation. However, trustees and the Executive Office for United States Trustees deceive law enforcement and the public by presenting their victims as people who deserve to be victimized.

The Department of Justice must investigate federal offenses committed by bankruptcy trustees.

The Department of Justice must investigate corrupt bankruptcy judges.

The Congress must legislate and pass laws to remove the commission based pay to trustees, which inspires them to misuse and abuse their positions for their personal enrichment.

States must pass laws that guarantee full payment of exemptions to debtors when secured property is sold by bankruptcy trustees.

States must pass laws that limits commission to realtors and auctioneers who sell real estate in bankruptcy cases.

Defendants accused of committing bankruptcy fraud should be provided with a public defender during the bankruptcy case, and a trial by jury.

Petition preparers accused of violating Section 110, particularly in suits exceeding $25, should be given Constitutional right to a trial by jury and provided with a public defender.

Some reading this may think, "WHAT?" They assume that any case involving allegations of criminal acts or violations of law affords defendants with free legal counsel and a trial by jury. NOT IN THE BANKRUPTCY COURTS. Bankruptcy law is civil. It is the only civil court that provides for U.S. Trustees to prosecute litigants in civil matters to advance criminal charges.
Bankruptcy Courts are perfect kangaroo courts.
The judges take the word of trustees and U.S. Trustees as "gospel."
Judge have no authority to appoint trustees, but do have authority to discharge or retain them in cases.
Upon filing bankruptcy, debtors become legalized slaves. Their exemptions are not guaranteed unless the trustee allows them. Debtors have no rights to appeal bankruptcy court decisions pertaining to how much property is sold for, neither distribution of assets, neither amounts distributed to professionals hired by bankruptcy trustees.
Bankruptcy trustees are paid a percentage from assets in cases, which motivate them to administer cases for their personal enrichment.

posted by Richard Hettler at 8:57 AM

Wednesday, October 08, 2008 10:29:00 PM

Richard Hettler's testimony to Congress and the US Senate, regarding Petters and the Banking Scandals

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CIA History 101: Secret Wars of the CIA - Narrated by Bill Moyers, Elizabeth Montgomery, Amy Goodman and Others

This is a history everyone needs to know to understand the present, as well as the nature of the state beast that masquerades as the Beacon of Democracy.

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