Sunday, December 26, 2010

Corbett Report - Episode 1: Investigate 9/11

Text with below video:
anwo613 | December 20, 2010 | likes, 0 dislikes

Please got to to download the original MP3 and to support the Corbett Report. The audio is reposted here with permission.

In this inaugural edition of The Corbett Report we examine the flaws behind the official investigation into September 11 and the top reasons to call for an independent citizens' examination of the events of that day.

Normally we would post the full documentation list for this episode, however one of the many hyperlinks is causing an error in YouTube. Until we find out which one is causing the problem, please use this link to see the full documentation for this episode:

Meet James Corbett of The Corbett Report

Text with video:
SvenVonErick | December 26, 2010 | likes, 0 dislikes

More info:

This is a Corbett Report podcast #163 re-upload to youtube.

More Corbett Report Podcasts can be found: and his video channel:

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Steven G. Erickson's reasons for blogging:

So, if you've checked out the above link, yes you can be blacklisted if you are critical of police or the courts in blogs, in newspapers, and/or propose legislation to elected officials to fix the problem. You can be denied police protection and service, not get service in courts, just barbecuing, and you can lose your job, family, home, retirement, and future all for testing Free Speech to be held in the US as a political prisoner, railroaded to jail. If it happened to me, and no official will lift a finger when they're presented with information, it can happen to anybody anytime.

Are Courts in Los Angeles, California, merely corporate entities dodging taxes? Video:

Was Los Angeles area Attorney Richard I. Fine jailed for 18 months to cover up for fraud, conspiracy, thievery, and felonies committed by judges?:

Steven G. Erickson's June 2o, 2010, blog post on James Corbett of The Corbett Report:

What to do after the internet is shut down by US Homeland Security discussed in this post:

stevengerickson AT yahoo Dot Com

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Retire at 45 “working” for Tax Dollars?

I talked with a firefighter hours ago. He is 42, nearing retirement for service paid for with tax dollars. Firefighters are necessary. Government is necessary. Police and courts are necessary. But, these people should not be hired in too large a numbers, they shouldn't be overpaid, they should not have special privileges, and they should not police themselves with no outside, civilian oversight.

The firefighter that I talked to would have a tough time getting any employment if he didn't have his firefighter job. His father had a similar job in the same department. He makes over $70,000 a year and gets all sorts of benefits which might raise his actual pay over a 100k. Retirement will mean he can retire with 55% of his pay and still go out and get another full time, full paying job.

The US Government, States, and municipalities keep hiring more people to do less. Why are the rest of us paying, and paying, and getting less, and less? Why are we putting up with getting screwed day after day?

Friday, December 17, 2010

Wal-Mart and Homeland Security Thuggery?

I saw an Alex Jones video on Homeland Security partnering with Wal-Mart asking patrons to spy on each other and report family, friends, neighbors, and strangers to the government. The US Government and their partner in propaganda, have had a non-stop buzz of how the terrorists are out to get us. The real terrorists are those really trying to keep most of America in fear. Insiders get rich on devices, taxes, programs, and in keeping Americans in fear.

I talked to a woman who used to be a social worker, and is now a low paid assembly line worker. I told her that I was boycotting Wal-Mart and shopped for what I needed at Target today. I shop at non-chain stores whenever possible. The woman I talked to was great with what Wal-Mart is doing, having Homeland Security on screens all over Wal-Mart "giving information", and asking citizens to spy on each other. She said that there are druggies in her neighborhood. The drugs in the neighborhood most likely have to do with insiders in Government, the police, and the courts facilitating this fraud. The US occupies countries that supply it with cocaine and heroin. It doesn't take long word searching, doing research, and watching documentary type videos to know who really is responsible.

I think US citizens might be freer in China, if the US continues its downward spiral into a total Police State.

This blogger has been pulled over by police 3 times in 4 weeks, as part of "random stops", no tickets, just questions. This is bullshit.

-stevengerickson AT

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Wal-Mart Invasion Part of Larger DHS Takeover of America

Text with video:
TheAlexJonesChannel | December 07, 2010 | likes, 102 dislikes

WASHINGTON — Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano today announced the expansion of the Department's national "If You See Something, Say Something" campaign to hundreds of Walmart stores across the country—launching a new partnership between DHS and Walmart to help the American public play an active role in ensuring the safety and security of our nation.

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Wesley Snipes Gets 3 Years for Not Filing Tax Returns

The below is re-posted from the New York Times [source]

Those pulling the puppet strings of the US Government have stolen trillions from US Taxpayers. So, the thieves sit in judgment of the little people. Snipes is no little person, he's just a tool to instill more fear in the American People. Snipes would be a good person to stand up to the US Government and speak his mind. - stevengerickson AT

Phil Sandlin/Associated Press
Wesley Snipes, right, enters federal court with his attorneys, where he was sentenced for willful failure to file a tax return.

OCALA, Fla. — A federal judge on Thursday sentenced the actor Wesley Snipes to three years in prison for willfully failing to file tax returns.

Mr. Snipes, who was convicted in February, received one year for each count, to be served consecutively, and an additional year of probation. The sentence was handed down by Judge William Terrell Hodges of Federal District Court.

Mr. Snipes, who apologized for his actions before the sentence was announced, showed no immediate reaction to the verdict.

Judge Hodges allowed Mr. Snipes and a co-defendant, Douglas Rosile, to remain free on bond until they were summoned by either the United States Marshals Service or the Federal Bureau of Prisons.

The sentencing came at the end of a daylong hearing in which lawyers for Mr. Snipes argued for leniency while federal prosecutors sought the maximum penalty possible.

The case was the most prominent tax prosecution since the billionaire hotelier Leona Helmsley was convicted of tax fraud in 1989. Mr. Snipes, who has built a worldwide following acting in films like the “Blade” vampire trilogy, must pay up to $17 million in back taxes plus penalties and interest.

In a prepared statement, Mr. Snipes said: “I’m very sorry for my mistakes. I acknowledge that I have failed myself and others.” But in the statement, which ran to nearly 10 minutes, Mr. Snipes never mentioned the words “tax” or “taxes.”

“He never stated he didn’t pay his taxes or show any remorse for it,” said Robert O’Neill, the acting United States attorney for the Middle District of Florida, the lead prosecutor on the case.

Mr. Snipes even tried to make a down payment on his taxes before sentencing; his legal team offered Judge Hodges three checks totaling $5 million.

Judge Hodges refused the checks, saying he did not have the authority to accept them. Prosecutors also declined to accept the checks. An Internal Revenue Service employee eventually accepted the checks on behalf of the Treasury Department.

Mr. Snipes’s legal team also questioned the validity of federal sentencing guidelines. At one point, one of his lawyers, Carmen Hernandez, described herself as “an expert on sentencing.”

Judge Hodges replied, “If I may be so bold, I’ve also had some experience with that.”

A jury found Mr. Snipes guilty on Feb. 1 of three misdemeanor counts of willfully failing to file tax returns, but acquitted him of felony conspiracy and tax fraud charges and three additional counts of failure to file.

The jury also convicted two co-defendants, Eddie Ray Kahn and Mr. Rosile, on felony charges.

Mr. Snipes was a member of American Rights Litigators, an organization founded by Mr. Kahn. Prosecutors have described that organization and its successor company, Guiding Light of God Ministries, as illegal tax-evasion schemes.

Mr. Rosile, a certified public accountant, prepared some tax returns, including Mr. Snipes’s, for the organization.

Judge Hodges sentenced Mr. Kahn to 10 years and Mr. Rosile to four and a half years.

Mr. Kahn, who represented himself throughout the trial and has consistently refused to recognize Judge Hodges’s authority, was defiant to the end.

“For the record, your honor, I don’t accept that,” Mr. Kahn said.

The judge responded, “You may not accept it, Mr. Kahn, but you will serve it.”

Mr. Rosile declined to comment after the sentencing. His lawyer, David Wilson, however, said the sentence was fair.

A member of Mr. Snipes’s legal team said they would appeal. “We were hoping for a complete acquittal,” the lawyer, Linda Moreno, said. “I have faith in the process, and I have faith in the jury system. We will appeal.”

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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Jesse Ventura 'Secret Societies' FULL LENGTH 15 12 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

9/11 Redux Pt1

Either the FBI is incompetent, as a whole, or higher ups blocked the 9-11 plot from not coming to fruition.

Text with video:

TheRealNews | October 23, 2009 | likes, 8 dislikes

Former FBI agent Colleen Rowley discusses still unanswered questions about the lead up to 9/11

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Tuesday, December 07, 2010


The below re-post from

WikiLeaks Suggests 9/11 Preplanned


By Sultan M Hali

Of the virtual Tsunami released through the latest disclosure by WikiLeaks, the most dangerous is the revelation that United States officials in 1999 were pushing for a propaganda war, especially in Afghanistan and Pakistan, against Osama bin Laden before the deadly terror attacks on Sept. 11, 2001. “It is our impression that the USG (United States Government) is not doing as well as it might projecting public diplomacy on Osama Bin Laden (OBL),” adding, “We would like to suggest that Washington consider a review of this public diplomacy effort.” Cautioning that pending distribution of OBL “wanted” posters and matchbooks in Pakistan may increase OBL’s stature as a kind of folk hero”, the State Department cable dated January 26, 1999. Noted, “We frequently hear reports that some in the lower middle and lower classes, both urban and rural, consider OBL (Osama bin Laden) an ‘Islamic Hero’, because the US has named him ‘Public Enemy Number One’.” “That said it’s our impression that the majority of Muslims, at least in Pakistan, do not necessarily support this view,” it stressed.

The cable outlined “effective methods” for a propaganda war against bin Laden through the Voice of America language services, interviews with bin Laden’s Muslim victims, commissioned articles in the local press and by virtual presence on the Internet. Arguing in favor of an anti-bin Laden website, the cable said, “Although that would appear to be counterintuitive - that the masses don’t use the Internet - almost all Islamic and Islamist groups do indeed have internet access and use it extensively.” “We are unlikely to make much inroad with OBL’s hard-core supporters because they are true-believers absolutists and tend to think and react emotionally: Facts are less important to them than emotions,” it said, noting, “They are not open to persuasion.” However, the American diplomat in Islamabad argued about a majority of Pakistanis, saying, “This middle ground, or at least somewhat susceptible to reason, or at least to other information, should be our primary target.” “The message crafted for them would also be welcomed by educated, westward-looking elite of both Pakistan and Afghanistan, who feel threatened by OBL’s advocacy and violence and theological obscurantism,” the cable said. “The focus of any enhanced USG public diplomacy effort should be to portray OBL and others around him as criminals, both by international and by Islamic standards. Where possible, responsibility of the movement al Qaeda should be emphasized, not just OBL (bin Laden) as an individual,” it said.

For the audiences in Afghanistan, the cable said, “When we focus on bin Laden, and especially for Afghan consumption, we should make three points: 1) The U.S. is not against Afghanistan and the Afghan people, 2) The U.S. is not against any particular any Afghan political faction, and 3) The U.S. wants OBL expelled from Afghanistan to a place where he can be brought to justice.”

The sensational WikiLeaks exposé has caused people to lend credence to the earlier rumour grist that 9/11 was an indigenous conspiracy, planned and executed by the United States to find an excuse for attacking and invading Afghanistan. The recent disclosure of the presence of precious metals in Afghanistan, the information of which the US had prior to 9/11, is a case in point. It has now come to the fore that The United States has discovered nearly $1 trillion in untapped mineral deposits in Afghanistan, far beyond any previously known reserves and enough to fundamentally alter the Afghan economy and perhaps the Afghan war itself, according to senior American government officials. The previously unknown deposits—including huge veins of iron, copper, cobalt, gold and critical industrial metals like lithium—are so big and include so many minerals that are essential to modern industry that Afghanistan could eventually be transformed into one of the most important mining centers in the world, the United States officials believe.

An internal Pentagon memo, for example, states that Afghanistan could become the “Saudi Arabia of lithium,” a key raw material in the manufacture of batteries for laptops and BlackBerrys. The vast scale of Afghanistan’s mineral wealth was discovered by a small team of Pentagon officials and American geologists. The Afghan government and President Hamid Karzai were recently briefed, American officials said. While it could take many years to develop a mining industry, the potential is so great that officials and executives in the industry believe it could attract heavy investment even before mines are profitable, providing the possibility of jobs that could distract from generations of war. “There is stunning potential here,” General David H. Petraeus, commander of the United States Central Command, said in an interview. The value of the newly discovered mineral deposits dwarfs the size of Afghanistan’s existing war-bedraggled economy, which is based largely on opium production and narcotics trafficking as well as aid from the United States and other industrialized countries. Afghanistan’s gross domestic product is only about $12 billion. However, it has now come to light that the US was in picture of the existence of the minerals before it invaded Afghanistan.

At the same time, American officials fear resource-hungry China will try to dominate the development of Afghanistan’s mineral wealth, which could upset the United States, given its heavy investment in the region. After winning the bid for its Aynak copper mine in Logar Province, China clearly wants more, American officials said. However, it is alarming that the US has orchestrated one of the oldest imperialistic façades of invading a country, it suspected contained rich minerals. It could thus be assured of having exclusive rights to mine the minerals and pocket the profits. If this is true, then the US has a lot to answer to the international court of justice, since its war machine has already slaughtered over 30,000 Afghans and despite suffering defeats at the hands of the Afghan resistance, it is reluctant to depart from Afghanistan.
posted by w | 15:09

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Thursday, December 02, 2010

Assange, not an American is an American Patriot

Somebody does have to have the guts to take the bleepholes ripping off American taxpayers and harming the world to task. We the people are being educated on how our money is being spent, and on what, thanks to Mr. Assange. Applause to Julian Assange. The Peace Prize should be taken away from Obama and given to Assange.

We the people should have the power back. One way is referendums. Let's say there was one on the wars of occupation, to be de-funded, how do you think that would stand in a popular vote. I also think that in any community one percent of the population putting their signatures on a petition should result in a referendum. In a town of 300, it would take 3 people. Larger cities like New York City, let's say cap it at a 1000.

I would like to see Obama on the referendum to see if he is allowed to finish out his term, I suggest holding a vote to oust Obama and then hold a special election. I would also like to see Tail-Gunner Joe Lieberman ousted. He should not be the Chief Internet Censor in his own mind. He think he should be able to censor anyone at anytime on the Internet. Lieberman called for a boycott of for hosting the Assange website, and Amazon then dropped Assange's site on the threat. Lieberman must be stopped. Let's go America, let's applaud the brave efforts of like those of Julian Assange. Let's reward such globally responsible behavior, not punish it.

The above is a comment posted in [this article] on Julian Assange and WikiLeaks written by Karen Kwiatkowski.

This blogger weighs in on Assange with Alex Jones video from RTAmerica:


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Teddy Roosevelt vs. Corporate America

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