Corbett Report - Episode 1: Investigate 9/11
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In this inaugural edition of The Corbett Report we examine the flaws behind the official investigation into September 11 and the top reasons to call for an independent citizens' examination of the events of that day.
Normally we would post the full documentation list for this episode, however one of the many hyperlinks is causing an error in YouTube. Until we find out which one is causing the problem, please use this link to see the full documentation for this episode:
Meet James Corbett of The Corbett Report
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This is a Corbett Report podcast #163 re-upload to youtube.
More Corbett Report Podcasts can be found: and his video channel:
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Steven G. Erickson's reasons for blogging:
So, if you've checked out the above link, yes you can be blacklisted if you are critical of police or the courts in blogs, in newspapers, and/or propose legislation to elected officials to fix the problem. You can be denied police protection and service, not get service in courts, just barbecuing, and you can lose your job, family, home, retirement, and future all for testing Free Speech to be held in the US as a political prisoner, railroaded to jail. If it happened to me, and no official will lift a finger when they're presented with information, it can happen to anybody anytime.
Are Courts in Los Angeles, California, merely corporate entities dodging taxes? Video:
Was Los Angeles area Attorney Richard I. Fine jailed for 18 months to cover up for fraud, conspiracy, thievery, and felonies committed by judges?:
Steven G. Erickson's June 2o, 2010, blog post on James Corbett of The Corbett Report:
What to do after the internet is shut down by US Homeland Security discussed in this post:
stevengerickson AT yahoo Dot Com