Monday, June 20, 2011

We're all victims of the Police State

I posted the below comment in this article called, "Private Prisons and the American Police State," by Steven Forrest

Great writing, I re-posted the above article to this judicial misconduct blog. We are all being abused by this out of control government.

I was told by a Connecticut State Police Officer that because I had picked professions police didn't like, it was okay to falsely arrest me, file false police reports, and then he committed perjury so that my family was broken up, I lost my home, business, and the sum total of my life's work. I was told that this police officer had a great laugh after purposely wrecking my life.

I was contributing, spending money, paying taxes, and was trying to live the American Dream. Your taxes were then used to take me down and you paid $76 per day to keep me in prison. Being a landlord and contractor with a big mouth who wrote letters to the editor critical of police brutality, judicial misconduct, and public corruption was my major crime.

What do you expect from an offshore corporate bankster drug running government?

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Protest Obama

I placed the below text in [this piece]

Republicans and Democrats

Republicans and Democrats, I see no difference. They serve each other, they serve corporations, and the military police state is expanding. I don't want to pay for this.

Before 9-11, police were paying informants to target families, for revenue collection, for wrecking small business, for retaliation, and seemed to be on the organized crime corporate banking side, not ours.

If a woman who owns a gas station can be fined and faced prison for giving away free coffee, having to pay $15,000 in fines and penalties, and police pay crack cocaine dealers tax dollars to sell crack the system is whack! It is about armed revenue collection and expanding a police state. It is anti-individual, anti-anything that is in the corporate banking way. I re-posted the above piece here, with more links, and comments go more than 2 weeks.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sibel Edmonds, "Family Guy" image [found here]

Sibel Edmonds and James Corbett of the Corbett Report team up
. [Click here for recent video on Obama's Hypocrisy]

Rescind Obama’s “Transparency Award” Now!

Tell POGO, OMB Watch, the National Security Archive, Open the Government.Org, and the Reporters Committee to publicly take back their Transparency Award to President Obama

The following petition was co-written by Coleen Rowley and me, and has been backed by more than 25 government whistleblowers and over 20 organizations. Awarding the worst president in US history when it comes to government whistleblowers with a Transparency Award is a huge insult. Presenting a president who has dramatically increased government secrecy with an Anti-Secrecy Award is ridiculous. Rewarding one of the worst US presidents when it comes to invocation of unconstitutional state secrets privilege is ludicrous. This award is a major insult to all liberty-loving Americans. This award is a slap to all freedom-liberty seeking activists. This award is dumb, highly damaging, and extremely dangerous by what it says it represents. Please stand up and say ‘NO’ to this award by signing this petition. I urge you to demand that this award be taken back immediately. I implore you to not let them get away with this in your name. I am asking you to sign this petition and encourage everyone you know to do the same. Don’t let them mock our nation, our people and our values: Take Obama’s Transparency Award Back Now.

Please Sign the Petition Here:Take Award Back.Com

Thank You,

Sibel Edmonds

[click here for source of above]

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This blogger's email: stevengerickson AT yahoo Dot Com

My beefs in a nutshell:

I would love to work with Sibel Edmonds, James Corbett, Jesse Ventura, or even Alex Jones in any capacity, documentary project, or in a support role.

Steven G. Erickson questions Phil Donahue

Text with video:

Uploaded by on Jul 12, 2008

I ask him a question about 20 seconds in.

The topics of discussion are Phil Donahue's Documentary, "Body of War":

Should Bush be arrested for being a war criminal and crimes against humanity?

What about Free Speech, a Free Press, the economy, and our youth not be unnecessarily harmed and killed?


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Corbett Report Listener Responses

Text with video:
Documentation –
Time Reference: 00:44
Description: Home page of the Centre for Research on Globalisation, the new partner in the production of Sunday Update.
Link To:

Documentation –
Time Reference: 01:38
Description: Home page of FBI whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, which will be hosting a new weekly video news update series from The Corbett Report called “The Eyeopener” which will launch this Monday.
Link To:

Documentation – Ron Paul denies 9/11 truth
Time Reference: 05:28
Description: True feeling or election strategy? Either way, he won’t get my full support.
Link To:

Documentation – Ron Paul “can’t handle the controversy” of 9/11
Time Reference: 05:33
Description: Apparently he has “too many things to do” to worry about confronting the largest political lie of our time.
Link To:

Documentation – Max Keiser pimping manmade climate hoax
Time Reference: 11:03
Description: Unfortunate commentary, but is it worth throwing out the Max Keiser baby with the global warming alarmism bathwater? Can we disagree with someone on specific issues and work with them on other issues? I think so.
Link To:

Documentation –
Time Reference: 25:12
Description: Excellent site for keeping up-to-date with food-related issues.
Link To:

Documentation – Russia offers to process uranium for Iran (2005)
Time Reference: 29:28
Description: Oddly, no one has set off a nuke on Russia’s shores yet.
Link To:

Documentation – Brazil-Turkey-Iran complete agreement on uranium reprocessing (2010)
Time Reference: 29:37
Description: They actually signed an agreement, whereas Japan was just one of many nations to propose such an agreement. So why no nuke-tsunamis off the shores of Brazil or Turkey?
Link To:
Documentation – Geopolitics, Cognition, and You
Time Reference: 31:40
Description: Tjeerd’s geopolitics and cognition website.
Link To:

Documentation – Sodium Dichloroacetate (DCA) – The Cancer Cure
Time Reference: 33:30
Description: Research suggestion from Damien.
Link To:

Documentation – Atmosphere Above Japan Heated Rapidly Before M9 Earthquake
Time Reference: 38:08
Description: Interesting observation. Now to figure out the reason for the heating…
Link To:

Documentation – Swiss politician calls for arrest of war criminals at Bilderberg
Time Reference: 41:13
Description: Oddly, no arrests have been reported yet.
Link To:

Documentation – Italian MEP assaulted by Bilderberg security
Time Reference: 41:33
Description: Mario Borghezio gets his nose broken by Bilderberg thugs for attempting to enter the meeting.
Link To:

Documentation – Radiation physics constraints on global warming – Revised
Time Reference: 46:57
Description: Detailed review of the physical constraints on global warming by physicist Denis Rancourt.
Link To:

Documentation – New paper shows lack of correlation between temperature and CO2
Time Reference: 47:03
Description: “A weak dominance of temperature changes precedence, relative to CO2 changes, indicate that the main effect is the CO2 increase in the atmosphere due to temperature rising. Decreasing temperature is not followed by CO2 decrease, which indicates a different route for the CO2 capture by the oceans, not by gas re-absorption. “
Link To:

Documentation – No Rise of Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Fraction in Past 160 Years, New Research Finds
Time Reference: 47:08
Description: “In contradiction to some recent studies, he finds that the airborne fraction of carbon dioxide has not increased either during the past 150 years or during the most recent five decades.”
Link To:

Documentation – CO2 saturation and residence time – your questions answered
Time Reference: 48:08
Description: “The word ‘saturation’ is used to describe a state of the atmosphere in which adding any further CO2 cannot trap any additional outgoing long-wave radiation, so that no further warming will be caused.”
Link To:

Documentation – The Globalists’ Worst Nightmare
Time Reference: 50:02
Description: Self-Sufficiency: a universal solution to the globalist problem.
Link To:

Documentation – Getting Off The Globalist Chessboard: An Introduction
Time Reference: 50:06
Description: “In the aftermath of an economic collapse, food is the hardest necessity to improvise, and food scarcity is a serious achiles heel, exploited by oppressive regimes throughout history.”
Link To:

Monday, June 13, 2011

Fukushima 3 Months In

Text with below video:

Uploaded by on Jun 13, 2011

James Corbett, Osaka-based editor of the independent news website, says workers at the Fukushima nuclear plant are running out of the ability to store radioactive water - meaning any leak may slow the recovery effort, or even undermine it.

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Thursday, June 09, 2011

War on RT rages on

CNN, Fox, MSNBC, and the MSN mainstream news in America have a pro-corporate and Wall St. bias. Not, so with RT, I gladly watch their videos thinking that I am not being lied to, viewing mindless propaganda. I would gladly be a correspondent for RT, have high definition camera, professional mikes and set-up. [See Here]

RT American and Russia Today guests are given more latitute to at least present their side of their argument, agreeable, or not to RT producers. That is my opinion. Russia Today is challenging the lies and the abuse that most American citizens are experiencing in America. So, where the harm in having an actual news source present news?

stevengerickson AT Yahoo Dot Com

War on RT rages on

Text with video:

Uploaded by on Jun 9, 2011

As the Mainstream Media continues to fire at RT, anchor Lauren Lyster responds to criticism that the station is "anti-American." Is RT questioning the country or just questioning more than the MSM?

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[click here] for:

Using Drones, is the Corporate Dictatorship Poising for War on You?


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