Click here for Steven G. Erickson LiveLeak.com video uploads]
I am embedding a video, uploaded from December 8, 2011, because my brand
new top of the line, gaming computer is jacked and I don't get sound
from the video and the program doesn't work. It worked fine for [
this liveleak.com video] not that long ago. I have lost too many expensive computers since the late 1990's due to being politically active to even count.
search the case of a Connecticut child early education teacher, Julie
Amero. She was given a hacked laptop to teach children by her superiors.
Porn popped up. She faced 40 years in jail and when convicted may have
only been given 30. She lost her baby as she was pregnant, and her whole
life has been ruined. [
That story]
Blog post to go with embedded video, click here]. In December of 2011, anyone who was commenting on the [
Opednew.com website]
would notice that the comment that they typed in the dialogue box for
commenting posted up on the site very differently. Words could be
missing, letters and complete sentences were missing. The resulting
gibberish made commenters look crazy.
Another virus that is has
had its various form from the 1990's highlights the text you type in
blue and it all disappears. Word type programs can get jacked. If your
computer recognizes a disc drive or a USB storage device that isn't
there, your computer has been hacked and a 3rd party is collecting all
the data, files, and who you interact with, and your passwords from your computer.
don't know how many numerous times I spend 2 to 8 hours writing a post,
or working on video, where nothing I wrote, saved, or was trying to
post could be posted or even be found saved on my computer. It is beyond
frustrating. I guess normal people at that point just give up.
in for FreeSpeech.com near Atlanta Georgia fried multiple times after I
posted embarrassing facts about the Connecticut State Police and court
system. And at the same time a power surge occurred at the Wales,
Massachusetts, horse farm I was staying at. And at the same time there
was a power surge at Chris Kennedy's house in Ellington, Connecticut.
Computers, televisions, microwave ovens, the furnace, and all
electronics fried even the ones on surge protectors.
neighbors to FreeSpeech.com, the horse farm, and Chris Kennedy suffered
no power surge. I left Connecticut pretty much permanently after
suffering an entire body first and second degree burn which lasted for a
30 second burst that seemed like an eternity, inside Kathleen Dickson's Connecticut
house. I had worked 7 days a week, 7 AM to 7 PM for about 7 months, just
prior to that as an insurance adjuster down in New Orleans area after
Hurricane Katrina as "green" adjusters were only allowed to work up
until that point. I recovered, hiding in Vermont, New Hampshire, and the State of Maine.
was an insurance adjuster working on the Gulf Coast of Mississippi and
down in New Orleans, Louisiana, after Hurricane Katrina hit. I taught
classes to other adjuster about basic video camera use and how to edit
video and how pulls stills out of videos. I had two brand new HP laptop
computers. One a rugged, that actually had touch screen capability back
then could allegedly be run over a truck while closed and still work
after. The value, $4500 [
shown in this liveleak video].
I had another brand new HP laptop value, $1600. Both worked fine. I
returned to the State of Connecticut, and emailed Connecticut
legislators about police and judicial misconduct from Kathleen Dickson's
house. Within 2 hours both laptops computers ceased to function. Ms.
Dickson's desk top computer's fan shut off, the computer's system all
became overloaded and overheated, and her computer fried along with
Kathleen Dickson had similar experiences before. When her
"Zone Alarm" firewall software showed that the Connecticut State Police
or Connecticut Department of Administrative Services were trying to
access her computer, bad things happened to her computer or two her.
Kathleen Dickson in Connecticut US and Lisa Masterson (aka Elena Cook)
of the London area of the UK both discovered there was fraud in testing
and treatment of Lyme Disease. Both were scientists and understood the
chemistry and cooked scientific fraudulent findings. Connecticut
Department of Administrative Services hacked both of their computers an
ocean apart. Then the police raided their homes, took away their
children, and put each of them in a mental hospital, an ocean apart. [
General post on Lyme Disease].
When corporations and big drug companies are ripping the public off in
the tune of millions or billions, those who expose can pay a high price
or the ultimate price.
Kathleen Dickson may have cost Glaxo
Smith Kline and Baxter Pharmaceutical a billion dollars or more after
exposing fraudulent treatment and testing, and the conspiracy to put a
dangerous Lyme Disease vaccine on the market called Lyme-Rx. For that
she lost her Connecticut home, her children, for a time her freedom, and
is now living in Alabama penniless and ill health without a car.
Dickson was listed as an expert witness during her testimony in front of the FDA.
LiveLeak.com post of Kathleen Dickson audio interview with Steven G. Erickson]
going into your own bathroom and having diarrhea as part of suffering
from Lyme Disease and then seeing what just happened and the color of
your poo described on a Scientific Chat Board. [
That Story].
In the short time I spent at Kathleen Dickson's house, on the Sci-Med
site, a troll commenter said "check your mailbox Kathleen". A letter
that her lawsuit was dropped by the court had just arrived. She got
another such message from the site that her furnace needed to be cleaned
because the smoke out of her chimney had color. I went out side, right
then, and sure enough, there was colored smoke and her furnace did need
to be cleaned. It had just been cold enough to use it that day, or just
days before. I believe that type of harassment was meant to scare her and make her feel she had no privacy.
With the Edward Snowden NSA Spying leaks we all realize we have no privacy.
to 9/11 because I had written letters to the editor printed in
newspapers and/or had contacted elected officials attempting to redress
grievances, both protected under the First Amendment, exposing public
corruption, police brutality, and judicial misconduct in that State of
Connecticut, the Department of Administrative Services and the
Connecticut State Police set out to spy on me. They told me that they
were going to break up my marriage, make me estranged from my daughter,
make me lose my home, contracting business, and either put me in prison
and then kick me out of Connecticut, take me for my last ride in a
police cruiser trunk with my teeth kicked out while in handcuffs, or I
could just leave the state and shut my mouth permanently. I was then
attacked on my property by a police informant, railroaded to prison, and
my probation officer, Angela K. in the Manchester office told me that I
had 2 hours to pack up and be out of Connecticut, or I would spend the
rest of my life in prison. So, upon release from prison, the Connecticut
State Police did kick me out of the State of Connecticut. [
That Story]
the Police State probably costing me my marriage, definitely causing my
daughter and I to be permanently estranged after my false arrest,
rigged trial, and imprisonment, loss of my home, contracting business,
most of my friends, estrangement from most of my family, they definitely
caused me 10's of thousands of loss in fried computers and equipment
from hacking and power surges that hit just where I lived, or my friend
lived, or even the servers where FreeSpeech.com was housed near Atlanta Georgia.
My anti-virus software just crashed and I am getting all sorts
of error messages, so I should just post this while I can. Check out my
video on my channel before this, the sound is messed up. The post
before that, I tried twice to embed a video and could not, so a link to
that video had to suffice.
I do not know what it is like to have lived in spied on central, the former USSR, but I do know what it is like to live in an F'd Up Police State, USA.
Text with video:
Uploaded on Dec 8, 2011
More info:
searching John A. Kissel, Enfield, Connecticut State Senator or
Connecticut State Police Colonel Thomas "The Duck" Davoren used to go to
my posts. External sites for those search results can give your
computer a virus.
If you trust youtube, google, and microsoft this post on Davoren "Faces of a Police State" should be safe:
The Skippy on Lyme Disease Fraud
Text with video:
Uploaded on Nov 12, 2006
Connecticut Officials and/or Yale
University are allegedly involved in one of the biggest scams ever,
involving Big Pharma, Corporate Fraud, racketeering, obstruction of
justice, and running a state like a Mafia organization. A State and
corporations should not be able to operate as a syndicate defrauding
citizens and the world. The numbers tell the story. Kathleen Dickson
shows the Patent numbers, the dates, and the percentages for accurate
testing of Lyme Disease. Someone would have to disprove the math and all
the claims that have documents to disprove her case. There is no
personal attack or conflict of personalities when "just the facts ma'am"
are produced. Applaud a woman sick with Lyme, a former research
scientist at Pfizer for having the courage to speak out. She tool
LymeRix off the market after testifying in front of the FDA. She has
been retaliated against as a whistleblower ever since. You now have the
facts, pass them on to others, let law enforcement know that you expect
them to go after the bad guys.
Ritt Goldstein fled the State of Connecticut seeking political asylum in Sweden after making the below video exposing Public Corruption, Judicial Misconduct, and Police Brutality::
I, Steven G. Erickson, was going to do a public access television show with the two individual mentioned in the below video. Both died with hours of each other of "natural causes" before I came down to expose how the Department of Children and Families was involved with police and the courts acting like organized crime and profiting from the distribution of illegal narcotics:
The below video is old, but police still hire police informants to beat citizens up, murder citizens, to make false statements, and/or to terrorize the general public, encouraging criminals to break laws, paying informants tax dollars. Criminals are even paid to deal illegal drugs, commit vandalism, and break into houses for police: