I found the below video [
here]. The then placed the below comment to the video:
Roger Waters really outs the US and UN. UN Agenda 21 will virtually erase all borders. International corporate organized crime and bankers will be able to plunder at will. Barbecuing and having campfires will be illegal for particulate pollution. Bankers and international criminals are stealing farmland and your home. They then as the real government make homelessness illegal to put even more of us in containment prisons.
stevengerickson AT yahoo.com
Should US taxpayers fund Israel's Apartheid in Palestine and the surrounding regions?
* * * *
Added February 9, 2014:
My own State of the Union address
Text with video:
What I talk about in the text of this video, and in the video, is all the America and world you all live in too. Some of you are just getting it. Some have already got it. Some of you have yet to get it.
In the early 1970's my Grandfather took me for a ride in his pickup truck outside of his farm not too far outside of Fargo, North Dakota. I was in single digits for my age. He told me how corporations and bankers were conspiring to take away land from family farmers. I learned that sheriffs and deputies were illegally wiretapping and spying on farmers for corrupt officials in town halls to take land for land developers. My grandfather taught me to open my eyes, get multiple sources, and not to trust the words of international corporate organized crime and their local town hall mafia goons.
My father was a cog in the wheel for Monsanto. You, may have guessed that we have never seen eye to eye, ever. The corporate world offered me the same Kool-Aid. I am not drinking it.
This is my LiveLeak Yoursay. It is my view of the State of the Union, USA, right now.
I plan on sending a link to my Vermont US Senators (Batman movie actor) Patrick Leahy and Bernie Sanders, and to my Congressman, Peter Welch. I also plan on contacting the Governor of Connecticut, [
Dannel P. Malloy], about UBS bank alleged laundering of State Police and/or DCF drug money. I will be making him, and legislators in Connecticut aware of this video, referring to [
this text emailed and faxed into them].
With all I have written published in newspapers, blogged on, and done videos on, not one question about what is online or in videos from police, elected officials, and what is supposed to be mainstream media. No one will even dare sue me. I even brought such serious accusations at a public hearing about a judge, I had to swear and oath to tell the truth, [
still nothing happened and no questions were asked about this].
Check out other videos on my LiveLeak channel]
Link hub for my blogs and videos]
UN & EPA to make woodstoves, campfires, BBQs illegal?
Text with video:
Societies living out on the land are being forced to go to urban areas. "Seal Beaters" and those who fish to survive are being kicked off their land. American family farmers were forced off land due to an international corporate organized crime and banker conspiracy. Using cash to transact between neighbors and family can become illegal. It is a crime to pay cash at tagsales in Louisiana already. Hiking, fishing, canoeing, hunting, and recreation is being made illegal all over due to the UN and Agenda 21. There is a move to get populations off the land to better serve corporate and banker interests, not ours.
We aren't represented for our taxes, but bankers and corporate organized crime is.
Banks foreclose on homes. Central bankers print money out of thin air and then tell us they owe our land, jobs, and even us. Corporations and bankers write the laws that elected officials sign unread. It is a crime in a lot of places to be homeless.
If the EPA and UN outlaw wood stoves, campfires, and BBQs after Obama's gun confiscation is complete, the abuse will have just begun. Should it be illegal to be poor and keep warm and fed? Having a ban on fire due to particulate pollution is pure tyrannical abuse.
My fax and email to the Connecticut Judiciary Committee with video is [
found here]. A hub of links to my activism is [
found here].
Remembering my surviving in Winter, in the woods and snow, in Vermont [
video found here].
Ritt Goldstein revealed to the Connecticut Judiciary Committee Legislators, in Hartford, Connecticut, December 1996, what police and court riggers were up to preparing for the aftermath of 9/11. It led to his fleeing to Sweden seeking political asylum after making the below video. Many officers didn't know what they were preparing for, just that some event, concocted or not, was going to lead to the suspension of the US Constitution. Police were training for what they could do without a US Constitution, pre-9/11! Should we the people let international criminals, and armed occupiers, get away with what they have long planned for?