Monday, August 31, 2020

Try Congressman Adam Schiff's jalapeno infused hemorrhoid cream?

'The Five' reacts to Schiff claiming he's never leaked classified information

The UN UNESCO and the Socialist Democrats want to help China to become the only superpower, and China will be exempt from UN Agenda 2030, with the results of looks an awful lot like the current lock down the world is experiencing now, before the year 2030.

I expand on the here:

I with Donald J. Trump would completely back off the testing, and push for the vaccine. Both aren't needed, and it shows Trump is colluding with known globalist criminals, Dr. Tony Fauci and Bill Gates.

If Democrats seize power with bogus mail-in ballots, most likely if I am not murdered by a Batsh*t Lawless Marxist thug working for the UN or Democrat Party, sent to re-education camp, I will probably get a special lethal injection that is special for me, and those who believe the US Constitution should still be intact.

I ask all governors in the US to [consider this].

Trump speaks to press after meeting with Barr, Chad Wolf

Biden, Trump battle over handling of violent protests

Biden speaks to voters in Pennsylvania

Gutfeld on the left wing defense of looting

[The video embedded in this post] is the main reason I believe that China planned to screw the world over to be the number one super power, and put the world under the same psychopathic immoral "government" their people get under their version of Communism.

My videos on [LiveLeak]. If my LiveLeak SvenVonErick channel gets deleted I have begun mirroring on [BitChute].

Click on the top banner of most blogs to go to nearest posts. Click on White Envelope below and share this post. Make copies of any videos or blogs you want to refer into in the future, as the UN UNESCO and Communist China may soon delete all that there moderators don't like.

My email is: thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com

A good tune to help break the chains of UN Worldwide lock down for pre-Communism:

AC/DC Jailbreak 1976 official music video

* * * *

The video at bottom of this post is bombshell ... 

Christine Grady (NIH Head Human Experimentation) MARRIED TO Dr. Tony Fauci PARTNERED WITH Bill Gates ... Nothing to See Here ...


Do you see a problem, or conflict of interest?

If an older therapeutic, or drug, is off patent, costs way less than a dollar a dose and were to reverse Autism, would the drug companies refuse to make it? I think they have.

If a therapeutic, or drug, off patent would solve the COVID-19 problem, which seems to be less deadly than a Flu with a scary name, the world would not be locked down, the problem would be solved, Dr. Toni Fauci, Bill Gates, Christine Grady, and the UN, CDC, NIH, WHO World Health Organization, would make trillions with their other psychopath elite friends wouldn't be able to end humanity with their largest ever human experiment with criminal, and civil, immunity for mass murder.

In 2010, WHO falsely claimed there was a pandemic with less than 200 people worldwide, died. So, cry wolf once, make trillions of dollars, wreck the world economy, and get away with the mass murder on a scale previously unknown, with civil, and criminal, immunity in courts for the aftermath, and get away with it? 

I can't break it down any better than Amazing Polly:

Who Do You Trust [BitChute Amazing Polly Channel, click here]

Text with Video:

There are two competing narratives of the you know what. One is being pushed by people who are, by my estimation, untrustable. The other side of the story, buried by mainstream media & social media giants, is being represented by people on the ground who are risking everything to speak sense into this chaotic and insane panic. more....

To support my channel or send me something through the mail, please use either of these links below. 

THANK YOU! I cherish your correspondence, support & prayers!

Regular Mail:

My Bitchute video Channel:


The Real Slog blog re covid insanity:

Morality Pill:

Global Preparedness Monitoring Board Document (item is on pg 10)

NIH Study on Vaccine Messaging:

Rancourt / The Wall Will Fall, Mask Studies show Masks don’t work:

Summit News Australia lockdown:

Obama Rationer in Chief:

Emanuel on allocating resources for COVID:

NIH Scientists fired for taking money from China:

BBC Doctor Video Pulled:

German Panel of 500 investigating COVID:


[Click Here] for:

UN/Mafia Pandering to Pedophiles, Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) to sell Children to highest bidders?

Image of former Governor in the State of Connecticut, John G. Rowland [found here].

The UN now has their perfect storm for abducting the most children for adoption to highest bidder, sexual abuse, and their Agenda 2030 where we the people are producing less carbon dioxide than is necessary for trees to grow.

As Governor, Rowland was said to brag that child abuse was down 44% and his reaction was to take away 444% more children ... (and it was from mainly good, intact families, who had children pedophiles and elite wanted as part of the Connecticut DCF official kidnapping, and selling of children, UN program)

John G. Rowland was a rising star in the Republican Party. His greediness, open bribe taking, and failure to give Connecticut Supreme Court Justices a piece of the action of the selling of mostly White children for adoptions for the highest bidder, and custom order children for sex slavery, was his downfall.

[more] [the SRV BitChute Video Uploads, click here]


Please share this post by clicking bottom white envelope. Click on top banner of most blogs to see newest blog. Please comment. My email: thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com

Plandemic - Indoctornation [Direct Link to Video]

Sunday, August 30, 2020

Don't listen to lying scumbags on mainstream media about COVID-19. COVID = Flu

Don't listen to lying scumbags on mainstream media about COVID-19 (Warning: Foul Language) [Click here for direct link to video]

Gottlieb says "full approval" of coronavirus vaccine for general population unlikely before 2021 (But, roadblocks for testing have been announced for forced testing, quarantining, child protective service is nearby to take your kids, and there is Lib-tard talk of immediate force inoculations)

[Click Here] for: CDC REPORT SAYS ONLY 9,210 DIED FROM VIRUS NOT 153,000 WOW [mirrored] Video

[the SRV BitChute Video Uploads, click here]



So let’s get this straight – based on the recommendation of doctors Fauci and Birx the US shut down the entire economy based on 9,000 American deaths due entirely to the China coronavirus? - Story on Gateway Pundit:

[click here] for:

COVID FRAUD Restrictions END IMMEDIATELY. NO MORE MASS MASK PSYCHOSIS. Worldwide End to Chi-Com lock down

[Gov Sununu's aid's name snipped],
please forward my email to the Governor Chris Sununu, his staff, to NH Attorney General's Office, and to whom it may concern.

I am posting this text on Stark Raving Viking blog, and am forwarding to independent news outlets minus your name and my contact information.

[Breaking news by Gateway Pundit indicates the CDC], over the weekend, has walked back COVID death numbers about 90%.

So, mask psychosis, social distancing is all based on fraud, lies, and propaganda as part of a coordinated multi-facet act of war on the American people.

Will you please suspend all edicts dictated to Free Americans by a steath UN, Communist Chinese, Bill Gates, Big Phama, Jeff Bezos, and Socialist Democrat coup of the world.

The virus was probably manufactured, along with the vaccine in the Wuhan China Germ Warfare lab. Bill Gates allegedly has the patent for both, and before the "Pandemic" had 3 Netflix specials/series how, Bill Gates and his wife Melinda were the saviors of the Human Race with the vaccine when the pandemic hits. I heard Bill Gates say out of his mouth something like, "With a really good vaccine, population can be vastly reduced." That sounds like a planned mass murder program to me.

The censorship of the internet by the UN is a crime. I can't even find Gateway Pundit and most other actual news subjects using most search engines as the internet seems to be censored by the Communist Chinese on all our devices and computers, and also by the UN and Far Left Wingnut Socialist Democrats and their BLM Batsh*t Lawless Marxist foreign funded agent provocateurs.

Countrywide there are squeeze points on highways for forced testing, quarantining, DCF is there to take away kids, and in some states possibly including Hawaii, there is forced vaccinations of a 100% dangerous and ineffective vaccine that probably alters DNA where a person is no longer the definition of a human.

There are no laws for putting a trans human in permanent detention, doing experimentation, and even torturing and killing a being that has no animal or human classification.

There is talk of another 2 year lock down. These same people want a paper ballot election. Will they get more votes than there are people in the United States if they can commit the biggest fraud in the history of the world over a common cold. COVID = Flu.

COVID-19 might be the lamest pandemic ever. There hasn't ever been more ridiculous BS. This UN/Chinese Communist/Socialist Democrat PSY-OP proves that Americans collectively are lazy, stupid, and won't stand up for their rights as most of world seems to this past weekend. There might be a higher percentage of actual patriots who are awake, and that includes the masses fleeing from Communist prison cities in New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Hawaii, California, and other Portland Oregan leaning hell holes to live in a free state.

WHO World Health Organization is allegedly just a stealth arm of the Chinese Military to take out the free world.

I request that arrest warrants out of New Hampshire be put out on Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo for murder if an New Hampshire residents were killed in nursing homes he purposely orchestrated deaths for bogus COVID numbers, any WHO agents, and anyone who has been involved in the medical fraud, COVID scam, or US Constitution ending treason.

The UN, international teachers and police union should be considered enemies of the state, and these agents either need to be deported or detained and tried. Any UN UNESCO ownership or running of anything in New Hampshire should be immediately terminated. Anyone associated the UN, the WHO, or is involved with disseminating false COVID propaganda for political, or to destroy liberty, life, and the pursuit of happiness in New Hampshire, needs to be arrested, processed, and be part of a Nuremberg type trial proceeded by a special prosecutor and people's grand jury as up to 100% of judges in the US can be compromised possibly taken money, bribes, or gotten their positions having made dirty deals with criminals.

The FBI should be investigated for racketeering, profiteering, obstruction of justice, election rigging, and as agent provocateurs for the UN, Communist China, and the Socialist Democrat/Clinton/Obama, now failing, coup. I am asking that the FBI in New Hampshire be considered a foreign run enemy operation, as they have been somehow associated with Comey and his political hack minions.

If the CDC's amended numbers say that no healthy children, or a very small number worldwide, no schools in the world needed to be shut down.

Nothing needed to have changed BEFORE the biggest fraud in the history of the world.

That means no masks are needed, none of the restrictions, no travel bans, no need for testing, and especially there should be no police and military forced Flu vaccinations.

Bill Gates will prefer monthly forced vaccination updates. Like he is offering updates to a Microsoft Software Operating System for a personal computer with designed flaws, expiration date for device (trans human altered host), backdoors for harmful viruses/infections, hidden functionality, and ability of outside sources/stimuli to hijack the operating system.

Please immediately suspend COVID restrictions based on the FRAUD and LIES. Please see that the criminals and enemies of the state are arrested, prosecuted, detained, and/or if legal, shot on sight.

Thank you,
Steven G. Erickson
[Address snipped]

Cell 603 [snipped]

[more with videos at bottom of post]

Saturday, August 29, 2020

Humanity needs to make a Jailbreak from the UN, Chinese Communists, and Clinton Global Initiative CGI

AC/DC Jailbreak 1976 official music video

[Direct link to US Constitution]

All in the Name of Liberty ... Got to be Free ... Let me Out of Here ... 

[Click Here] for:

Nancy Pelosi siezes US Presidency January 2021?

Scroll down in the post for videos

The Democrats clearly can see just with the rapidly deterioration of Joe Biden who might now, or soon, be wearing adult diapers. So, the Social Democrats started their tantrums and made every effort to disrupt everything, including the world economy, just to get Trump out, and themselves in. So, purposely throwing a wrench in the election to disrupt it so Pelosi gets in is something that is definitely in their toolbox.

Will Pelosi become president if there is no election result by January? [Video, click link below]



This blogger's The SRV Video uploads [found here]. 


The Clinton Foundation Scandal Explained (Video is complete propaganda BS, but to someone who can read in between the lines, it can allow many revelations. The Clintons, all 3 of them need to be prosecuted for the pedophilia, selling children for sex and adoptions, and for looting Haiti. Upload of this video was October 2016)


CDC Notice that masks are unnecessary [click here]. So why do you wear one, especially on an airplane, It's BS!

What the MSM Was Afraid to Tell You [OAN youtube video channel]

The Truth about the Hatch Act (On Mike Pompeo)

Tucker: Democrats do nothing to discourage rage mobs

President Trump delivers remarks after Touring Hurricane Laura Damage in Louisiana 8/29/20

Calif. Democrats look to rake in billions by raising taxes on business owners with new Prop. 15 (Californians are fleeing the state like roaches flee extermination. I am seeing California license plates in New Hampshire, I fear they bring Socialist Democrat disease that sunk California, Chicago, New York City, Portland Oregon, and entire Blue States)

2020.06.20 - OAN Investigates Biden's Bribe Tapes Part 1 [Direct Link to Russian Bot Bitchute channel video] on Biden's Ukraine problem.

Don't miss these other episodes:
2020.06.20 - OAN Investigates Biden's Bribe Tapes Part 1 -
2020.07.18 - OAN-Investigates Biden's Bribe Tapes Part 2 -…

The Mayor Of Portland Will NOT Accept Help From Trump And He Is VERY Proud Of This [Direct link to Timcast Channel Bitchute upload] (Are BLM and Antifa nearly immune from being prosecuted when they are acting as agent provocateurs?)

Mayor Ted Wheeler smugly announced on Twitter that he has refused all offers of federal help from the Trump administration in a move that will CERTAINLY not come back to haunt him (spoiler alert: it already has as demonstrators surround his condomin…

Bill Maher Is Feeling 'Very Nervous' About 2020 Election



This blogger's beef on everything 9my email thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com):

Wag The Dog: Many Of The Communist Perps Operating Here In The U.S.A. [Direct link to Wardo Rants Bitchute channel]

A Communist Takeover in the process of fulfillment right before your eyes. There to insure your enslavement and eventual Genocide.

Friday, August 28, 2020


The bottom video well describes what Greenpeace is doing to ruin Canadian communities. Is BLM and Antifa actually Greenpeace on steroids?

Riots and terrorism are neither Green, or Peaceful. The psy-ops are to break up the cohesion of local communities, then regions, then states, then entire countries, and then the whole world can be UN and Communist Chinese run, and OWNED. 

Large ships with flags of many nations were out ramming whaler ships, and ships of other nations as part of "protests" some were just thinly disguised acts of war.

Kicking indigenous people that didn't have armies or modern weapons, was easier to do if the propaganda was to save the planet, right. The largest corporations could then come in, exploit nature and the resources without the pesky owners.

The activists got sympathy in court for trespassing, arson, assault, kidnapping, extortion, risk of injury to minors, attempted murder, mayhem, inciting riots, and a whole host of serious crimes. The owners of companies and their workers could sometimes do way worse in the purposely rigged courts. The bigger boys got rid of their competition.

Smaller logging companies were blocked from traveling on dirt roads, nails were driven into trees, and equipment was destroyed, and even explosives were deployed. Sounds like domestic terrorism to me. Terrorists could go door to door from the 1970s and still nothing is really being done about this, so we have what we have, now.  

Look at what has always happened in Africa, the real Amazon, and the world vast expanse where there is anything of value that the World Bank and the Corporations with a bigger bottom line than the [GDP] of most nations do. The have their own version of the CIA and they covertly operate Greenpeace, Peta, and too many children and other charities to get their dirty deeds done at a profit.

There was a time monopolies were broken up. The barons who exploited, and eliminated their competition were once a target of a legitimate government of the United States of America. The Corporations tried a coup of the US in the 1900s, [Smedley Butler] blew the whistle on that, and not one of the perpetrators was adequately punished or suffered financially. So these same families keep doing the same things and keep getting richer.

There is a vast expanse of the population that is angry, is desperate to resist what they think in mainstream, has no clue so an ideology can be inserted, and useful idiots for photo ops for fund raising.

[Greenpeace] probably started out as a peaceful environmentalist tool, but it became a ripe breeding, and recruiting, ground for radicals, agent provocateurs, and in the Age of Orwellian 1984, the real name should be, "Exploit the Environment for the Most Profit and Keep Average People off the land, especially the most scenic and natural, it is for elite enjoyment and exploitation only."

"Save the Children," just might help fund [the psy-op to disable American, and other farms], to cause mass starvation and death in the 3rd World to cull populations, and to soften up Americans up enough that they demand the US Constitution be scrapped, go to a cashless system run by Bill Gates, get the Bill Gates tattoo proving vaccinations have been forcibly done at intervals, and that the former citizen of a nation is now an inmate with a conditional identity in the UN and Chinese Communist run World Government.

greenpeace boat steve irwin rams japanese research vessel

"Ocean Warrior" protects whales worldwide | Daily Planet (On the surface these "environmentalists" seem to be too well funded, and too comfortable breaking all sorts of international laws. The real purpose is to claim all of the outback and vast oceans for some other entity, for monopolistic gain.)

Greenpeace Finally Realizes Its Attacks on Canadian Communities Have Consequences

Image up top was [found here].

Example or real racist cop who gets away with murdering Blacks like so many other cops before him in Connecticut:

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If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

My email: thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com

Thursday, August 27, 2020

The UN thru the Mainstream Media is Trafficking in a False Narrative

If you go to the Statue of Liberty, Independence Hall in Pennsylvania, the Grand Canyon, you can see little plaques that say run by UN or UNESCO. Pretty much all of the land in the UN is regulated by the UN in the UN, and in the World probably except for Communist China which is exempt from most of the crippling regulations for the average person to compete. So are we owned, run, and treated like cattle by the UN?

Speaking of cattle, I remember that those who would buy shares in a calf raised at a farm were targeted with false arrests on other charges by Stafford Springs, Connecticut, area local police and/or Troop C Connecticut State Police from about 1995. The UN infiltrated the police to dismantle the US Constitution.

The courts would offer no deals, and even if the defendant in a criminal case was innocent who was a family farmer, rancher, or owned a small business, they could get prison for something as ridiculous as resisting being mugged on one's own property ending being attacked with a knife with pepper spray, and me, the victim gets prison from preventing myself from being stabbed and robbed by a druggie felon Brian C. Caldwell on my own property. He was called the "victim" and I had to pay him restitution! 

Citizens who collect rain water from their gutters to water their gardens can be arrested and spend a year in prison. Do some word searches. A woman and Florida was generating her own electricity and was arrested and faced, or went to prison, possibly losing her paid for home, and possibly went to prison.

UN UNESCO is a criminal occupation. They are nullifying the US Constitution and putting us under Communist Chinese despotic rule. The riots and all the BS, including COVID is the Clintons, the UN, and the Chi-Com planned, funded, and designed to terminate their competition, mostly small business:

What is the “Why” for Everything? [direct link to video]

Monday, August 24, 2020

Hostages of the UN Pedophiles Wear Masks, The WHO, World Health Organization are Agent Provocateurs

Image above was [found here].
The below Infowars videos were found here:

UN Covid Hoax Wants Your Children

Text with video:

Bowne Report

The Democrats have found a useful weapon in Covid-19 as a bulwark to crush American liberties. The Covid-19 lock down is destroying the economy, bringing small business owners to commit suicide, and emboldening a tracking system of students that has become mandatory. Meanwhile, the United Nations is creeping its way into our homes. Separating families in Europe as a means of fighting the Coronavirus is actually a process to establish the New World Order system. Morphing our culture into a cashless social media credit tracked society. A war on the freedoms of the individual is expanding under the cover of a pandemic as we trade our liberties for security.

Is AG Barr Protecting Hillary Clinton And Her Illegal Email Server?

Text with video:

War Room with Owen Schroyer

DeAnna Loraine joins Owen in-studio to discuss the shocking revelation about AG Barr protecting Hillary Clinton and the deep state.

There is no evidence that we have any justice in the USA at all. Hillary Clinton shows that the elite are above the law, no matter what they do, and say. Mass Murder is no big deal if you are Hillary Clinton, the political serial killer, beard of the UN UNESCO.

Fight For Freedom Or Die In The Covid War

Text with video:

Gerald Celente guest hosts The Alex Jones Show to break down the Covid War and those at the top manipulating the masses.

Sweden didn't shut down, didn't wear masks, and didn't social distance. Their infection and death rate is much lower than most of the world that did shut down. So, it was stupid, and unnecessary to shut down. Open everything back up immediately, all travel, all trade everything. Let's put the international criminals like Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, all 3 Clintons, all 4 Obamas, and all their associates in prison. 


[click here] for:

Tom Fitton sharply criticizes the Durham probe (on Lou Dobbs, Fox News)

Should RICO be used against the FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation?

Look at the fraud, racketeering, profiteering, obstruction of justice, assault on the American People, collusion with Communist Chinese Government, rigging elections like helping Hillary avoid prosecution, while manufacturing evident to go after Trump. 

If there are those that should be in judgement of the FBI operatives, if judges, prosecutors, US Attorneys, the USDOJ, pretty much the whole state and federal judicial branches are Democrat hacks that are all part of the same coup collaborators to put the US in the hands of Chinese Communists, and the sleaziest of organizations, the UN? 

We need to abolish the US Supreme Court to have a Supreme Grand Jury of (1) 4 year term jurors for all judicial branches. Current judges need their finances looked into for their treason. All judges should be fired nationwide. Gallows need to be built on the White House lawn for those found guilty in Nuremberg type trials in Washington DC. 

Complete BS needs to be called on COVID due to the actual numbers of death, and the world opened back up to travel and trade. 

[more with embedded video]

Breaking! UN Announces Plans For Forced COVID-19 Injections Worldwide

Text with video:

Tune in tonight for the premiere of 2020 Election Countdown Take Back America LIVE 7Pm to 9Pm central. Alex Jones and DeAnna Lorraine break down the UN Call for Forced COVID-19 Vaccinations and the latest viral videos of Coronavirus Hysteria. 


[Click Here] for:

Human Meat can taste like Chicken, Lamb, or Beef with Bill Gates DNA altering Vaccine?

Sorry, a little gallows humor here ...

If elites like Bill Gates with UN UNESCO Agenda 30 to eliminate gasoline and diesel combustion engines, human driven vehicles, fossil fuel generated electricity, and so cows don't fart and and cause the planet to overheat with Global Warming, there are, and have been some pretty outrageous tinfoil hat conspiracy theory fodder proposed.

So, as many humans as possible need to be sterilized, and killed.

With DNA alteration, we are no longer considered human, have no rights, and maybe we can also be altered into smart devices with [nano biological material] to become a Smart Device for a cashless society on the WiFi 5G network.

Since there will be few farms and ranches left after the COVID Scam to get world average people to beg for vaccines for freedom and food, UN Agenda can be adopted for a cashless society run by Bill Gates, with Bill Gates block chain digital currency, and Bill Gates can alter our DNA to be programmable by WiFi, and the Bill Gates digital tattoo is your new world social security number giving you your new conditional identity as an inmate of the UN UNESCO New World Order.

Hell, Bill Gates even has the patent on synthetic meat made in the lab.

Since we are all worthless eaters getting in the mountains, lakes, beaches, and the entirety of planet by Bill Gates, Oprah, Jeff Bezos, the Clintons, the Obamas, and the Communist Chinese elite, we can eat each other, as there might not be any other food.

Bill Gates, the humanitarian could alter the "food stock" humans so that their meat can taste like chicken, lamb, beef, or could even be vanilla ice cream flavor.

If it is not humorous enough that 100s of millions to billions could starve with all of this, there's more. Bill Gates needs to get crackin'. The Kamala Harris swearing in as US President will have lots of celebrations. The elite will want the right texture, taste, and pre-seasoned and flavored babies to address Clinton, and other complaints wanting better taste, so babies after being gang raped at Satanic Rituals, will be much more pleasurable, and tasty to eat.

It isn't comedy, or satire, that Bill Clinton is the contact tracing software and hardware World Czar. Anyone who is out to prosecute, or stop, anyone will be identified, tracked, and you win by being among the first to enjoy the Bill Gates vaccine. 

If we are really good humans, Bill Gates can be so generous, as he is truly a humanitarian.

DNA altered humanoids, are the gift of the Non-Gods of [Secular Humanism].

Some of us could even be scrapped for our parts for [biologicals to be used in the assembly of any age, or gender, or animal hybrid for a cyborg sex robot].

Please make the whole planet go "Green" by having the US have a mail-in presidential ballot election. There will be no cheating, they promise.

Heil UN. Heil Clintons and Obamas. Heil Communist Chinese Elite.

It is so wonderful the Utopia that has been so eagerly anticipated for so long is now so close to being reality.

[more with embedded video]

Mel Gibson Warned Us About China Years Ago But Did We Listen?.... No

Tucker: When do we get America back?

My email: thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com

Does Bill Gates Want to Change Your DNA to Plug a Computer Cable into Your Head?

I watched Johnny Depp in [Transcendence Movie] back in 2014. It was about biological nano technology. I had seen the Matrix series previously. I got the idea of writing a screenplay where our DNA would need to be altered with a vaccine so that lab made intelligent cells, a goo, would be the conduit to have a plug and cable on one side, your brain on the other. I wanted to use science fiction to stealth reveal the crazy stuff globalists talk about for the future, and also expose the crazy stuff they are actually doing.

If a brain can be grown in a lab, so can skin, and so much more.

What if biological/mechanical sex robots could be made?

The DNA could be altered significantly, so the "product" would not considered human, or even living, especially if the skeleton was manufactured, along with a mobility system.

Heart and lungs wouldn't be needed, it could be run by pumps, and the biological sex robots could have internal fresh fluids for energy, actual blood for the living parts and skin, other synthetic fluids for other purposed of lubrication, etc.

So, it wouldn't be illegal for a wealthy priest to own something that was made to look like an actual alter boy. Anyone with a great deal of  money could have a duplicate of any lingerie model they choose. Women could have a man who would listen ... 

It could have software downloaded into the grown brain, next to the conduit fluid, with a USB or other cable ready system right in the back of the head.

The pervert could delete, and upload behaviors, memories, or whatever is desired, no matter how depraved. Having sex with the science fiction version of a blow up doll probably doesn't have laws governing this sort of abuse, even if the robot was grown, assembled, and is only 6 months old.

The above photo was [found here].

Above photo was [found here].

Transcendence Official Trailer #1 (2014) - Johnny Depp Sci-Fi Movie HD

The Liquid-Metal Effect in Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991)


10 Most Insane Weapons In The World

Saturday, August 22, 2020

US Freedoms cause Spread of Coronavirus - Bill Gates

[Click here] for:

100% OPEN, Restaurants in New Hampshire USA


My SRV video uploads on BitChute are [found here].

Connecticut Attorney General Dick Blumenthal was warned of what was the ramp up of the COVID Scam, the fraud of testing, treatment, and dangerous vaccine for Lyme Disease. He was warned that that the UN had co-opted all alphabet agencies, police, and rigged the courts:


As COVID-1984 Accelerates Bill Gates Blames ‘Freedom’ For Spread of the Virus [Direct Link to Video]

Text with video:

Recently Bill Gates gave an interview to the Rothschild partially owned Economist. In this interview, Gates was asked about how he views the U.S. response to the outbreak. His reply was…

Aside from the high ‘risk money’ the US ponied up for vaccine research and development, he think the U.S. is doing a poor job overall.

Gates proceeded to directly blame the poor response on lack of preparation, but also freedom. Yes Bill Gates blamed our freedoms for the spread of the virus.

Bill Gates then went on to praise China’s authoritarian response and said, despite the fact that peoples rights were violated, China’s response was really amazing!

This is right out of the 2010 Rockefeller Lock Step document that laid out a scenario for A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership.

In this video report, we examine how we seem to be living out a scenario very similar to a Rockefeller Foundation document from a decade ago.

We also explore several examples of how what was Ince considered to be basic, fundamental freedoms are being erased in response to this current crisis.

At the end of the day, one must always ask… who benefits?

The covid-19 pandemic will be over by the end of 2021, says Bill Gates

Rockefeller Lockstep Document

Bill Gates: US fumbled coronavirus response because 'we believe in freedom'

You Can Be Jailed If You Refuse Coronavirus Vaccine Says US Attorney

No jab, no JOB: Bosses demand the right to sack their workers if they refuse to get a coronavirus vaccine

When Teachers Call the Cops on Parents Whose Kids Skip Their Zoom Classes

Australia Order To Remove Children Page 33

Michigan College Will Digitally Track Students’ Movements At All Times

Vaccines mandatory for all Texas students, even those learning virtually

States have authority to fine or jail people who refuse coronavirus vaccine, attorney says

New York City will set up checkpoints to enforce quarantine for travelers


New COVID-19 restrictions will be needed for anti-vaxxers

CDC-Promoted Training Materials Say: Quarantine CHILDREN of Sick Parents

Scott Morrison walks back mandatory coronavirus vaccination comments

What is the WHO? - Questions For Corbett [Direct Link to Video]

Text with video:

Universal Declaration of Human Rights
WHO Constitution and other basic documents
WHO Appoints H1N1 Cover-Up Committee
Newsweek reports on NATO intervention in PHEIC
Archive of WHO’s “influenza pandemic” definition April 2009
Archive of WHO’s “influenza pandemic” definition May 2009
The handling of the H1N1 pandemic: more transparency needed
WHO and the pandemic flu “conspiracies”
WHO ‘Swine Flu Pope’ under investigation for gross conflict of interest
WHO chief yet to be vaccinated against swine flu
Insult to Injury: Why We Must Oppose the WHO Global Tax Proposals
How is the World Health Organization funded?
Who Is Bill Gates?
WHO Results Report 2018-2019
Who is WHO’s Tedros Adhanom?
WHO declares coronavirus outbreak a global health emergency
Michael Ryan – Go into homes and remove sick family members
WHO’s Chan: Public’s Obedience to Health Officials “May Be Fading”

Who Do You Trust [Direct Link to Amazing Polly BitChute video]

Text with video:

There are two competing narratives of the you know what. One is being pushed by people who are, by my estimation, untrustable. The other side of the story, buried by mainstream media & social media giants, is being represented by people on the ground who are risking everything to speak sense into this chaotic and insane panic. more....

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The Real Slog blog re covid insanity:

Morality Pill:

Global Preparedness Monitoring Board Document (item is on pg 10)

NIH Study on Vaccine Messaging:

Rancourt / The Wall Will Fall, Mask Studies show Masks don’t work:

Summit News Australia lockdown:

Obama Rationer in Chief:

Emanuel on allocating resources for COVID:

NIH Scientists fired for taking money from China:

BBC Doctor Video Pulled:

German Panel of 500 investigating COVID:

Plandemic - Indoctornation [Direct Link to Video] (This is one of the better "wake up" videos on COVID-19 and a BS FRAUD Pandemic)

"Human 2.0"? A Wake-Up Call To The World (Dr. Carrie Madej, Transhumanism explained. See this video before YouTube and the UN censor it)

Text video:

MAINSTREAM MEDIA GOES HERD [Direct Link to Del Bigtree BitChute video] (Australia has gone full c-word snipped. Switzerland got conned to not use effective therapeutics for 2 weeks, deaths spiked 4x. COVID Fraud exposed.)

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The HighWire’s Covid-19 reporting hasn’t wavered since the beginning of this pandemic. We celebrate other media outlets, including international network Sky News, for their honest and dangerous reporting and stand with every journalist that stands for truth and integrity.

WILL YOU BE A GOOD SLAVE & COMPLY? [Direct Link to the SGT Report] (Why Wal-Mart is a tool of the Deep State, why Connecticut is far from the US Constitution State, etc. )

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🙌The Most Convenient Way To Charge Your Phone🙌
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David Weiss & Sofia Smallstorm join me to discuss the deep state agenda to convince the world to COMPLY.
You can get Dave's Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac Clock app HERE:
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The content in my videos and on the SGTbull07 - channel are provided for informational purposes only. Use the information found in these videos as a starting point for conducting your own research and conduct your own due diligence BEFORE making any significant investing decisions. SGTbull07 - assumes all information to be truthful and reliable; however, I cannot and do not warrant or guarantee the accuracy of this information. Thank you!

Selling You Full Spectrum Dominance and Control Disguised as Safety - By Nicholson1968 [Direct Link to Video] (You must accept the Bill Gates tattoo to prove submission to Bill Gates and the UN UNESCO. You realize with UN UNESCO Agenda 21 that the UN owns, runs, and can make all decisions about everything for the rest of time. Accept being a slave with a conditional identity.)


China might be getting the Free World back for doing things like this:

[Click Here] for:

David Sassoon - a wikipedia whitewashing for the biggest drug dealer in history

David Sassoon is a most extraordinary character. During the nineteenth century he was the richest man in the world. It was said of him that "whatever moves over sea or land feels the hand or bears the mark of Sassoon and Company". And when you're that wealthy and that powerful, if a country like China declares your product of opium illegal then you merely get another country, like Great Britain, to declare war on them.



[Click Here] for:

Boarded UP, Soon to be Ghost City, New York (with Well Done Video by Scumbag Glenn Beck)

New York City, NYC, is probably the best example of what the future will look like with the Chinese Communists, the UN, and the US Socialist Democrats collaborating on running the planet.

The UN Agenda 2030 involves going green, cashless, the planet having inmate identification attached to their bodies, force vaccines, and one of the architects is Bill Gates.

Maybe 500,000 children in India have already been paralyzed permanently given a Gates vaccine, and too many deaths in Africa due to Gates to even count. So, Bill Gates is literally, a psychopath serial killer, 1,000,000 times worse than a cross dressing clown, John Wayne Gacy. [Blog Post]

What is allowed to be called a Pandemic should be questioned.


The Deteriorating Tunnel That Could Break New York City - Cheddar Explains

Text with video:

The North River Tunnels connect Manhattan to New Jersey and the West. 820,000 people and 450 trains pass under the Hudson River through these 2.5 miles tunnels every day. But these tunnels were built 120 years ago and they are showing their age. Now, New York has a dangerous tunnel problem on its hands. Cheddar explains how it got this bad and whats being done about it. Subscribe to Cheddar on YouTube: Connect with Cheddar! On Facebook: On Twitter: On Instagram: On

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