Monday, December 28, 2020

Destroying Monuments of Historical Figures: Erasing American History - Revolution?

Click on time code below blog post if video won't play to isolate post.

[Direct Link to below video]

The tearing down of statues, the riots, the looting, the forest fires, the censorship, the BS one sided mainstream and social media, banks refusing to serve conservatives flagging accounts, the courts, FBI, and DOJ only going after conservatives giving looters, rioters, and Socialist Democrats a free pass almost no mater what. 

It seems, looks, and smells like a coup. 

The Psy-Ops and the Q-Anon and other BS traps for journalists to discredit them are all part of the Coup. 

China, the UN, Big Pharma, the Rothschild World Bank, and all the elites benefit from the downfall of the US. Private use of land, small business, free speech, and basic human rights might all be a fading memory burned out and punished into all of the future. 


If you want me to send you any of my SvenVonErick videos by email in a small format, or audio only, and if I still have the files I can email to you at your request. 

This blogger's email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com


SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]


[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge



Sunday, December 27, 2020

Is White House Staff blocking Trump from getting Legal Help? If Under Siege, Get Special Military Guard

Click time code below blog post for video(s) to play.

White House Mutiny Over Sidney Powell As Special Prosecutor. Blocking Her from Seeing Trump. [Dustin Nemos, Bitchute]


[Click Here] for:

Hypothetically if I were China, How would I take out the US? (Satire)

Hypothetically if I were China, How would I take out the US? (Satire) [Direct link to SvenVonErick Bitchute video upload]

[More with video]


This blogger's email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com


SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]


[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge]



Hypothetically if I were China, How would I take out the US? (Satire) [Direct link to video]

January 1st is International No Mask Day [TheCrowHouse, Bitchute]

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Reboot of the David Knight Show? Up and out of the Alex Jones Memory Hole?

Click on time code below this blog post if video won't play.

Thank You: Our Plans For The Future [Bitchute RoundTableReport, The David Knight Show]

David Knight was part of my weekday mornings, and I would have my 1st cup of coffee just as he came on. 

I find myself listening way less to Infowars and Alex Jones. It is okay to disagree with someone you work news gathering with. Bad on Alex Jones for getting rid of David Knight and his 2 sons, although when you own a business, decisions like this one are the owner's to make. 

Parting of ways should have been much more amicable. Jones' explanation was lacking, and not believable which might hurt some of his credibility with his fans who were also avid David Knight fans.

This blogger's email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com


SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]


[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge]


Did Kirk Wiebe predict 9/11 and the 2020 Election Coup/UN/Occupation of the US?

Click on time code below this blog post to isolate so that video will play. Do you think there is any legitimacy to the story in the below video? If yes, or no, I would like to hear your opinion. Will you comment below, or email me erickson_77 at

NSA Whistleblower Kirk Wiebe Warned Congress in March of 2020 About Election Coup, Plus... [Bitchute video channel WNk85]

Is Trump a Tartarian Warrior or a Poser?

I placed the below comment in this White House Bitchute Channel Video Upload Comment section:

Trump you might be a Tartarian. The genetics can be a dormant gene. If two parents have the dormant gene might become dominant in their offspring.

Tartaria is forgotten nation because of the Masons, Orange Men of Scotland, and the Rothschild types who are bankers. A Taratrian will not put his, or her eyes down, would not wear a mask, pay taxes to tyrants, or give up an inch of land and a nation will fight to the last child, or feeble, crippled elder able to throw rocks rather than yield.

Back when we humans fought with blunt objects and blades, it would take 20 to 50 troops to take one of us out. One of us on horseback was feared by an entire army.

Tartarian children throughout the world are isolated, medicated, and even given female hormones, or are covertly given female transition operations to sterilize us. Females are covertly sterilized, institutionalized, lobotomized up until not long ago, and heavily medicated. 

With the BS COVID scam, so Chinese Troops can be sent in as UN to help Biden with Civil Unrest, has been the agenda from at least 2010, although it was supposed to be Hillary who set this all off in 2016. You don't take them down for treason and the coup, they'll take you out and there won't be anyone on the Planet with Trump genetics left on the planet.

The mask mandate is one way to get a Tartarian to not travel, because we can't abide by stupid rules spewed by morons. We can be identified in supermarkets as if there is 300 in a large store, we will not wear masks even it means a $1500 fine, arrests, and being locked up. When I was railroaded to prison for having a small business, believing in the family and God Given Right, and because of the 1995 UN and Clinton agenda was railroaded to prison. When prison guards tried to have me taken out, I ran the block.

Trump, you won the election in a landslide. You are either with us, or you are against us. We plan on re-instating the US Constitution Party. We ask that after you take your Oath of Office for  your 2nd Term, you found the US Constitution Party and ask any Democrat, Republican, or Independent to join the party. Only 2 rules is that the US Constitution is truly honored and protected, and there will be no members with foreign allegiances who have sworn an oath above the US Constitution such as anyone who is a member of the B.A.R. Association.

If a lawyer see the light to find the errors in his, or her judgment, has a conscience and disavows any loyalty, and membership to the B.A.R., then they can repent and join our US Constitution Party.

My name is Steven G. Erickson. I blog on the Stark Raving Viking, and this post says it: as well as the my last 2 posts as SvenVonErick on Liveleak: The IMF, Rothschild World Bank, UN, and Chinese Communist Censors might be getting to the Bitchute Admin and my last 2 videos I tried to post here on Bitchute were blocked and deleted.
my email is erickson_77 at

Pedophile Judges Sellout Host Countries for More Kids aka "The Lock Down"? [Direct Link to Video, Click Here]

[Click Here] for:

Most Military Wives don't want to See Biden in? Their Husbands will then have to be Patriotic?

Click on time code below this blog if video(s) won't play.

Girlfriends, and wives of younger cops who have served in the military are saying in numbers that they will not accept a Biden win and know that China Biden will ruin the country and stole the election. 

To a lesser extent older cops' wives are saying the same things as they might be colluding with lawyers, judges, and prosecutors to rip off the general public as part of the B.A.R. Association and UN Agendas. 

To erase US Borders, go cashless, and completely cooperate with the IMF, Rothschilds World Bank, United Nations UNESCO, Big Pharma, and Billionaire Elites takeover of the Free World is what is going on. 

Not all cops are bad. Maybe up to all judges are. I haven't heard about any lawyer who isn't a lying profiteering/racketeering scumbag, member of the B.A.R. Association. 2/3 of elected officials are lawyers and members of the B.A.R. including Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, both Clintons, both Obamas, and they have sworn a foreign allegiance to do all of us in.

Wives, and US Veterans themselves will not allow that lying, child molesting, lawyer, piece of excrement, lying lawyer scumbag pedophile who allegedly molested his own children, Biden anywhere near the US Presidency, as they know firsthand the election is all a fraud. 

All of this post is of my best belief, and knowledge. 

Those who have seen taxpayer dollars used to do evil all over the world shepherded by the IMF, World Bank, Chinese Communist Agenda, UN Agendas, and Big Pharmas wish list of force selling 10s of thousands of dollars of their weirs to every individual on the planet. These tools of the most evil tyrants in the history of the world have a conscience and don't want this done at home, the US.  

I have no fear that these honorable US Veterans will bring on the 2nd American Revolution if the IMF, World Bank, and China attempt an armed occupation of America installing Joe Biden as US President. 

All members of the B.A.R. should be looked into for treason. All judges and anyone they interact with should be looked into taking bribes into foreign offshore accounts as bribes to fix court cases,  child adoption auctions, and in the profiting or paying blackmail for pedophilia. 

From 1995, and probably before, police, prosecutors, lawyers, and especially pedophilia corrupt and blackmailed judges followed the Clinton Directive to end Small Business, Private Land Use, a health middle class, the American Family, Gun Ownership, Independent Journalism, Free Speech, and especially those they considered Nationalist Constitutional Extremists. 

Courts and official investigations were to break up families of targets, ruin us financially, make us lose our businesses, with many of us unable to vote, or targeted with arrest and prison if we do, and target harass us, and barbecue us in courts, medically, and institutionally until we no longer breathe:


[more with videos]

UN Policy to Eliminate Pregnancy and 95% of Population? Judges use bribes to have sex with children. Taxpayers fund their rides there.

Click on time code below blog if videos won't load, or play. One of the biggest scams there is, in US States like Connecticut, Officials charge taxpayers for driving to courts to rig court cases for those who bribe them, to go golfing, or to go to whorehouses, on vacations, and have sex slaves, even children. Some courts are about money laundering, drug trafficking, the sex trade including pedophilia, and in the Spy Trade of Blackmail, Coercion, and in taking down Nation States as part of the UN Foreign Entities B.A.R. Association.



Authorities in US States like Connecticut, want to go after family units. Officially kidnapping kids and getting them into prostitution early. 

Judge and former Commissioner of the Connecticut State Police allegedly ran a "Rub and Tug" Whorehouse at the Webster Theater. 

Mafia, Judicial Branch, Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, Police Heads, Fed heads, Drug Traffickers, Media Company Owners, Foreign Offshore Account Bankers for accepting bribes to officials could be covert, all allegedly met at Arthur L. Spada's Whorehouses. 

Looking into judges, and officials travel logs for fraud, theft, abuse, crimes against humanity, and treason should be looked into all members of the B.A.R., all judges, and all those involved in the laws, investigations, monitoring, and in enforcement of laws against families and children:

[Click Here] for:

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Hartford Courant Comment in forum written by former Police Commish Spada:

My Free Speech dot com post that Spada so hated, text cut and pasted and posted here:

Former Rockville Connecticut Judge and former Connecticut State Police Commissioner Arthur L. Spada

My Comment to Arthur L. Spada in a Hartford Courant forum thread:

"Mr." Spada,
didn't you demote the highest ranking police woman because she was a woman while you were Connecticut State Police Commissioner?

I emailed you the text of a letter I sent to the USDOJ asking that the USDOJ webpage on Community Policing (COPS) be taken off the official Connecticut State Police website.

It was a day before I was to be sentenced for pepper spraying a mugger. I knew that if a former fellow Rockville Judge, Jonathan J. Kaplan went ballistic on me, I'd know that you contacted Kaplan and were illegally colluding with him to railroad me to prison.

I believe that is a felony that you committed among others.

Mr. Arthur L. Spada didn't you have chauffeurs haul you around at taxpayer expense? Didn't you falsify official records to hide that you were stealing from taxpayers as you were being driven around to golf ranges? An officer can be felony arrested for taking his cruiser home for lunch for the gas used. Why shouldn't you, Mr. Spada; be arrested for felony theft and fraud? Why couldn't you account for homeland security funds?

Who did more damage to the overall ethics of the Connecticut State Police, you or Lee?

Mr. Spada, you had no police powers, yet you were pulling people over on the highway, what is up with that, shouldn't you have your ego checked for this:

There are police officer rumors that you were either a client or helped run a prostitution ring that ran out of the Webster theatre in Hartford to service cops, lawyers, prosecutors, and judges, is that true? Was it called, "Spada's rub and tug"?

So, Mr. Spada, if you are felony arrested and convicted, should you be wearing the GPS at home arrest bracelet?

If there is ever real justice in Connecticut and the State gets Un-Mobbed up, I feel you will have to pay the piper. I would like an answer from you in writing regarding my belief that you illegally put me in prison for my having proposed Civilian Oversight of Police, for my being critical of State Police in letters to the editor, for attempting to sue police for violating my civil rights, and for upsetting your inflated ego by complaining about you to Rowland's former governor's office?


[more of above, click here


This blogger's email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com


SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]


[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge

[Click Here] for:

Most Military Wives don't want to See Biden in? Their Husbands will then have to be Patriotic?

Click on time code below this blog if video(s) won't play.

Girlfriends, and wives of younger cops who have served in the military are saying in numbers that they will not accept a Biden win and know that China Biden will ruin the country and stole the election. 

To a lesser extent older cops' wives are saying the same things as they might be colluding with lawyers, judges, and prosecutors to rip off the general public as part of the B.A.R. Association and UN Agendas. 

To erase US Borders, go cashless, and completely cooperate with the IMF, Rothschilds World Bank, United Nations UNESCO, Big Pharma, and Billionaire Elites takeover of the Free World is what is going on. 

Not all cops are bad. Maybe up to all judges are. I haven't heard about any lawyer who isn't a lying profiteering/racketeering scumbag, member of the B.A.R. Association. 2/3 of elected officials are lawyers and members of the B.A.R. including Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, both Clintons, both Obamas, and they have sworn a foreign allegiance to do all of us in.

Wives, and US Veterans themselves will not allow that lying, child molesting, lawyer, piece of excrement, lying lawyer scumbag pedophile who allegedly molested his own children, Biden anywhere near the US Presidency, as they know firsthand the election is all a fraud. 

All of this post is of my best belief, and knowledge. 

Those who have seen taxpayer dollars used to do evil all over the world shepherded by the IMF, World Bank, Chinese Communist Agenda, UN Agendas, and Big Pharmas wish list of force selling 10s of thousands of dollars of their weirs to every individual on the planet. These tools of the most evil tyrants in the history of the world have a conscience and don't want this done at home, the US.  

I have no fear that these honorable US Veterans will bring on the 2nd American Revolution if the IMF, World Bank, and China attempt an armed occupation of America installing Joe Biden as US President. 

All members of the B.A.R. should be looked into for treason. All judges and anyone they interact with should be looked into taking bribes into foreign offshore accounts as bribes to fix court cases,  child adoption auctions, and in the profiting or paying blackmail for pedophilia. 

From 1995, and probably before, police, prosecutors, lawyers, and especially pedophilia corrupt and blackmailed judges followed the Clinton Directive to end Small Business, Private Land Use, a health middle class, the American Family, Gun Ownership, Independent Journalism, Free Speech, and especially those they considered Nationalist Constitutional Extremists. 

Courts and official investigations were to break up families of targets, ruin us financially, make us lose our businesses, with many of us unable to vote, or targeted with arrest and prison if we do, and target harass us, and barbecue us in courts, medically, and institutionally until we no longer breathe:

The above photo was [found here]. 

This is what of older American Veterans saw as children:

[More of the above on the Stark Raving Viking blog] Embedded videos are worth the click. 

CIA Shill had me at 100 Trillion Dollars and Lawyers doing Humanitarian Service to Save the Free World.

Click on time code below this post so that videos play. 3x more international criminal money was given to the Joe Biden campaign and he still couldn't legitimately win ...

Three Gifts for America: $100T from Wall Street, End Satanic Pedophiles, Open Source Agency [Robert David Steele #UNRIG, Bitchute]

There are interesting things said here. But, do we want to believe a professional in deception and nation killing? 


[Click Here] for:

Torture for Holding Hands? IMF, World Bank, and China- "Take your Inmate Vaccine"



#CNNRAW 10-21-20 [Project Veritas]

87 THOUSAND DOCTORS & NURSES COME OUT AGAINST COVID 19 & VACCINE. There is no big number of sick people.


Soon all Jobs will FORCE Employees to take RFID Chip or NO WORK [Direct Link to Video]


SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]


[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge


[Click Here] for:

"All the Kids that you Want to F', Son. I am the Prison Warden of the Free World for IMF, China, and World Bank!"

If there is no where in the world to hide, even pacifists who are part of the 95% slated for being stopped breathing for a Greener World for the Elites, will have stand and fight, or die anyway. 

If you are following any ridiculous rules of the Banker Coup such as not having your small business open, wearing a dirty rag on your faces, not going to religious, political, and other gatherings you deserve to die, because you are that stupid, lazy, as you don't understand Freedom isn't Free. Basic Human Rights aren't guaranteed. They are paid for in blood. 

Wear a mask. Your compliance may give you a extra time in the concentration camps and UN prison cities.

Almost no one shows up for Joe Biden rallies, he did almost no campaigning yet was told by all the leading Socialist Democrats, Social, and Mainstream Media all told Biden that no matter what the vote count was, just wait, and he would be US President, "Don't concede for any reason."

Lock downs, forced vaccinations reoccurring, needing travel passes, tattoo RFID 5G Antenna for trans-humanism and IMF World Bank account and inmate number, travel ban, end of small business, self-employment, private use of land, hunting, average person use of fire, end to fossil fuels for electricity and transportation for those not exempt like China, and about 95% of the population. 

This is all that is bragged about by the elites for decades. They meet at United Nations UNESCO for the UN Agendas, Davos, Bilderberg etc. and we aren't part of the club. There is no logical, or statistical explanation for Joe Biden "winning" the US Election. 

The Left's tantrums didn't stop from 2016. They obviously stopped at absolutely nothing this time. 

The only way to keep Communists from blowing everything up, burning all down, stealing everything in sight, and killing all those who are soft in the brain like they are is to either put them in prison, put them against a wall and shoot, or hang them from the nearest tree. 

Look at any time in history the Communists win in a revolution. What happens to the opposition and those who had small businesses, farms, property, education, and cared about their national borders and national identity? 

Are you special? Does all of human history and lessons learned not apply to you. 

The World Bankers took over the world after the War of 1812, and after the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. We are seeing the Rothschild World Bank 2 Century plan for an end game where they charge the world rent and decide who lives, who dies, and who does what and when. 

The CIA can print out $100 US Bills with their printing press.

IMF, the World Bank, the UN, and Communist China can make up digits in any bank account, or print any cash, and bribe any general, any official, any lawyer prosecutor, leader, pedophile blackmailed judge, or anyone in the world it seems that they have endless money ... our money ... money stolen from all of us based on elite scumbag lies.

[More with videos]

Friday, December 25, 2020

The Plot To Steal America [Biden, Election Fraud And The Great Reset]

If video(s) won't play, click on time code at bottom of post to isolate this post.

The Plot To Steal America [Biden, Election Fraud And The Great Reset] [Direct link to video]

Uranium - Obamas, Bidens, Clintons Caught Selling it to Enemies? [Direct Link to SvenVonErick Video]


SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]


[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge]



[Click Here] for:

Vampire Tube, the IMF, World Bank, China. Shut the blood and money tap off.

Click on bottom of blog time code to be able to view video(s). Click on blog banner to go to newest posts.

The Bankers, Communist Chinese, and the IMF, Davos, and Bilderberg crowd have grown fat, weak, and entitled. 

They don't want the Free World healthy working their own land, growing food, hunting, and especially not butchering their own animals for meat, as that teaches the young that killing for survival is okay, and that is something the Coup doesn't want in our skill set. 

Did the IMF, World Bank, Big Pharma, and China over the President of Belarus almost a billion US Dollars printed up out of thin air? [more with video, a blog post]

This to sell out all of his people?

To have a severe lock down so the Belarus fragile economy could crash?

Those seeking an oasis of freedom from masks, tests, forced vaccines and the BS that Australia best shows the world what is in store for the rest of us, would now have dwindling choices of where to escape starvation, torture, rape, child abduction, and mass murder?  

China And The Great Reset: What You Need To Know [We are Change, Bitchute]



[more of the above with videos]

Thursday, December 24, 2020

Australian COVID-19 Vaccine Scrapped After Participants Test Positive for HIV? The China/UN Health Security takeover of Globe

If video(s) won't play, click on time code at bottom of post to isolate this post.


There are all sorts of studies coming out that says that those without symptoms are not passing on the so-called COVID-19. There is no rise in death this year, than last year. Suicides, accidents, overeating, mental illness, and substance and alcohol abuse that leads to early death is definitely a thing. 

It is amazing that those who have noticed the odd behavior of China in 2019, the riots, the fires, the looting, stores being locked down, told no need for masks, told 2 week only shutdown to slow the curve, hearing of a pandemic and millions of deaths as if the end of the world ... not so much.

The election fraud and having the UN and China run the US Military, Police, Courts, and puppeteer the Government seems to be the case right now. With Biden in, there will be no 2024. All is lost, we are Communist and 95% of us may die of starvation and of Mass Murder to satisfy the Rothschild World Bank UN Agendas to only have enough people left to be service staff for the elites. 

With robots and AI doing more, and more. With us going cashless where the Rothschild World Bank is going to establish a Chinese World Digital Reserve Currency, it means all wealth is transferred to servers offshore. So the Bank literally owns are bodies, organs, and is now the government.

Giving us a lethal injection is the cheapest way to "govern" us if the elites have captured all wealth digitally. 

Enjoy living in a Communist Gulag. Enjoy the injections, the tattoo for contact tracing, and being microwaved like a bag of popcorn by 5G Cell Tower or by Chinese Space War Satellites if you think, say, or do anything against UN or Chinese Communist Rules. 


THE EVENT 201 COVID-19 PLANDEMIC-SCAMDEMIC EXERCISE HIGHLIGHTS REEL [2019-10-18] (VIDEO) [Direct Link to Video] (This Video, and the fact that it was assembled BEFORE the PLANNEDEMIC, means we have to call BS, and refuse to abide by any Dumbass Communist UN "rules")

THIS IS WHAT THEY HAVE PLANNED FOR YOU IN 2025 TO 2028! WELCOME TO YOUR FUTURE! [2020-12-22] (VIDEO) [Event 21] (The plan is to keep the lock down until you die of being vaccinated to be dead well before 2030. There are more planned releases of scams called Pandemics. This is about taking all of everything and then killing their crime victims.)

SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]


[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge


[Click Here] for:

If Big Pharma Labs can't isolate COVID-19, does it exist? Why the need for vaccine? Will China cut Cell/Electric?

To isolate post so video will play, click bottom time code under this blog post. Click top banner to go to newest posts.

TODAY THEY WERE FORCED TO ADMIT THAT 'COVID-19' DOES NOT EXIST [Direct Link to Video] (If you get the vaccine willingness, and die, even in the billions of people. You were stupid and deserved to die)

"The Great Reset" is the "Great Ripoff" - Enjoy, Suffer, and Die ... 

[more with videos]

Don't give the Zoo Animals Free Food or Zoo will Be Venezuela, Dinner in Dumpsters

Click on time code below blog to isolate blog for video to play.

Free School, Free Money, Free..Dom? Mass Vax Refusals, Election Fraud Fail, DeepState Isolates Potus [Dustin Nemos, Bitchute] (Is Mitch McConnell complicit in illegal narcotics and Fentanyl coming in from China to US? Did his Chinese wife get a free pass?)

Uranium - Obamas, Bidens, Clintons Caught Selling it to Enemies? [Direct Link]

The Rolling Stones Crossfire Hurricane

Rare WW2 Footage - German Infantry - No Music, Pure Sound

SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]

[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge

COVID-19 Vaccine Developers Stabbing themselves and throwing themselves out Windows- Suicide?

Click on time code below post to make video play.


Donald J. Trump knows he will get 2nd Term

"Evergreen" is the call sign for Hillary Clinton. Melania Trump tweeted "Evergreen is hung!" Or, similar, was tweeted. Click on time code below post to isolate post if videos won't play. Click on top banner to go to newest posts.

Situation Update, Dec. 23rd - Trump chooses DECLASS option; readies epic doc dump [Mike Adams aka the Health Ranger, Natural News, Bitchute]

Situation Update, Dec. 24th - Pence fails, options collapsing, DECLASS priority [Direct link to video]

WHO Quietly Changes "Herd Immunity" Definition In Stunning Display Of Orwellian Social Engineering (Video starts at about 2:34 in. The World Health Organization is lying to and censoring you for your best interest ... yeah right ...) [Last American Vagabond Bitchute Video]

Hunter Biden's naughty bits and children's faces should be put out as videos for evidence of Hunter Biden's torture, rape, and abuse of children to sell out the US to China ALSO taking bribes for Joe Biden.What is released should not be showing penetration, the drawing of blood, and children screaming in pain, so that what is released isn't felony child porn, pedophilia. 

[Click Here] for:

Overthrow the Lying Lawyer Globalist Scumbags to End Lock Down BS?

Click the time code below post to isolate post to view videos. Click on top banner to go to newest posts.

Own nothing, accept that, you have no rights, you can't travel, interact with your family, you aren't allowed to complain, wear your mask, social distance, eat shit, shut up, and take your shot and die m'er f'er!!!

Then there is door number two, where I find you m'er f'ers first. 

Bill Shakespeare had it right. 

Those who steal all your money and property if you get divorced, inherit something, or are setup in some sort of sting to separate you from your family, property, assets, and cash all have something in common. 

They are members of the B.A.R. for lawyers, judges, prosecutors, and for two thirds of elected officials. 

These people sold all their neighbors and their nations for comfort, profit, and seats to be continue to be in charge of what is left after 95 percent of us are purged for United Nations UNESCO agendas. 

If you want your rights protected you are supposed to the very same people who are ripping you off to the point of death. 

They same B.A.R. scum have Satanic Rituals where they off some of the children they steal from good parents. 

Adoption auctions where they rape and torture babies, infants, and toddlers for a blood products to get them high, look more youthful, and is a way for the most evil people in the world to have blackmail and enticements for their secret society. 

With the lock down, contact tracing all resistance is identified before anything can be launched, and children for elites are more plentiful, cheaper, and can be easier catalogued, and itemized, for eye and hair color, height, facial features, and racial purity.

[More with Videos]


SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here].  [SvenVonErick Bitchute]

[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge]


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