Click on time code below blog if videos won't load, or play. One of the biggest scams there is, in US States like Connecticut, Officials charge taxpayers for driving to courts to rig court cases for those who bribe them, to go golfing, or to go to whorehouses, on vacations, and have sex slaves, even children. Some courts are about money laundering, drug trafficking, the sex trade including pedophilia, and in the Spy Trade of Blackmail, Coercion, and in taking down Nation States as part of the UN Foreign Entities B.A.R. Association.
FallCabal, Bitchute]
Authorities in US States like Connecticut, want to go after family units. Officially kidnapping kids and getting them into prostitution early.
Judge and former Commissioner of the Connecticut State Police allegedly ran a "Rub and Tug" Whorehouse at the Webster Theater.
Mafia, Judicial Branch, Legislative Branch, Executive Branch, Police Heads, Fed heads, Drug Traffickers, Media Company Owners, Foreign Offshore Account Bankers for accepting bribes to officials could be covert, all allegedly met at Arthur L. Spada's Whorehouses.
Looking into judges, and officials travel logs for fraud, theft, abuse, crimes against humanity, and treason should be looked into all members of the B.A.R., all judges, and all those involved in the laws, investigations, monitoring, and in enforcement of laws against families and children:
[Click Here] for:
My Free Speech dot com post that Spada so hated, text cut and pasted and posted here: Rockville Connecticut Judge and former Connecticut State Police Commissioner Arthur L. SpadaMy Comment to Arthur L. Spada in a Hartford Courant forum thread:"Mr." Spada,
didn't you demote the highest ranking police woman because she was a woman while you were Connecticut State Police Commissioner?
emailed you the text of a letter I sent to the USDOJ asking that the
USDOJ webpage on Community Policing (COPS) be taken off the official
Connecticut State Police website.
It was a day before I was to be
sentenced for pepper spraying a mugger. I knew that if a former fellow
Rockville Judge, Jonathan J. Kaplan went ballistic on me, I'd know that
you contacted Kaplan and were illegally colluding with him to railroad
me to prison.
I believe that is a felony that you committed among others.
Arthur L. Spada didn't you have chauffeurs haul you around at taxpayer
expense? Didn't you falsify official records to hide that you were
stealing from taxpayers as you were being driven around to golf ranges?
An officer can be felony arrested for taking his cruiser home for lunch
for the gas used. Why shouldn't you, Mr. Spada; be arrested for felony
theft and fraud? Why couldn't you account for homeland security funds?
Who did more damage to the overall ethics of the Connecticut State Police, you or Lee?
Spada, you had no police powers, yet you were pulling people over on
the highway, what is up with that, shouldn't you have your ego checked
for this:
are police officer rumors that you were either a client or helped run a
prostitution ring that ran out of the Webster theatre in Hartford to
service cops, lawyers, prosecutors, and judges, is that true? Was it
"Spada's rub and tug"?
So, Mr. Spada, if you are felony arrested and convicted, should you be wearing the GPS at home arrest bracelet?
there is ever real justice in Connecticut and the State gets Un-Mobbed
up, I feel you will have to pay the piper. I would like an answer from
you in writing regarding my belief that you illegally put me in prison
for my having proposed Civilian Oversight of Police, for my being
critical of State Police in letters to the editor, for attempting to sue
police for violating my civil rights, and for upsetting your inflated
ego by complaining about you to Rowland's former governor's office?
[more of above, click here]
This blogger's email: erickson_77 at hotmail dot com
SvenVonErick video uploads on LiveLeak [found here]. [SvenVonErick Bitchute]
[Gateway Pundit] [Zero Hedge]
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Click Here] for:
Click on time code below this blog if video(s) won't play.
Girlfriends, and wives of younger cops who have served in the military
are saying in numbers that they will not accept a Biden win and know
that China Biden will ruin the country and stole the election.
a lesser extent older cops' wives are saying the same things as they
might be colluding with lawyers, judges, and prosecutors to rip off the
general public as part of the B.A.R. Association and UN Agendas.
erase US Borders, go cashless, and completely cooperate with the IMF,
Rothschilds World Bank, United Nations UNESCO, Big Pharma, and
Billionaire Elites takeover of the Free World is what is going on.
all cops are bad. Maybe up to all judges are. I haven't heard about any
lawyer who isn't a lying profiteering/racketeering scumbag, member of
the B.A.R. Association. 2/3 of elected officials are lawyers and members
of the B.A.R. including Kamala Harris, Joe Biden, both Clintons, both
Obamas, and they have sworn a foreign allegiance to do all of us in.
and US Veterans themselves will not allow that lying, child molesting,
lawyer, piece of excrement, lying lawyer scumbag pedophile who allegedly
molested his own children, Biden anywhere near the US Presidency, as
they know firsthand the election is all a fraud.
All of this post is of my best belief, and knowledge.
who have seen taxpayer dollars used to do evil all over the world
shepherded by the IMF, World Bank, Chinese Communist Agenda, UN Agendas,
and Big Pharmas wish list of force selling 10s of thousands of dollars
of their weirs to every individual on the planet. These tools of the
most evil tyrants in the history of the world have a conscience and
don't want this done at home, the US.
I have no fear that
these honorable US Veterans will bring on the 2nd American Revolution if
the IMF, World Bank, and China attempt an armed occupation of America
installing Joe Biden as US President.
All members of the B.A.R.
should be looked into for treason. All judges and anyone they interact
with should be looked into taking bribes into foreign offshore accounts
as bribes to fix court cases, child adoption auctions, and in the
profiting or paying blackmail for pedophilia.
From 1995, and
probably before, police, prosecutors, lawyers, and especially pedophilia
corrupt and blackmailed judges followed the Clinton Directive to end
Small Business, Private Land Use, a health middle class, the American
Family, Gun Ownership, Independent Journalism, Free Speech, and
especially those they considered Nationalist Constitutional Extremists.
and official investigations were to break up families of targets, ruin
us financially, make us lose our businesses, with many of us unable to
vote, or targeted with arrest and prison if we do, and target harass us,
and barbecue us in courts, medically, and institutionally until we no
longer breathe:
The above photo was [found here].
This is what of older American Veterans saw as children:
More of the above on the Stark Raving Viking blog] Embedded videos are worth the click.