Sunday, October 31, 2010

The US Criminal Society

Text with below video:
corbettreport | October 30, 2010

Gerald Celente of the Trends Research Institute at joins The Corbett Report to discuss the ongoing foreclosure crisis in the American real estate industry. He discusses the criminal mentality that makes these frauds possible and how people can protect themselves by unplugging themselves from the system. For more information and to order the Trends Jounal, please visit:

Foreclosuregate - Gerald Celente on Economics 101

US Midterm sElections Special - New World Next Week

Text with video:
corbettreport | October 28, 2010

Welcome to a very important episode of the New World Next Week - the weekly video series from Corbett Report & Media Monarchy. This week's episode focuses on the upcoming US selections & the three-ring circus that surrounds it.

Story #1: American Election Devolves Into Brutality & Fraud
Related: Conway Tips Off Asst. Prosecutor/Brother About Drug Trafficking Investigation
Related: Conn. Judge Says WWE Fans Can Wear Garb To Polls

Story #2: Obama Appearance & Rally Confirm Jon Stewart's Reach
Background: Jon Stewart Announced Rally By Trashing 9/11 Truth
Background: Tarpley on Obama, Annenberg & the Foundation-Funded Left

Story #3: California Prop 19: Giant Leap Towards Ending Fraudulent Drugwar
Flashback: Meet George Soros

Bonus: Wikileaks 'Iraq War Diaries' Largest Classified Military Leak in History
NWNW Flashback: Wikileaks + MSM Hype = ?
CIA Ghost Bin Laden Threatens France on New Audio Tape

Subscribe to to get hi-quality episodes to download, burn & share. And as always, stay up-to-date by subscribing to the feeds from Corbett Report & Media Monarchy Thank you.

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The Machine is Changing Us

Aldous Huxley:
"“There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception.”

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

US Empire of Delusion

Text with below video:

RTAmerica | October 22, 2010

The US has long prided itself on being an exceptional nation, a City Upon Hill and a beacon of democracy and progress the world over. Yet in education, healthcare and finance, the US is falling behind other developed and developing nations. Last week the US slipped to 49th place in terms of life expectancy, and ranks dead last among developed nations in terms of child well-being. Long dedicated to cultivating an educated, highly skilled workforce, the US is now behind Russia and South Korea in the number of citizens with Bachelor's degrees. So can the empire simply be in the eye of the beholder, or do Americans need to confront the harsh statistics about their lone superpower.

US: Crumbling empire

The US is more about charging its citizen for being spied on and abused, more than providing any "service" for the fees charged with, and without, permission.

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Is killing and maiming civilians US Government policy?

Iraq Vet: "WikiLeaks tells the truth"

Text with video:
RTAmerica | October 26, 2010

The largest intel leak in the United States history, has been the most revealing account of any war in history. Over 400,000 classified US military documents on the Iraq war were released by the whistle blowing website WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange. Iraq war veteran Josh Steiber says that what was reported in WikiLeaks was not only accurate but should be questioned more by US officials.


Monday, October 25, 2010


Image [found here]

Image [found here]

Image [found here]

US President George W. Bush pictured with Barack Obama [found here]

Text with below video:
corbettreport | October 24, 2010

Sunday Update is a public service of The Corbett Report podcast.

HID Global Teams Up With Sony

European Payments Council White Paper on Mobile Payments

UAE to be E-money Haven

BBC Pimps Cashless Society

Danish City Introduces Contactless Card for Schoolchildren

Russo Reveals Rockefeller Agenda

Alex Jones on Resisting the Control Grid

New video message from Awlaki

Awlaki wined and dined by Pentagon after 9/11

Govt Agencies Used Software From Designated Terrorist

Edmonds: OBL Working With US Govt Up to Day of 9/11

Angry FBI Agents Joked About Al Qaeda Mole at HQ

Constable Josephs Sues YouTubers

The "Officer Bubbles" incident

Hamilton man stands up to "Officer Bubbles" over comments

"Officer Bubbles" videos back up on YouTube

Cashless Control, Awlaki the Boogeyman, "Officer Bubbles" - Sunday Update

This blogger gets personal, the out of control US Government, Police, and Courts have reached out and stepped on me:


Monday, October 18, 2010

Corporate 9-11 Coup d'état

Jesse Ventura says what a lot of us would like to say so publicly.

The US, Canada, UK, and other corporate bankster governments will do just about anything to further corporate interests.

That includes blowing up buildings and killing its own citizens.


Jesse Ventura on FOX Business News 10 14 10

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[click here] for:

Canadian, UK, US Gov wants to detain you

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[click here] for:

Jesse Ventura, Plum Island, West Nile Virus, Lyme Disease

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Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory - Plum Island Part 1 of 4

Text with video:
saluki420 | October 16, 2010

Jesse storms Congress to find out if the government is conducting bio-warfare experiments at the mysterious Plum Island Animal Research Center off the coast of Long Island. The center began as a bio-warfare lab run by former Nazi scientists, and it has been blamed for spreading diseases and viruses throughout the mainland, including African swine flu and Lyme disease.

2 of 4

3 of 4

4 of 4

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I found the below video on Kenny's Sideshow blog [here]

WTC2 collapse 1/2 speed, How Towers Fell 11.avi

Text with video:
11septembervideos | October 11, 2010

Separated fields, deinterlaced with smooth deinterlacer v1.1 in VirtualDub. I removed the previous version because this one is much smoother.

folder: \\International_Center_fo­r_911_Studies_NIST_FOIA\Release_14_-_NIS­T_Cumulus_Video_Database\NIST Cumulus Video\Collapse - How the Towers Fell - DiscovCh

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Garden of Evil

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Mash 1970, Suicide is Painless

Where the lyrics came from [wikipedia]

According to [a guest on the Alex Jones radio show], 20 minutes of training in an American tank will give you the maximum radiation acceptable for a year. Depleted Uranium rounds have been used by the US in theaters of war and are known to be unsafe for our own troops. The first Gulf War may have twenty to twenty-five percent casualties from having used depleted Uranium rounds out of tanks and aircraft, right now, more to come. Veterans complain of explosive diarrhea. If the US government doesn't care about veterans, they don't care. The actual deaths due to war in Iraq and Afghanistan may exceed one million! Death before one's time because of war is still a casualty.



Sunday, October 10, 2010

100 Nights Homeless Shelter, Keene, NH

Millie (Dearborn?), Age 74, Homeless in Keene New Hampshire

Millie's Tarp Home

100 Nights Homeless Shelter, Living and Sleeping Area Bunks

Homeless Child Poster

Unrelated picture of Opossums. Millie is known to have a specific opossum come and sleep on her while she lays under her tarp sleeping and/or laying down wrapped up to keep warm.

100 Nights Homeless Shelter relies on private donations and five to seven area religious institution and churches out of about 85 in the area. The two homeless shelters run by the city of Keene allegedly don’t have sprinkler systems if there is a fire. 100 Nights will be closed down unless sprinkler systems are installed by mid December.

Citizens can be turned away from the shelter run by the city if they can’t confirm residency or if they are from Troy, New Hampshire, or other communities that don’t reimburse shelters for citizens from their towns coming to the Keene shelters. Citizens going to the Keene Shelters may have to sign away their rights, their social security or unemployment checks, and may have to sign paperwork saying they are mentally ill and give up their rights to make their own decisions.

If a person has been drinking, or appears to be under the influence, 100 Nights will still allow citizens inside, out of the cold. Keene City Police Officers will often drop off obviously homeless who are under the influence at 100 Nights.

The State College, the University of Keene, causes rents to be high all over Keene. Some of the houses near the college charge by the student, not by the room, or area, further upping area rents. Some families and those who work in the Keene area are using the shelter because they are unable to afford rents in the area.

Is the City of Keene a typical local government trying to discourage the poorer, and especially the homeless, from living in the area with their policies, overt and covert?

100 Nights Homeless Shelter's webpage:

Their email: covers the story, "City Aggressors Continue Attack Against Homeless" [click here]

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A video shot by Steven G. Erickson, December 2009, on the Homeless behind Hanaford's Supermarket, Keene, New Hampshire, "Homeless Tent City":

Homeless Camp, Keene NH

Text with video:
SvenVonErick | December 13, 2009

There is a homeless camp in Keene, New Hampshire called "In-tent-city". I saw only one tent, but there is a shelter made out of trees sawed with chainsaws, donated wafer board plywood, scrap aluminum, and other materials. These people have nowhere to go as the homeless shelters are full.

There is insulation used, there is some wiring, a generator used for a couple hours a day, two wood stoves, and mattresses across a dirt floor.

The city is trying to evict them, and the camp made the front page of the local newspaper. A politician owns the land and commercial building used by Hannaford's Supermarket.

The building inspector, health inspector, and other authorities want the homeless people out of the heated shelter and into tents where these people could freeze, get wet, lose fingers, toes, endanger their lives, and/or actually die.

The crooks pulling the puppet strings of our US leaders have ripped the average people off to a point of their having to live in the woods. I call these camps in the US, "Obie Homeless Camps" after Barack Obama.

This is why there are no checks and balances in the US and this is why the dollar is going to completely fail:

Free Keene videos, embedded here:

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[click here] for:

No requirement for police to "Protect and Serve"

This blogger's email:

stevengerickson AT yahoo Dot Com


Thursday, October 07, 2010

US Gov Follies, a video

Text with below video:
corbettreport | October 07, 2010

Welcome to another important episode of the New World Next Week - the video series from Corbett Report & Media Monarchy that gives you the text, context & subtext on the stories that matter. This week:

Story #1: Army Uses US Media to Train Psychological Operations Personnel
Flashback: Behind TV Analysts, Pentagon's Hidden Hand

Story #2: CNN's Rick Sanchez Out After Suggesting Jews Run the Media
Flashback: Massive Israeli Manipulation of US Media Exposed

Story #3: Distrust in U.S. Media Edges Up to Record High
Flashback: Internet Overtakes Print in News Consumption Among Americans

Bonus: Terronoia Grows Over Latest International Threataganda

Subscribe to to get hi-quality episodes to download, burn & share. And as always, stay up-to-date by subscribing to the feeds from Corbett Report & Media Monarchy Thank you.

Media Psyops, Bye-Bye Sanchez, Down With MSM - New World Next Week

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Eliot Spitzer and the CNN "Twilight Zone"

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Dirty Sanchez, "Jews Control the Media", and Free Speech?

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Enemy of the States? Media vet claims 'autocratic news' stifle voice of America

Text with video:
RussiaToday | October 07, 2010

The U.S. might claim to be a champion of freedom of speech, but not, it seems, if it's coming from Russia, Iran, Venezuela or China. The head of the media organisation which oversees America's international broadcasting, says it must up its game to combat the rise of what he called 'autocratic TV stations'... including this one.

Monday, October 04, 2010

Boston Gang War

Text with below video:
NationalGeographic | June 02, 2008

Decades ago, Boston (Massachusetts) was a hotbed of crime. Explore the bloody underworld as told by mobsters.

Bullets Over Boston: The Irish Mob :
SUN JUNE 8 10P et/pt :

Mafias, Organized Crime, Secret Societies, and the Founding Fathers all have "Gang Life" in common:


Sunday, October 03, 2010

Naked Capitalism

Image [found here]

Text with below video:

RussiaToday | October 03, 2010

US author Yves Smith spoke with RT about the cover-ups that went on leading up to and during the economic crisis, the real secrets of the crooks on Wall Street, and the doom and gloom of the future of America's economy. Yves Smith of and author of "Econned: How Unenlightened Self Interest Undermined Democracy and Corrupted Capitalism" told RT that there seems to be a big disconnect between sentiment in Washington and New York and the rest of the country. "Something like over 60% of the policy makers in Washington think the country is on the right track. Over 70% in America as a whole think it is on the wrong track," she said.

'Innocent' Wall Street? Banks & companies 'clever in dishonesty'

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[click here] for:

FBI Blacklisted Pete Seeger

[click here] for:

Federal Average Pay, $123,049, as America Collapses



Ranting 9-29-2010

Text with video:
SvenVonErick | September 29, 2010

More info:

The opening picture of the above video, is of Steven G. Erickson, Bourbon St., New Orleans, Louisiana, Spring 2006. I am watching Fox News while typing this, the Dr. William Petit story where his home was invaded, his 11 year old was sodomized, raped, and had gas poured on her to set her ablaze is airing in the background. Dr. Petit didn't fight back. Our cases aren't related. I resisted being mugged on my own property, using pepper spray, I get a year in prison ...

Petit doesn't adequately protect his family, and he is minus his family. They're dead. I defended myself and am minus my family, they're alive.

Petit Cheshire Connecticut Home Invasion story:

Links related to video:


This blogger's email: stevengerickson AT yahoo Dot Com

More information about the Corbett Report and Mr. James Corbett, scroll down in this post:

Stafford Springs Connecticut State Police Misconduct Brutality

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Proof of US Censored News

Text with below video:
RTAmerica | October 01, 2010

As an attempted coup d'etat takes place in Ecuador, the US mainstream media prefers to cover the Naked Cowboy and Justin Beiber's haircut. Why is real news ignored? RT's Anastasia Churkina reports.

Fox News and Co. ignore Ecuador chaos, anarchy

CIA behind failed Ecuador coup?

Text with video:
RTAmerica | October 01, 2010

In the latest of Latin American coup attempts, thousands of national police took to the streets yesterday in a failed attempt to overthrow Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa over a new law they felt jeopardized their benefits. RT contributor Wayne Madsen argued that the US, via the CIA and other agencies, is behind the coups in Latin America and that it is visible through the continually used CIA playbook. Madsen said that in Latin America gunboat diplomacy simply will not work and that the people of Latin America have wised up to what is going on.

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