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Text with video:
re-instate the US Constitution. Eject the UN out of US.
Shut up about the SNIFFLES.
I will not comply with anything.
Contact tracing is to track down those who will protect and defend
the US Constitution, and to eradicate private ranching, family farming,
independent journalists, self-employment, political conversations not
monitored by United Nations UNESCO, resistance to a World Chinese
Digital Currency as reserve currency, going cashless, private owning of
property, and to keep the general population out of resort, nature,
resource, lakes, mountains, beaches, and elite playgrounds, and those
who will resist a population reduction program, vaccinations, and child
harvesting program for rituals, slavery, and abuse.
More info: https://judicialmisconduct.blogspot.com/2020/11/daddy-knows-joe-butter-butt-biden-likes.html
If you are here and know how to contact New Hampshire Governor Chris
Sununu please make him aware of this video. If you know, or have access
to Donald J. Trump, please make him aware of this video.
The Obama 2012 NDAA basically gave the DoD US Department of Defense
and unlimited amount of US tax dollars to propagandize all media, track
and trace conservatives to set us up for police, alphabet agency,
judicial abuse, for confinement, beatings, harassment, being railroaded
to prison, and even being covertly murdered.
I have suffered under the Clinton/Obama/Biden/UN/Communist China coup
of the Free World. So has Roger Stone, Alex Jones, anyone blowing the
whistle and anyone who wants national sovereignty for their nation, is
against illegal immigration, who can't be bought off, and anyone who
stands in the way of CIA, UN, FBI, US DHS Homeland Security, DoD drug
trafficking, child, and sex trafficking.
What has Happened During the U.S. Election?; Using Proper Names; What Trump Should do – NWG. [direct link to video]
[click here] for Excerpt:
Barack Obama signed the 2012 NDAA into law. It allegedly gave the DoD billions of dollars to bring about UN Agenda 21 and 2030.
where insiders like Obamas, Clinton, Big Tech, DARPA, Big Pharma,
intelligence agencies involved in child, sex, drug trafficking and
helped in city, state, country, and worldwide Psy-Ops.
So, the
DoD could completely propagandize the mainstream and social media,
oppress votes for financial and national stability, remove
Constitutional Extremists and Nationalists with contract tracing for
re-training torture, indefinite detention, and/or elimination.
I tried to leave a hint of this on [Green Crow as the Crow Flies blog] in [this post]. The comment isn't there, it was deleted for being too over the top, or something.
Read the comment, and editorialized on [my BitChute video upload channel] and on [LiveLeak] both as SvenVonErick. Let's see if this blog, Green Crow even though she or UN Google Censors took it down.
I am passionate, angry,or in my head about the PTSD of my father from
age 3 hearing my W. Mass Monsanto father brag drunk that he poisoned my
cat me age 2 or 3 (1966 or 1967), coming into my bedroom at night
lurking out of the shadows and then pouncing on me when I woke up when a
real Boogie Man came out of the shadows, and would choke me out.
only time I saw fear in his eyes is when he saw the whites of my eyes
turn blood red, he saw me, and after he started beating me for no reason
when someone wasn't looking, I stood up out of the chair where I was
eating breakfast cereal, and grabbed him by his shirt and said at 16,
"right now asshole, we are having a fight out in the middle of the
street right now!"
My father wrote one very small, and insignificant Globalist and Secular Humanism handbook, [seen here].
What he wrote is called, "My Invisible Friends," and is meant to be a
handbook to eradicate religion, track, trace, silence, and eliminate
them (us) for being mush brains.
So, from age 3, I didn't believe
in Santa Claus, the Eater Bunny, or the Tooth Fairy. I was wide awake.
My grandfather's best friend possibly the retired police chief of a town
near Fargo, North Dakota both started taking to me from 1968, as
either, both, or another friend was a member of the John Birch Society,
and the Police Chief had CIA adult children, operatives in the UN, and
knew about the Continuity of Government Program and a time when the
population was to be reduced by over 90%, and said it was for the year
Obviously their time line was off. So, as soon as I could
travel, I did. I told my father at age 16, after challenging him to a
fight where he such a pussy-assed bully, he declined. He will only beat
my mother, me, or anyone else when the victim won't fight back, "I will
undo all over the world all the evil you have done, or die trying you
pathetic piece of shit!"
My father met with Chinese agents and
maybe even those in the UN, right in our Ludlow, and Wilbraham,
Massachusetts. A girl about 14 asked me to sleep with her when I was
around the same age, I hadn't yet lost my virginity, or neither had she,
but her father wanted her to sleep with me so that her father wouldn't
get prison, they would lose their home, and have my father call the
judge to fix the case.
I told the girl, that my father never
wanted me, had to marry my mother in a high school gym in shame in
Fargo, North Dakota, and have me in shame in Cleveland, Ohio. So, I
didn't want to loose my virginity then, and I couldn't deliver what she
asked for.
Okay, with no more typing diaherea, and with all the
grammar and spelling mistakes, this is the deleted comment in the Green
Crow as the Crow Flies blog, plus my apologies to her if she thinks I am
batshit crazy:
I need your help. Your readers as well. Before I left Wales,
Massachusetts to go be an insurance adjuster in the aftermath of
Hurricane Katrina, I was interviewing a Boston area biker who claimed he
ran for political office in Canada, because he is a Canadian. He knew
about Clinton secret meetings in Canada and was talking about some of
what is actually happening now.
I know the guy had dirt on the Trudeaus AND Clintons.
That guy, knows where all the bodies are buried. He tried to blow the
whistle about what was going on in Canada and in Boston, and then was
railroaded to prison in US to shut him up and his life was threatened.
DoD and those who would develop contact tracing software, and defense
contractors in Boston area, BAE, and one near where Guislaine Maxwell
got bagged, Bedford, New Hampshire, one of the hubs to all of what is
going on now.
At the time I was exposing Pfizer for their wanting to go worldwide with
Lyme-Rx and their bogus tests to show you don't have Lyme, a Bio-Weapon
resulting after Operation Paperclip on Plum Island Germ Warfare lab,
prevailing wind and seabird route to Lyme Connecticut north of where
biologic agents were made, run through sheep, dried and sprayed on Iraq
Desserts during wars. They were working on vaccines to give to troops
who contracted the illnesses caused by the aerial spraying.
Kathleen Dickson testified on the how dangerous Lyme-Rx was and gave you
Lyme, and the bogus test would show you are cured. The Pfizer plan was
to collect DNA worldwide, and to give those on a list "hot shots". Lisa
Masterson blew the whistle on Baxter in the UK. The same thing happened
to both Scientist whistle blowers who had the science, they were
arrested by police on opposite sides of the pond. Their kids were taken
away. Each was placed in mental hospitals and heavily drugged.
I was trying to blog this all out on a Horse Farm in Wales,
Massachusetts. Chris Kennedy of Ellington Connecticut and Del Simmons
owner of FreeSpeech.com of Atlanta Georgia and who may was trying to
expose globalist stuff out of Wilmington, Delaware, Biden's stomping
ground. All of us had multiple power surges at our houses all at the
same time taking out our computers, microwave ovens, furnace
electronics, televisions, stereos, etc.
Rich Murzin, another police officer, or retired FBI agency the CT State
Police were sending their vandals out to harass, would tip me off
whenever the Connecticut FBI or Connecticut State Police sent one of
their informants out to kill me. I wasn't safe on the Farm, so I went to
hide and only pay cash in New York City, no cellphone. I used Skype to
communicate. I was tip a State Police Officer's 14 year old girlfriend
on probation was going to wear an grey haired wig, cheater glasses to
read menus to make me think she was not 14, and pick me up in NYC bar I
was hanging out in, and if they couldn't get me for statutory rape, to
serve my life out as a sex offender, or they would just straight up
murder me in a mugging that went bad.
So, I left New York City, and left to go to New Orleans known as the Big
Easy. Rich Murzin said the FBI then referred to me as "Big Apple to the
Big Easy" when coded messages from CT State Police or FBI sent someone
out to attack me.
My current tipster says if Donald Trump calls for a re-election on one
day, in person, declares the US opened up due the numbers meaning
nothing for lack of death. And that Pfizer tried this total BS with Lyme
Disease and everything from, up until something they threw against the
wall that finally stuck. The contact tracing is to target individuals
like me who are the biggest pains the a$$ to the UN and/or the Clintons.
Since Biden only got 1/10 to 1/3 max of the vote, Biden won't get in.
The worldwide lock down would end, there would be no contact tracing.
The Clintons, Bidens, Obamas, and their whole spider web of World Bank,
UN, and Chinese Intelligence spooks would all be exposed for this whole
hoax on humanity.
If you have the name of the Canadian former politician, or guy who ran
for office. I want to apologize for not believing him and posting his
stuff on Stark Raving Viking. Kathleen Dickson's youtube video exposing
PFizer won't be up long.
Any tips, can be emailed to thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com
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