Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Pundits calling BS on COVID-19, Coronavirus?

Direct link to video: https://youtu.be/3yvhmf38vOg

I first found the above video, here: http://greencrowasthecrowflies.blogspot.com/

My video uploads: https://www.liveleak.com/c/SvenVonErick

I mainly blog here: http://starkravingviking.blogspot.com/

Cops can steal money from taxpayers pretending they are paying informants to set up non-criminal taxpayers for property, asset, and cash confiscation in police money racketeering scam, civil asset forfeiture. Cops get to frame you for something, and then take all your shit. This cop wasn't sharing with other cops, was a pirate, so he lost his job, no prison: http://thesrv.blogspot.com/2008/02/hartford-connecticut-detective-avoids.html

Speak out about the above, and then it's people like me who have police informants go after them, beat them up, and then the victim of police misconduct, goes to prison: http://thegetjusticecoalition.blogspot.com/2013/10/telling-children-committee-elected.html


Monday, March 30, 2020

History Buffs: Dances with Wolves (This is how UN puppets will treat all of us, soon ... )

We are all the New Native Americans ...

Direct link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d732rPkjqOU


[Click Here] for:

Amputate S. California, NYC, UN, Connecticut, and New Jersey from a Healthy America?



[Click Here] for:

Celebrate "Curse the Masses" - the UN

Happy Curse the Masses, Merry Curse the Masses. Celebrate becoming sterile and being wiped out financially, your voice silenced. Your vote meaningless, is this all okay with you?

Truckers are blasting their horns exactly at 12 Noon in US Nationwide to protest the taxes put on diesel. The mantle is being picked up by all of the world's population to protest the UN and the big banks offering fiat currency printed up out of thin air with no real value, where these "banks" lend their money at interest to buy a small piece of what our ancestors left to us in land and resources. Will you act to protest the tyrants as well?





Keywords: riots new york city washington dc US President Donald J. Trump Barack Obama Chinese assassination attempt bombing death shot shooter guns Martial Law NDAA Italy quarantine UK UN ban COVID-19 Coronavirus pandemic dogs cats adoption free pizza free download  craigs list dating gay lesbian rainbow coalition gas prices diesel taxes protest Agenda 21 Bill Gates caused the problems was hanged and is now dead George Soros got anal cancer Jeff Bezo was impaled like Vlad the Impaler Dracula George W. Bush US Connecticut Senator Richard Dick Blumenthal is a traitor Bilderberger and should be hung for treason after fair trial judges in the California 9th Circuit of Appeals are lying scumbag thieves Censorhip internet google sucks CIA NSA operation northwoods 9/11 Ruby Ridge FBI F'ing Bombing Idiots Olahoma Federal Building Bombing Paris London HIV Osama Bin Laden Joe Biden is a pedophile Mario Cuomo should be deported to a bottom of a NYC sewer. Lyme Disease testing vaccine Anthrax 2001 treatment drug resistant nuclear Vietnam Ukraine Russia Vladimir Putin Sweden Norway Lithuania Lietuva Latvie Poland Romania Hawaii vacation free flights cruise ship containment power outage water shortage polluted Ohio California secession Austin Texas Alex Jones infowars https://banned.video/

Cameo - Word Up (Official Video)

The Gap Band, "You dropped a bomb on me"

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Tragic Details About Van Halen

Nobody Walks in LA

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Setting a bad precedent, allowing Democrats to shutdown elections every flu season to skew the elections in their favor is crazy stupid

Are we rewarding the Democrats to pander to them every time that they say the sky is falling? The UN is out to erase borders, and flood 1st world nations with the 3rd World so there is such a breach of harmony that the population is so worried about migrant crime, they don't see the globalist coup going on to topple every nation at the same time.

If we don't stand together, they will pull this every flu season.

thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail.com

My video uploads:

Rise of the Robots won't look like this INSIDE the US ...

Monday, March 23, 2020


Will the Czech Republic close its borders for 2 years. Is that crazy?

Photo of story is from Summit.news

Has anyone thought out to laying down in front of an enemy who has played dead, to then wage all out economic war to win?

The best conspiracy theory ever is that the Democrat surprise is what is going on now. They went big, they went international. The theory goes that Trump had planned on most embarrassing Hillary, by bring Clinton to justice with the New York City Police Department, as they hold the Wiener laptop with all the evidence on it.

Hillary can’t be brought to trial in New York City where the courts are closed. So, if the conspiracy theory is true will Hillary get the last laugh on Donald J. Trump?

Would Hillary go so low as to conspire with Barack Obama, China, billionaires who want the US Constitution scrapped, and other enemies of the US to financially ruin the US, just so she won’t get prosecuted, and so she has another shot at the White House?

Well, without what is going on, would Hillary, or the Democrats even have a prayer?

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Y2K, China, and Hillary Clinton?

Do you remember all the panic of Y2K?

Just going from 1999 to 2000, prison operators really freaked out that there air and other ways actuated doors on jail cells and prisons, would just open up just because computers couldn’t deal with the change of the year.

Many didn’t go out for New Years Eve, fearing that the world would end.

There was a run on guns, ammunition, gasoline, canned food, bottled water, etc 20 years ago. It was absolute chaos and pandemonium.

Someone who lost an election who got billions from the biggest international criminals in the world, are still owed the favors promised by Hillary Clinton. Hillary had an insecure server just to feed our US secrets to China, getting countless US operatives tortured and killed, along with complete families in China and other countries.

So, the Y2K is  a good roadmap of how to get citizens in the whole world to collectively go nuts that the sky is falling. The Oklahoma Federal Building Bombing helped the Clintons avoid prosecution for White Water, and allowed the Clintons to covertly use internal US spies and operatives to go after enemies, and “win” the upcoming election. So Hillary knows the value of a good, cheap for the money psychological operation that puts the public in a panic, and then behind the Clintons.

Who caused the problems, and who is offering the magic cure after the world is bankrupt and we can all be bought as slaves for pennies on the dollar?

Who wanted the world economies to crash to get rid of just one world leader?

Who lost the Trade War?

Who has 110 extra million men of military age where the main proteins are scarce domestically because pigs and chicken are getting an even more deadly to them, animal flu? How’s the one child policy working for China, where mainly girls are aborted?

If 80% plus have no to very mild symptoms we are all chumps. We are at war and too many numb skulls just don’t have a clue.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

1968 drugs Westover AFB downloaded to wating police chief cruiser trunks W. Mass?

I was 4 years old. My mom was sick, or not available. Police told my father that I was old enough to know what was going on. B-52 pilot Ray O'Mara (sp?) was also admonished.

Age 6 the Ludlow, Massachusetts, police chief took me aside, when our school class was touring the police department and fire department as part of a school field trip. The Chief wanted to know what I remembered. The Chief told me that he didn't like the revolvers as they were pee shooters and officers wants Auto 45s like were carried in Vietnam by US soldiers. My father as a Monsanto Executive with an alleged top security clearance as a Corporate version of the CIA may have had the power to do for police.

Since there is no slow down of drug deliveries as there is no toilet paper, I can only assume that DHS is still the same major supplier of drugs, the major narcotics traffickers ever, using military transports to deliver drugs as everything DHS does is secret.




Monday, March 16, 2020

Will Liberals become more Conservative?

I have been hearing interesting stories on the airwaves. Hearing that liberals are all pissed off in California because they can’t get guns and ammunition mailed to them in other states. Hopefully the wingnuts won’t get guns ...

The liberals have ensured that free speech is blocked, except for them, and that they have the monopoly on violence and bad behavior. Liberals are having a complete awaking now that they want to protect their property and keep whatever they have stored, and prepped to get through the crisis.

Personally I think that the virus is a complete nothing burger.

I believe that there is a dangerous virus. I think that there is high probability that the virus was cobbled together, to cause the most problems, weaponized.

Last Fall, I thought, the liberals and the UN are definitely going to pull something. Listen to hosts like Bill Maher. He wanted the economy to tank, and that some big calamity occurred, just so Trump wouldn’t get elected. Does Bill Maher know something the last 4 years from his Deep State Globalist friends?

You had to know the Dema Commie Rats and critters in the UN were going to do something. Bernie and Biden look like to battling robotic corpses during the debates. Looking at them, what can the Democrats actually be thinking. Will either of these worthless sacks of crap even be around in 2021?

I predict that is it going to be a wake up call. The globalists played their cards, and tried to attack the world all at the same time, a global 9/11.

But, I think instead of fear, and compliance, billionaires like Bill Gates will just be shredded if they try to go out in public. We the People are connecting the dots.

Democrat run cities are embarrassing failures. Sanctuary cities quickly devolve to be as bad as the 3rd World inhabitants choose to make them as the working, taxpaying citizens exit.

I have been living mostly in New Hampshire. When I see California plates on a vehicle, I want the bugger to return back to the place he, or she, ruined, and not come here to do the same exact things that made most of California such a hellhole.

Texas should turn Californians back at the border as well.

If Trump has any hope of winning, he has to keep just one promise, “Lock her up ... “ Hillary Clinton’s treason, countless felonies, and being an accessory to so many countless murders. When you take hammers to cellphones and use bleaching software to erase hard drives it is obstruction of justice. Chelsea and Hillary looted Haiti, the cellphone predatory lending companies using cell phones to loan money at rates mafia loan sharks would blush, is beyond disgusting.

Drain the swamp. Prosecute the perpetrators of crimes against Humanity.

If Trump plays his cards right, he could become the most important US President in history, far more important centuries from now than even George Washington was.

Globalism should die an awful painful death. Our supply lines and skill sets should be closer to home.

Do you remember when SNL was Funny, not just a Democrat Party Shill?

Star Trek: The Last Voyage - SNL


My main blog: starkravingviking.blogspot.com

NBC network's Saturday Night Live, and Alec Baldwin, are non-stop, attack US President Donald J. Trump, it is assassination by attempted humiliation.


This blogger's video upload channel: https://www.liveleak.com/c/SvenVonErick

Racism, murder, and the Connecticut State Police, Troop C: http://thesrv.blogspot.com/2014/03/questionable-death-of-cowboy-african.html

Rich Murzin, a retired Hartford Connecticut Narcotics detective told me I was one of the first, if not the first test, a test case, of US DHS Homeland Security's Enemy's List. The target on the list is either killed, beaten, tortured, and/or railroaded to prison after dismantling of the family, financial loss, losing property, job, and reputation.

They checked every box, accept they haven't murdered me yet. Rich Murzin and AJ Fontaine (sp?) died of "natural causes" within hours of each other, 2 weeks before the 3 of us were going to go on Connecticut Public Access Television live with evidence against DHS, CT DCF, CT Department of Administrative Services, CT Dept of State, various politicians, executives of foreign banks in Connecticut (for laundering DHS, DCF, politician, drug dealer, sex trafficker, CIA and Mafia illicit funds). We planned on putting the videos on youtube in 2011 before the major censorship on "Government-Tube" Youtube.

I was told by Rich Murzin that I am the canary in the coal mine. My 2nd railroading to prison marks Martial Law in the US, dissolution of the US Constitution. Rich also told me that DHS Homeland Security will not allow me to get a Driver's License in any state, and that I would not be allowed to vote, or run for political office. I was told I would be denied the right to vote, to drive, or to have any occupational license ever again, and that I was supposed to stay in Vermont, keep my mouth shut, and I could keep my Vermont "Driver's Privilege Card".

I wanted to change my license over to New Hampshire in 2011 when I lived at 40 Orange St., Nashua, NH, and wanted to register to vote. I talked about this over my cell phone. At 1 AM that very same day, a Nashua Police Officer allegedly on Homeland Security detail was wearing a ski mask crouched in the bushes, stood up knocked on the window of my girlfriend, and my, 1st floor apartment and ask me to identify myself, or there would be trouble, I identified myself.

The next day, 2 Nashua Police Officers wearing ski masks like the officer the previous night, had a cloth badge on forehead of ski mask that said "Nashua PD" on it. The officer stood over me, and entered into cordial conversation about what I was grilling, how I marinated the meat, how good it smelled, and that I had to break up with my girlfriend, and leave the State of New Hampshire, as I wasn't wanted or things would really get bad for me.

I had something happen to me, so upsetting, I packed my stuff up, and left Nashua, and my then girlfriend, 2012. Instead of again fleeing to the outback of Vermont hills and mountains, I went closer in towards the coast of New Hampshire. I like being on the border of 3 states.

I am now in Salem New Hampshire, and a couple of days ago, 3 Salem New Hampshire Police Officers served me with a lifetime restraining order against me put out by my father's 2nd wife who he is currently getting a divorce with. I haven't seen my father's wife since 2007 at Hartford Hospital where my brother-in-law Phil Tenorowicz was dying of his injuries in a motorcycle accident. So, there is absolutely no excuse for a lifetime restraining order, if there is zero chance that I will ever seek out my father's 2nd wife. I have been avoiding contact with her since 1982.

Rich Murzin told me that Connecticut State Police, especially when on Homeland Security detail carry date rape drugs, for date rape, suspect rape, suspect torture, and that officer put something in a target's butt to frame them for DUI, for taking illegal drugs, to go crazy for a mental exam for permanent placement in a mental facility, to kill the target and/or to erase the memory of someone beaten by police to then charge the victim of the police beating with, "Assaulting a Police Officer".  

I have never emailed, texted, called, left a voicemail, or never went to specifically go see my father's 2nd wife, ever, from 1982. There is no legitimate excuse for police, or the courts, to issue such an order unless it is to prevent me from internet dating, keeping me from having a girlfriend, blocking me from having a driver's license, job, and keeping me from getting a better place to live, or mortgage, or as an excuse to falsely arrest me, and then again send me to prison as a Political Prisoner in the US, round 2.

Marilyn Monroe, young, sexy movie actress photo [found here]
Did Marylin Monroe commit suicide, or did she get something put up her butt so it looked like she died of an overdose? Monroe knew too much. I guess Marilyn Monroe could not say she had sex, allegedly, with US President Jack Kennedy and his brother Bobby Kennedy who was US Attorney General at the time. Monroe was allegedly also having sex with a Mafia Boss who Jack's father had paid in Chicago to fix the Presidential election so Kennedy would "win", not Richard M. Nixon. 

I was told that US taxpayers have paid of 6 figures in taxes for Homeland Security to harass just me The "no dating" policy placed on me in retaliation for me having a "Big Mouth", just shows me, at least, they don't have enough to do, and have to make work for themselves. So, who I live with in Salem, NH, is a "roommate" ... so police you don't need to arrest me for pursuing happiness, the American Dream, and expecting to live in a country where the rules for government, the Constitution, actually applies. So, far, except for a possible State Police Trooper who was on possible Homeland Security detail, I haven't had issues with police being bad to me in New Hampshire, this side of Nashua.

So, if now deceased Hartford Connecticut Narcotics Detective's prediction comes true, Martial Law will be declared in US if I get railroaded to prison, tour 2 as a political prisoner. Murzin said I was first known "test case" where they just toasted my life to see how I would react when I was let out of prison. I didn't burn down the town, and I didn't shut up either.

Currently, as far as I know, I am not wanted for committing any crimes, have not committed any crimes, and am currently not being investigated for anything, and am contesting the lifetime restraining order against me out of the Palmer Massachusetts Court as there is no basis, or evidence, or why I would be an imminent threat to the general public.


Tomas Foral was in possession of a large quantity of military grade Anthrax in 2001 at the time there was a global fear of Anthrax attacks killing massive amounts of people. Then US Attorney John A. Danaher III, instead of throwing the book at fellow West Hartford, Connecticut, resident, allowed Foral to pay a $100 processing fee for no show, no report probation, where Foral's criminal record erased. This is at a time where I resisted being mugged on my own property, didn't turn over my wallet to the mugger, pepper sprayed the mugger, I got a year in prison, and the mugger was considered my "victim" and I had to pay him restitution. Check link above.  

added 9:31 AM EST I often see type o's like a "w" switch to a "t". "Now" can become "Not" as in "I now live in Salem" become "I not live in Salem". There, their, and they're can be inter switched randomly and if I don't save something multiple times, it can all be highlighted in blue, disappear from my sight, and is not retrievable by hitting "undo" feature. Countless times I have spent hours writing something and it will then disappear, or which is even more alarming, my computer fries after I write something, or email an elected official about police and/or judicial misconduct.

If Homeland Security wants people like me out of the US, they can just come and ask me. I will leave. There is "no freedoms" or future I wish to protect, I would just like to live out the rest of my life in peace. I really haven't had a break from globalism since my globalist Monsanto father had a bad day at work, so upon seeing me he bowled me down the stairs, age 3, Ludlow, Massachusetts, telling me that if I really wanted to know pain, to make noise, and that he really hoped I was seriously injured. 

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Led Zeppelin: Knebworth August 11th 1979 [Fully Filmed Concert]

Enemy of the State

Since 9/11, there have been times that I am a fly on the wall listening. Having more than 3 days of food in advance might mean you are a potential terrorist? I have heard conflicting narratives from the same sources.

There can be a public service announcement out about preparing for a potential disaster, and then a few minutes later there can be another public service announcement of those who pay for their coffee with cash, and who are preparing for something should be reported to Homeland Security.

I was looking at becoming part time law enforcement in 1994, in Stafford Springs, Connecticut. So, I got to know what they were up to. There were test cities.

If police started youth gangs, the had “cut-outs” to do their bidding. Law Enforcement is for profit. What can be confiscated? What sort of program, and psy-op can result in the most booty, cash, and assets?

The UN and international police union, can give gang members and other organized criminals a percentage if they help with police rackets. Solving the problems, and serving the public getting results means taking in less tax dollars, and being able to hire more new police officers. Taking away the power of the people to direct policing is in the best interest of the international police union collecting more dues from more, and more, officers. A state of fear, means making money hand over fist, no accountability.

Not all police are bad. But, in Connecticut, an officer has to get “jumped in” like in a gang. That involves framing someone innocent and filing a false police report, bonus if the target of the “jump in” for the newbie if the target goes to prison. In my case it was Connecticut State Trooper Amaral. (Sp?).

I paid cash. It was determined by police that I might have $30,000 cash in the house, my wife was too pretty for me, I didn’t know the right people to own a house, have a business, and have such a pretty wife ... all stuff said to me by numerous police officers. All of my my phone calls were used, and for practice, they would use my cellphone to track me wherever I went, or did.

I knew what they were up to. I tried to blow the whistle. Then the Oklahoma City Bombing happened, and then Federal Tax Dollars were allocated to secretly to go after citizens like me using a covert UN program and International Police Union is the conduit.





White is the New Black?

More info: http://thesrv.blogspot.com/2020/03/white-is-new-black.html


My grandparents on my father's side were family farmers above Fargo, North Dakota USA. So, dried and canned food in preparation for an arctic like Winter, and what food stored might have to also do for next Winter if the growing season was nothing, like if there was 4 inches of rain all at once, and the crops drown. My grandfather shared with me, things he never did with his 7 children.

My father is a globalist chemical engineer working most of is life for a Springfield, Massachusetts, chemical company which made millions, or possibly trillions from as much war, and police actions, as is possible, such as spraying an innocent population in Vietnam with millions of tons of Agent Orange (Weed Killer Round-Up) with US taxpayers forced to foot the bill.

My father met with other versions of the corporate version of their CIA. So, I heard what Chinese operatives were up to in my own living room. Others from Germany, and around the world. In the 1970s there was talk of corporations and banks running all world governments, gun confiscation, and that corporation heads would decide who was allowed to use and live on, what land.

When I was about 4, my father wanted to leave me alone on out on the farm, because I was too sickly with asthma to go to the lakes and be with my cousins, uncles, aunts, and I was told that I wasn't part of "his" family. My parents were hurriedly married in a school gymnasium in Fargo just after my graduated from NDSU with a degree in Chemistry, and I showed up not too much later, in Cleveland Ohio around the time someone threw a lit cigarette in a river, the river caught fire, and the fire department couldn't put out the fire. Word search, look it up.

Okay, back to the story of my father abandoning me on the farm for the day, no food, no water, and the kitchen phone was too high on the wall if I even knew how to use it. My grandmother, probably for the first time ever, didn't pack my grandfather his 9 0'clock lunch, because my grandfather was out in the fields plowing, or harvesting during harvest season from 4 or 5 AM, 7 days a week. My cousin wasn't helping him, so he was alone with over 1000 acres. My grandfather came home, found out that my father had abandoned me, and probably for the first time ever, took a day off to be with his "favorite grandson".

My grandfather coming back to the farm, not having his lunch, my grandmother's plot to make sure that I was taken care of, changed the course of my life. One hungry farmer, wanting to eat, to come find me, is why I am typing this to you, right now.

That one day is why I am not a serial killer. My globalist father would have been my first target if I was. My Monsanto father is really too pathetic now at age 79 to even think of any retaliation against for a lifetime of calling police to have them go after me, and doing things behind my back trying to torpedo my life because he never wanted me, and I connected the dots.

My grandfather took pickup rides around the farm, my age 4 to 8, he broke down the continuity of government plans that his police chief friend was part of planning, about the gold confiscation (real money confiscation by the government), and how the banks and corporations were going to take over the rest of the world, and then the US. Without mentioning my father, I was told the worst thing someone could do in life was to work for a chemical company, the sworn enemy of all farmers and traditional American life ...

So, when I heard the corporate CIA like minions of evil plotting right in front of me as I grew up, I was awake, aware, and I know their game plan. The COVID-19 Coronavirus comes after so many events, each getting bigger as they go. There was something that was going to happen Spring 2020, it was just a question of what.

Friday, March 13, 2020

White is the New Black

Whenever I have registered, or attempted to prepare to vote, the police come to visit me. 3 just came to the door about an hour and a half ago to serve me a lifetime restraining order from another state, that I am already contesting.

I was 18 working 3rd shift at Pasco Rd Springfield, MA, 7/11 convenience store and was going to STCC on a chemical engineering UMass transfer program. I inquired about voting and was starting to talk conservative politics. Just before exams, campus security came and got me out of class, and escorted me to the Dean's Office

I had jobs up on Killington, Vermont, I lived there. I got my Vermont Driver's License and registered to vote, over 20 years ago. Police came to where I lived asking about me when I wasn't there. I saw police talk to those I work with, and I was out of living situation, was turned out of jobs, and was told by police to go elsewhere. I was told by police that I was not allowed to vote in Vermont.

I went to Europe, met a woman [pics], came back to the US, we got married, I missed the Western Massachusetts HUD auction by one day, and when financing did get confirmed, I then went to the Connecticut HUD auction in 1994 bought a house in Stafford Springs, Connecticut.

We bought a 4 bedroom 2 story house. I had a Vermont License and plates in Connecticut. I was told by teenage drug dealers in the neighborhood that the cops wanted me to get Connecticut plates or they were going to come after me about it. I got Connecticut license plates and registered to vote. I co-founded the Stafford Springs Crime Watch. Police started getting me fired from jobs, following me around, harassing me.

I spoke at meetings. Police told me I was not allowed to have relations with my wife. I was told by police that I wasn't allowed to vote or to speak in public. I was told that I have no rights, I don't own anything, I am just the occupant, and was told to leave my wife, and leave the state or I would be put on the Police Union "Enemies List" and wish I was dead.

[Railroaded to prison]

I was in Hartford Correctional institute for having been attacked on my property during a mugging where I refused to give up my wallet to Brian Caldwell and he was unable to stab me and I pepper sprayed Caldwell. I got a year in prison for "overreacting" to being mugged, got highest fines, anger management, mental health evaluation, drug and alcohol class because my attacker was drunk and high when he attacked me, and 3 years probation with no previous record. 

I went, hid out on the Vermont/New Hampshire border. Have police hang out wherever I worked or lived after a time, so I would move, get another job, and would just keep going back and forth over the border each time I was getting harassment in either state.

Lived in Nashua, New Hampshire with a girlfriend. Listed my 40 Orange St, Nashua, NH, in 2011, and a Nashua NH Police Officer wearing a ski mask with Nashua PD cloth badge on forehead was banging on window at 1 AM while we watched television on the couch. The officer was hiding in the bushes while we were watching television, demanded that I identify myself. Even though he was on the other side of the glass, showing me he was armed, made me concerned.

The following day, I was barbecuing in the yard in the afternoon. I had a nice conversation with 2 Nashua Police Officers both wearing ski masks.I was told I wasn't allowed to live in Nashua, to leave my girlfriend, and go back to Vermont. I packed up and went to Salem, NH a time later.

I would park my car in a parking lot and walk to the bar. 100% of the time, and whenever I brought my cell phone with me, a police cruiser was waiting 2 to 3 hours later right near where I parked, and I walked home, didn't drive. I assume they each time thought I would be dumb enough to drive after drinking. The officers would leave after I went in for night. I was going to work one morning a cruiser was near my car, so I went for a long walk, came back to my car, officer saw me pulled up 4 cars behind me and then pulled me over because after I already passed over a crosswalk someone stepped on it. Told cop I wasn't a mind reader and didn't know someone would step in crosswalk as I was passing.

Told the State Police Officer that I was working, not bothering anyone, I was not doing anything illegal and was not writing in newspapers, complaining about police, or doing anything political, and just wanted to be left alone and work, and I made a mistake talking about police in Connecticut in letters to the editor printed in newspapers. The officer threw my Vermont Driver's Privilege Car over into the passenger's seat, looked disgusted and drove away.

I know 2 people who know the New Hampshire Governor and asked the Governor's Office to help me not get harassed by the TSA and DHS wherever they discover that I am and get me off the "No Fly" list. I was told by Hartford Connecticut Narcotics Detective Rich Murzin that if I tried to get a driver's license outside of Vermont, or if I registered to vote, Homeland Security would be going after me.

I was able to fly and the TSA didn't harass me for taking a bus, thanks to current NH Governor. I wanted to vote, get a driver's license, and register to vote in New Hampshire. I was told I would not have any trouble for DHS Homeland Security if I got my driver's license in New Hampshire and my actual address was on my Driver's License.

I recently tried to get a New Hampshire Driver's license, and was denied, and set a letter that my right to drive in New Hampshire is revoked. I had 3 Salem police officers bang on my door demand that I come outside the door and someone who I haven't seen, since February 2007 and never texted, had a conversation with, since about 1982, and is my father's wife who he is currently divorcing somehow got a lifetime restraining order against me, and that she is in imminent danger of me attacking her, and do I have any weapons on me. I told officers the woman has been harassing me since 1982 and I have avoided all contact with her since she had me walked off campus by security before my college exams and kicked out of college for stuff she made up.

So, bottom line, I still can't get registered to vote.





I already got [this restraining order] by mail, and I wrote many weeks ago challenging the lifetime restraining order, so there was no need for 3 police officer to bang on my door and then serve me with a restraining order they were faxed from the Wilbraham Mass Police Department. I have not texted, talked, seen, emailed, absolutely no contact in 7 years. I can't see how anyone could consider my father's soon to be ex-wife is imminent danger of my attacking her. I don't even know what she looks like, where she is, and I have been avoiding her since 1982, why should I suddenly do a 1-80?

It is 38 years of this woman's BS. I have had enough. I have no interest in seeing, knowing, or anything about this crazy person. I want to be done. She should get help and just lose the daily need to cost you your taxpayer dollars, possibly 100s of thousands spent on Homeland Security to harass only me. 


Unfortunately this is the America that we all live in if you are in the US. I just want to leave the US, be quiet, and enjoy what little is left of my life in peace.

thebigappletothebigeasy AT gmail DOT com


Indirectly telling the Arthur L. Spada, Judge and former Connecticut Commissioner of State Police to go "F" himself:

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

John Fogerty & ZZ Top - Blues & Bayous Tour In-Studio Jam Session

I get political on this blog: http://starkravingviking.blogspot.com/

My video uploads: https://www.liveleak.com/c/SvenVonErick


[click here] for full post of below:

Communism is dead. US won the Trade War. Now, a Weaponized Flu is Globalist Retaliation



Keywords: UN Agenda 21 US Trade War Patriot Act NDAA TIPA internet censorship Jimmy Falon Hillary Clinton goes to prison Bill Clinton is a Rapist COVID-19 Coronavirus quarantine map California San Francisco Florida Boston New York City Manhattan Sandy Hook conspiracy UK England Turkmenistan Russia Vladimir Putin rocks Ukraine independence Vietnam Costa Rica American Ex-Pat Drudge Report David Knight Owen Shoyer Schoyer China Flu Trade War independence Civil War top model international dating free pizza rock and roll date night singles

Monday, March 02, 2020

Jimmy Carter was an idiot to turn over Panama Canal to China and UN, Let US take it back.



Jimmy Carter [wikipedia]

1980 Presidential Candidate Debate: Governor Ronald Reagan and President Jimmy Carter - 10/28/80

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