Monday, August 29, 2011

Why Divorced Men prefer the idea of the Harley Chick

Harley Chick image lifted from [this blog]

Disclaimer: This is a subject that I intended on writing on back sometime 2004 to 2006. It is about what divorced men have told me would be their ideal woman, not about my preferences or past relationships. -stevengerickson At Yahoo Dot Com

Divorced men have a fear of women who they believe have collected their loot from divorces at the expense of the working man, right or wrong.

The Harley Chick has a certain appeal to men. Divorced men like the idea of a woman who will pack light, as if to be ready to take a long trip on a Harley Davidson motorcycle whether, or not, the divorced man rides in the wind. The Harley Chick is the type of woman to display her assets, and is assumed to have a higher libido than her domestic pirate cousin.

Most men, don't like the little ankle biting dog, too often flea and tick infested. Most men don't like a high maintenance woman who spends money like water. Most men don't want to fight off a little dog, risking Lyme Disease, just for a little booty.

Divorced men often have little money, have had to get rid of the majority of their possessions, and have had to live in less than desirable conditions. Women who have to be wined and dined, and are eager to get the latest furniture, furnishings, and improve her nest for herself at a man's expense, are too often, not attractive at all to a divorced father.

Packing light, and being ready to go, is an attractive asset in today's economy ...

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Alex Jones and Paul Craig Roberts latest on 9/11

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Uploaded by on Aug 25, 2011

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

August 24, 2011

In a few days it will be the tenth anniversary of September 11, 2001. How well has the US government's official account of the event held up over the decade?

Not very well. The chairman, vice chairman, and senior legal counsel of the 9/11 Commission wrote books partially disassociating themselves from the commission's report. They said that the Bush administration put obstacles in their path, that information was withheld from them, that President Bush agreed to testify only if he was chaperoned by Vice President Cheney and neither were put under oath, that Pentagon and FAA officials lied to the commission and that the commission considered referring the false testimony for investigation for obstruction of justice.

In their book, the chairman and vice chairman, Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, wrote that the 9/11 Commission was "set up to fail." Senior counsel John Farmer, Jr., wrote
that the US government made "a decision not to tell the truth about what happened," and that the NORAD "tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public." Kean said, "We to this day don't know why NORAD told us what they told us, it was just so far from the truth."

Most of the questions from the 9/11 families were not answered. Important witnesses were not called. The commission only heard from those who supported the government's account. The commission was a controlled political operation, not an investigation of events and evidence. Its membership consisted of former politicians. No knowledgeable experts were appointed to the commission.

One member of the 9/11 Commission, former Senator Max Cleland, responded to the constraints placed on the commission by the White House: "If this decision stands, I, as a member of the commission, cannot look any American in the eye, especially family members of victims, and say the commission had full access. This investigation is now compromised." Cleland resigned rather than have his integrity compromised.

To be clear, neither Cleland nor members of the commission suggested that 9/11 was an inside job to advance a war agenda. Nevertheless, neither Congress nor the media wondered, at least not out loud, why President Bush was unwilling to appear before the commission under oath or without Cheney, why Pentagon and FAA officials lied to the commission or, if the officials did not lie, why the commission believed they lied, or why the White House resisted for so long any kind of commission being formed, even one under its control.

One would think that if a handful of Arabs managed to outwit not merely the CIA and FBI but all 16 US intelligence agencies, all intelligence agencies of our allies including Mossad, the National Security Council, the State Department, NORAD, airport security four times on one morning, air traffic control, etc., the President, Congress, and the media would be demanding to know how such an improbable event could occur. Instead, the White House put up a wall of resistance to finding out, and Congress and the media showed little interest.

During the decade that has passed, numerous 9/11 Truth organizations have formed.
There are Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Scholars for 9/11 Truth, Remember Building, and a New York group which includes 9/11 families. These groups call for a real investigation.

Paul Craig Roberts: 9/11 After A Decade, Have We Learned Anything? - Alex Jones Tv 1/2

Paul Craig Roberts: 9/11 After A Decade, Have We Learned Anything? - Alex Jones Tv 2/2

9/11 After A Decade: Have We Learned Anything?

By paul craig roberts (about the author)

In a few days it will be the tenth anniversary of September 11, 2001. How well has the US government's official account of the event held up over the decade?

Not very well. The chairman, vice chairman, and senior legal counsel of the 9/11 Commission wrote books partially disassociating themselves from the commission's report. They said that the Bush administration put obstacles in their path, that information was withheld from them, that President Bush agreed to testify only if he was chaperoned by Vice President Cheney and neither were put under oath, that Pentagon and FAA officials lied to the commission and that the commission considered referring the false testimony for investigation for obstruction of justice.

In their book, the chairman and vice chairman, Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, wrote that the 9/11 Commission was "set up to fail." Senior counsel John Farmer, Jr., wrote that the US government made "a decision not to tell the truth about what happened," and that the NORAD "tapes told a radically different story from what had been told to us and the public." Kean said, "We to this day don't know why NORAD told us what they told us, it was just so far from the truth."

Most of the questions from the 9/11 families were not answered. Important witnesses were not called. The commission only heard from those who supported the government's account. The commission was a controlled political operation, not an investigation of events and evidence. Its membership consisted of former politicians. No knowledgeable experts were appointed to the commission.

One member of the 9/11 Commission, former Senator Max Cleland, responded to the constraints placed on the commission by the White House: "If this decision stands, I, as a member of the commission, cannot look any American in the eye, especially family members of victims, and say the commission had full access. This investigation is now compromised." Cleland resigned rather than have his integrity compromised.

To be clear, neither Cleland nor members of the commission suggested that 9/11 was an inside job to advance a war agenda. Nevertheless, neither Congress nor the media wondered, at least not out loud, why President Bush was unwilling to appear before the commission under oath or without Cheney; why Pentagon and FAA officials lied to the commission or, if the officials did not lie, why the commission believed they lied, or why the White House resisted for so long any kind of commission being formed, even one under its control.

One would think that if a handful of Arabs managed to outwit not merely the CIA and FBI but all 16 US intelligence agencies, all intelligence agencies of our allies including Mossad, the National Security Council, the State Department, NORAD, airport security four times on one morning, air traffic control, etc., the President, Congress, and the media would be demanding to know how such an improbable event could occur. Instead, the White House put up a wall of resistance to finding out, and Congress and the media showed little interest.

During the decade that has passed, numerous 9/11 Truth organizations have formed. There are Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Firefighters for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth, Scholars for 9/11 Truth, Remember Building, and a New York group which includes 9/11 families. These groups call for a real investigation.

David Ray Griffen has written 10 carefully researched books documenting problems in the government's account. Scientists have pointed out that the government has no explanation for the molten steel. NIST has been forced to admit that WTC 7 was in free fall for part of its descent, and a scientific team led by a professor of nano-chemistry at the University of Copenhagen has reported finding nano-thermite in the dust from the buildings.

Larry Silverstein, who had the lease on the World Trade Center buildings, said in a PBS broadcast that the decision was made "to pull" Building 7 late in the afternoon of 9/11. Chief fire marshals have said that no forensic investigation was made of the buildings' destruction and that the absence of investigation was a violation of law.

Some efforts have been made to explain away some of the evidence that is contrary to the official account, but most of the contrary evidence is simply ignored. The fact remains that the skepticism of a large number of knowledgeable experts has had no effect on the government's position other than a member of the Obama administration suggesting that the government infiltrate the 9/11 truth organizations in order to discredit them.

The practice has been to brand experts not convinced by the government's case "conspiracy theorists." But of course the government's own theory is a conspiracy theory, an even less likely one once a person realizes its full implication of intelligence and operational failures. The implied failures are extraordinarily large; yet, no one was ever held accountable.

Moreover, what do 1,500 architects and engineers have to gain from being ridiculed as conspiracy theorists? They certainly will never receive another government contract, and many surely lost business as a result of their "anti-American" stance. Their competitors must have made hay out of their "unpatriotic doubts." Indeed, my reward for reporting on how matters stand a decade after the event will be mail telling me that as I hate America so much I should move to Cuba.

Scientists have even less incentive to express any doubts, which probably explains why there are not 1,500 Physicists for 9/11 Truth. Few physicists have careers independent of government grants or contracts. It was a high school physics teacher who forced NIST to abandon its account of Building 7's demise. Physicist Stephen Jones, who first reported finding evidence of explosives, had his tenure bought out by BYU, which no doubt found itself under government pressure.

We can explain away contrary evidence as coincidences and mistakes and conclude that only the government got it all correct, the same government that got everything else wrong.

In fact, the government has not explained anything. The NIST report is merely a simulation of what might have caused the towers to fail if NIST's assumptions programed into the computer model are correct. But NIST supplies no evidence that its assumptions are correct.

Building 7 was not mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report, and many Americans are still unaware that three buildings came down on 9/11.

Let me be clear about my point. I am not saying that some black op group in the neoconservative Bush administration blew up the buildings in order to advance the neoconservative agenda of war in the Middle East. If there is evidence of a coverup, it could be the government covering up its incompetence and not its complicity in the event. Even if there were definite proof of government complicity, it is uncertain that Americans could accept it. Architects, engineers, and scientists live in a fact-based community, but for most people facts are no match for emotions.

My point is how un-inquisitive the executive branch, including the security agencies, Congress, the media, and much of the population are about the defining event of our time.

There is no doubt that 9/11 is the determinant event. It has led to a decade of ever expanding wars, to the shredding of the Constitution, and to a police state. On August 22 Justin Raimondo reported that he and his website,, are being monitored by the FBI's Electronic Communication Analysis Unit to determine if is "a threat to National Security" working "on behalf of a foreign power."

Francis A. Boyle, an internationally known professor and attorney of international law, has reported that when he refused a joint FBI-CIA request to violate the attorney/client privilege and become an informant on his Arab-American clients, he was placed on the US government's terrorist watch list.

Boyle has been critical of the US government's approach to the Muslim world, but Raimondo has never raised, nor permitted any contributor to raise, any suspicion about US government complicity in 9/11. Raimondo merely opposes war, and that is enough for the FBI to conclude that he needs watching as a possible threat to national security.

The US government's account of 9/11 is the foundation of the open-ended wars that are exhausting America's resources and destroying its reputation, and it is the foundation of the domestic police state that ultimately will shut down all opposition to the wars. Americans are bound to the story of the 9/11 Muslim terrorist attack, because it is what justifies the slaughter of civilian populations in several Muslim countries, and it justifies a domestic police state as the only means of securing safety from terrorists, who already have morphed into "domestic extremists" such as environmentalists, animal rights groups, and antiwar activists.

Today Americans are unsafe, not because of terrorists and domestic extremists, but because they have lost their civil liberties and have no protection from unaccountable government power. One would think that how this came about would be worthy of public debate and congressional hearings.

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US losing sovereignty to Global Financial Tyrants?

Global Financial Terrorists seems to be running the President, Congress, the Senate, the Courts, and policing/investigations. So, if we're being run offshore, we've lost our sovereignty. Small farm barns and factories rot and are being torn down all over the US. There is a corporate war on small business, the family, the self-employed, and those who would re-vitalize small farms and promote the re-industrialization of the US.


Sunday, August 14, 2011

Infighting Exposing the Global Banker Stranglehold on Us?

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Uploaded by on Aug 14, 2011

Recently Standard & Poor's downgraded the US' credit score, but people are wondering if this downgrade really means anything? These same agencies gave Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns excellent credit ratings. What drives the interests of these credit rating agencies? Do they have their own agenda? Karl Denninger, from The Market Ticker, gets to the bottom of this.

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Are credit rating agencies credible?

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Farmageddon Part 2, preparing for Soviet Style Farm/Land Grab


Do you understand where we have been, and where we are now? Check this out:

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[click here] for newest The_SRV blog posts

[click here] for the newest Stark Raving Viking blog posts

Another Favorite, The James Corbett Report:

[click here] for the newest Kenny's Sideshow blog posts, and interesting blog roll in right side panel. This link will bring you to all sorts of independent news and alternative media blogs.


The Video Congress Does Not Want You To See

Friday, August 12, 2011

War Inc. -- Pentagon sucks in American youth

Why are American taxpayers paying for all out wars of aggression and enslavement? Are Israeli interests considered before that of Average Americans?

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Uploaded by on Aug 11, 2011

As the U.S. economy remains on a consistent downward spiral, one thing the U.S. Government is never shy to invest endless cash in is the Pentagon. Which - on its end -- is pumping millions of dollars into luring in the young population of America into enrolling into the military. RT's Anastasia Churkina looks at some of those mesmerizing techniques, and what kind of effect they have had on those fit to serve.

Pentagon approves Hollywood scripts

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Bin Laden's death has not stopped the war on terror nor has it kept Hollywood from working on a movie featuring the raid that led to the al-Qaeda leader's death. The team that was behind The Hurt Locker will be releasing the flick right before the next presidential election. This issue has the head of the House Homeland Security Committee, Peter King, so upset that allegedly the White House is sending national security secrets to Hollywood. King is saying that this propaganda needs to be looked into by Congress. David Sirota, author of Back to Our Future, tells us about the bigger issue.

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Can US continue to afford the war in Afghanistan?

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Uploaded by on Aug 11, 2011

It has been 10 years since the war in Afghanistan began and it's costing Americans approximately $2 billion a week to support the war. Overall 1,618 American soldiers have died in Afghanistan and this has led to many Americans demanding the troops be brought home. Can the US continue to afford the war on terror with the economic crisis? Pepe Escobar, a correspondent for Asia Times, joins us for more on Afghanistan.

Congress' vacations paid for by AIPAC?

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Uploaded by on Aug 11, 2011

While the US continues to struggle with its economic issues Congress is on vacation. Many are upset at the news reports that 81 members of Congress have chosen to spend a week relaxing in Israel. These vacations are being paid for by AIPAC. Adam Shapiro, an activist, tells us his thoughts on the matter.

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More Credible Accusations that the CIA orchestrated 9-11?

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stevengerickson At yahoo Dot Com


Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Thursday, August 04, 2011

A crop/farm animals to the Warring Corporate Banksters

Ray, great piece. All Americans should be outraged that 58 cents of every dollar goes to the Pentagon. We serve the needs of the government. Our money isn't ours, our blood isn't ours, we really own nothing if it is by permission, and our children can be taken and used by "important people" in government at anytime for any excuse. We can be used like farm animals, harvested like crops. How did we all let it get this bad?

Pay taxes and get nothing but abuse and tyranny in return. I don't want to pay for all out wars of aggression and a police state. The EPA, OSHA, FDA etc have been given money to target, fine, and put out of business the self-employed and small business which are competition for the organized crime corporate banksters. The bottom line is the key, and no morality, rule of law, or common decency comes into play when you are just about efficiency of business, collecting money, and propping up and enriching the elite insiders at the expense of everyone else. The self-employed and local small business owners know they drink the water they swim in.

Anyone who knows the truth and tells others can be toasted.

-stevengerickson AT yahoo Dot Com

The above was placed as a comment in below article, re-posted [from here]

Obama on the Backs of the Poor

By Ray McGovern (about the author)

What are we to make of the Obama-brokered deal on debt and spending? It was certainly what the Germans call eine schwere Geburt (a difficult birth); it was one of the few times I would have favored abortion.

I am reminded of a sermon that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. gave during the turbulent 1950s, in which he peered into the future and issued a prescient warning:

"A nation or a civilization that continues to produce soft-minded men purchases its own spiritual death on an installment plan."

In promoting and then signing the so-called "deficit reduction" legislation, President Barack Obama has definitively confirmed that he stands in the ranks of those spiritual-death-dealing, "soft-minded" men about whom Dr. King warned so ominously.

In my view, even dyed-in-the-wool Obama supporters will now have to let the scales fall from their eyes. The new one-sided "compromise" so clearly promotes the interests of the wealthy over those of the poor that, in Biblical terms, it can readily be seen as a Goddamned deal.

I want to share some thoughts with those among us -- believers and non-believers alike -- who shudder at the prospect of our children and children's children inheriting a country far different from the one promised by the American Dream, a nation approaching "spiritual death."

If you are not greatly concerned with the growing disparity between the rich and poor in this country, take another minute to ponder another warning from Dr. King in the same sermon:

[more from source]

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Wednesday, August 03, 2011

The Decline and Fall of the American Empire

The below is re-posted from [source]

By paul craig roberts (about the author)

The United States Government and its presstitute media have wasted time and energy creating hysteria over a non-existent "debt ceiling crisis." After reading the "news" in the Ministry of Propaganda and witnessing the stupidity of the US government, the rest of the world is struck dumbfounded by the immaturity of the "world's only superpower."

What kind of superpower is it, the world wonders, that is willing to go to the eleventh hour to convince the world, which holds its banking reserves in US Treasury debt, that the US government will default on the debt?

Every country in the world now worries about the judgment and sanity of the country with the largest nuclear arsenal in the world.

This is the achievement of the Republicans, who took an ordinary commonplace increase in the debt-ceiling limit, an event that has occurred routinely many times over the course of my life, and turned it into a crisis threatening the world financial system.

To be clear, there was never any risk whatsoever of US default, as President Obama has power established by President George W. Bush's Presidential Directive 51 to declare default a National Emergency and to set aside the debt-ceiling limit and Congress' power of the purse, and to continue to issue the debt necessary to fund the US government and its wars.

That the American press ever took this highly-hyped "crisis" seriously merely demonstrates their prostitute status.

The US public debt is rising too rapidly against US GDP, although it is still below the percentages during World War II. The problem that is ignored by the idiots in Washington and the presstitutes is that the debt is rising relative to the economy because the economy is not rising, but war expenditures are.

Why is the economy not rising?

It is not rising, because it has been off-shored. What formerly was US GDP produced in Gary, Indiana, St. Louis, Detroit, Silicon Valley, and other US locations is now GDP for China, India, Indonesia and other countries where manufacturing labor and professional services can be hired below US rates.

What happens with off-shoring? The answer is clear. US GDP, consumer income, career opportunities, and tax base leave the country. Corporate profits and bonuses rise due to the lower labor costs.

Who is this good for?

The answer is that it is only good for Wall Street, corporate shareholders, and corporate management. Their incomes go up, and the GDP goes down along with the employment opportunities of Americans and the tax base for government.

The other destroyer of American economic prospects was the deregulation of the financial sector. Economists theorized that markets were self-regulating and created the illusion that greed was never a problem. This was music and dollars to Wall Street's ears. Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan and the Wall Street-owned US Treasury jumped on board. Those, who like Brooksley Born, were empowered by US law to regulate derivatives, were driven out of office by the Federal Reserve Chairman, the US Treasury Secretary, and the Securities and Exchange Chairman.

Financial institutions freed from Glass-Steagall, freed from capital requirements, and freed from oversight, immediately took debt leverage on highly unrealistic bets to amazing heights. When the schemes collapsed, the Federal Reserve lent US and foreign banks $16.1 trillion dollars, a sum larger than the US national debt and larger than the US GDP.

Where did the Federal Reserve get $16.1 trillion to lend? The Fed created it out of thin air with a stroke of a computer entry.

While the Federal Reserve created $16.1 trillion in new loans for private banks, the bailed out banks bulldoze the foreclosed homes of the evicted Americans.

So in America, the light unto the world, American citizens are thrown out of their homes in order that banks can bulldoze their homes.

Only in America does this makes sense.

And it is not only Americans who are being made homeless by US policies. Afghans, Pakistanis, Iraqis, Yemenis, Somali, Libyans are also consigned to homelessness by American policy. Moreover, America's wars against these peoples, together with the supporting military/security budget, account for 75% of the US budget deficit. Indeed, the cost of these wars exceed the planned future budget savings from the debt limit deal.

In other words, the cost of the wars that make millions of foreigners homeless use up revenues that the federal government could have used to keep Americans in their homes and teachers in the schools. As much as many Republicans profess to be concerned about the US public debt, Republicans were not sufficiently concerned to address their issue by cutting back the $1.2 trillion military-security budget or by raising the low tax rates on the mega-rich.

Look at these July 30 headlines, just two days prior to the default deadline, from the online group, Stop NATO:

US Military To Be Based In Australia To Confront China

Call To Expand American Counterinsurgency Operations In Philippines

US Could Upgrade Polish Warships For Baltic Sea

Bulgaria: Pentagon Continues Upgrading Military Bases

US Uses Romanian Air Base To Supply Afghan War

America's Africa Partnership Station In East Africa

Mongolia: US Leads NATO, Asian NATO Allies In Military Exercise

Libyan War: Over 17,000 NATO Air Missions, Nearly 6,500 Strike Sorti

The Big Picture: War on Libya is War on Africa

What in the world is a country facing bankruptcy and default doing conducting military exercises in Mongolia and Central Asia? What is the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, designed to counter a Soviet thrust into Western Europe, doing in Mongolia?

Why are these military expenditures necessary, but not expenditures to keep America's homeless population from rising while homes are destroyed?

Why do not the Republicans listen when mega-billionaire Warren Buffet says that the tax rate on his massive income is lower than the tax rate on his secretary's income?

The answer is that the Republicans have an agenda: War. And Republicans want to fund this war, not by taxing high incomes but by cutting support programs for the down and out.

To cut to the chase: Even if all the cuts actually happen, the weakening economy will result in new deficit projections that will wipe out the expected savings from the debt limit agreement.

What then will the government do?

Until US policymakers comprehend that the economy has been moved offshore and take steps to bring it home, there will be no solution to America's debt problem or to its unemployment problem.

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Steven G. Erickson's comment to the above Paul Craig Roberts article:

US Gov = Organized Crime
I've talked to US veterans now at home. Before leaving many were told that they would be killed for talking about the illegal activities of military and military contractors. Others talked about illegally invading countries all over the world to commit murder and mayhem. I've talked with a sniper who can't admit all the countries he's committed murders in for the puppeteers of US Government. Why are we paying trillions for murdering, organized crime exploits? Why are we paying trillions for wars of aggression? Why does the US appear to be the biggest heroin and cocaine drug lord?

There is a corporate bankster war against the self-employed and small business. I was told by a police officer that I would not have been a target if I wasn't a contractor and rental property owner. So, the police used informants to terrorize me and my family, ruin my business, and railroad me to prison for resisting being beaten up on my own property by a police informant burglar felon who police sent to attack me on my property. The American Dream is a lie. Let's stop paying for our own abuse.


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Debt ceiling doesn't fix the economy

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Uploaded by on Aug 3, 2011

Lawmakers have built up the suspense for the last several weeks about the debt ceiling issue and let the clock run down almost to the last second. Yesterday the bill passed in the House and today the Senate passed the bill as well. Obama has already signed off on the bill that will cut $2.1 trillion in the next 10 years. So did the US government solve the problem or create new ones? Who will this bill affect the most? Doctor Paul Craig Roberts, columnist and former Reagan Administration official, gives us some insight.

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Are Corporate Banksters conducting a secret Bio War on YOU?


Tuesday, August 02, 2011

US debt jeopardizes the world economy

The American people aren't being served by their own government. Drug running corporate banksters who are for all out wars of aggression are being served. You can't spend more than you take in indefinitely. Something has to happen. The US Government is either going to put itself on a diet, or it is going to go to war against its own people.

Like what I see on RT America, such as in video below. Would love to be a correspondent and have one of the college age actors I know in front of the camera, also helping report the news, if they need independent teams out, wherever. Would also do the same for Alex Jones, The James Corbett Report, or other similar independent news outfit.

-stevengerickson AT yahoo Dot Com


Text with below video:

Uploaded by on Aug 1, 2011

The debt ceiling debates have been on display for the entire world to see and many countries are concerned about how the US economy affects their matters at home. Washington has put its AAA credit rating at risk. Worldwide, US bonds are considered the risk free asset. Has damage been done beyond the US border? How certain is the US economic financial situation? RT's Marina Portnaya reports on the issue.


Americans starve so the ultra rich can enjoy their billions tax free:


No debt ceiling deal on Capitol Hill

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Uploaded by on Aug 1, 2011

The mainstream media is praising the fact that a deal has been made, but nothing has been voted on to finalize the proposed deal. Progressive Democrats and Tea Party Republicans are thought to vote against the deal that was reached. So what does this say about the willingness to compromise? Has Obama given into the Republicans wishes? Joshua Holland, senior writer and editor of AlterNet, gives us his take.

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US image ruined by debt debates?

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Uploaded by on Aug 1, 2011

The US is just one day away from defaulting on its debts, but yesterday President Obama and Congress made a deal. According to many it is has been embarrassing for the American people, but how does this rest of the world view the US? Will the US lose its reputation as a sound country? Pepe Escobar, correspondent at the Asia Times, gives us an outsiders point of view.

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A Target of Homeland Security Fusion Centers, Eric Shine? Going after Federal Military Contractors testing free speech can put your life at risk. Has the Industrial Military Complex taken over the United States of America, and out after the world? Will the Police State in the US declare Martial Law? Is this an extension of the Patriot Act? Is Civil Unrest engineered?

Eric Shine Interview 7_2_11

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Uploaded by on Aug 2, 2011

More info: on the James Corbett Report independent news website.

Regular guest Lt. Eric Shine joins us to discuss economic and political issues, and the corporatist system that has taken over the government of the United States.


The ultra rich live tax free as Americans starve:

Monday, August 01, 2011

US Gov is Fiscally Irresponsible

US citizens pay taxes. Our services are cut so all out wars of aggression can be waged. A business can't survive if they spend more than they take in. The American Government SHOULD be the same, it is time that they are forced to be fiscally responsible and have to follow the rules and laws the rest of us do.

But, that is probably wishful thinking ...

-stevengerickson At yahoo dot com

'Debt deal theater a public failure - plan only slows debt growth'

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RT asked economics expert Max Fraad Wolff about what's ahead for the US budget once the deal is in place. He believes that despite averting the immediate threat of default, Washington has failed to produce a solution capable of sustaining America's insatiable appetite for borrowing. Wolff also told RT the debt limit of the US has been raised 90 times since 1940 -- that's 1.4 times a year every single year.

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Union Station Ruins- Gary, Indiana

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Uploaded by on Mar 4, 2008

Derelict and crumbling railway station in Gary, Indiana, on Broadway between the toll road and USS entrance. This once-impressive building is cracking and the ceiling has fallen. Roof trusses are exposed to weather and badly rusted. It is made of concrete, not limestone.


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Americans starve so ultra-rich can live tax-free

The rich and powerful global elite get tax breaks, and some pay no taxes. When all is figured out, hidden taxes and fees included, we pay 70% of what we make out to a wasteful government serving the global elite, not us. Was the 4 Billion given to the 22 year old below banker blood money?



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"Truth is a lie yet undiscovered"

is a famous quote. Try to report any crime in the US. Try to get any service for your tax dollar. Try to propose laws to an elected official. Try making a public corruption, police, or judicial misconduct complaint. You may then be enlightened.



Barack Obama, the ATF, and the puppeteers of the US Government are out to illegally confiscate legal guns held by Americans in America:


Spend two decades building a contracting business, start raising a family, buy a home, buy and fix up boarded up rental properties, police who make six figure salaries will pay prostitutes, drug dealers, vandals, and other criminal parasites they call "informants" to falsely arrest you, railroad you to prison so you are financially/socially ruined and estranged from family?:


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