This blog is the continuation of The Stark Raving Viking blog. The author of all the posts here is Steven G. Erickson a.k.a blogger Vikingas. Keywords: Human Rights Watch China USA World Civil Judicial prosecutorial attorney Judge misconduct brutality police action Connecticut Politics State Martial Law US Constitution
Thursday, July 30, 2020
If you are pig farmer, and if you have a Fauci pig, you cut the twig and berries off and feed the results to the other pigs for better results
Fauci needs to be dealt with, okay Trump?
If you won't, or can't, will you please ask a man with some testosterone to take care of your problem, which is also our problem?
The Parasites have sucked all the BLOOD out of the US. The Parasite moves on to another meal
America has been used for it’s wealth. What is left for factories, industry, or a reason other countries would want to buy something from us? The parasites have had their blood meals, they are gorged, and can lug all the blood to their lair.
So, if the parasites were the fake government, the Deep State, and there is little more to take, why should they use stolen loot to “govern us”?
The Chinese Communists have declared war on the US given their actions. When someone declares war on you, they want to kill, probably all of you, and if you have nothing to trade of value, you are out of luck if you want to barter for your life, you are out of luck.
So, there are those waiting to come into the US, and kill us. We have nothing of value as a country if we have already been looted, so there is no bargaining chip.
America can possibly look worse than the 3rd World in about 10 years.
"I have sex without condoms. I breathe air without a mask"
It seems like not that long ago that I blogged on, or maybe just watch a video on YouTube where if you had more than 5 dildos in Texas, you were a "dealer" and that was a felony ...
And that was before there was massive international censorship of those who had something bad to say about Communism, and their Corporate World Banks friends. So, for me, hearing what was said, "I have sex without condoms. I breathe air without a mask" by someone who I thought was a home schooled teenager happened to be a 37 year woman who was home schooled in Maine.
She is half Asian, and might be 5' tall and no inches.
I am 56, so I wouldn't think that a teenager would come up to me and want to talk to me in a bar.
No, she didn't want to have sex. At least I hope no ... as that would mess up what I have planned for the rest of my life ...
I am most amazed is what is "home schooled" in the State of Maine.
What the [current Governor of Maine, Janet Mills] has done, I don't expect this amazing "creation", to have a counterpart, male or female, home schooled in Maine, ever to be duplicated.
I was working today. Something I have done, sometimes 7 days a week, no shut down for me in 2020. I don't work, I don't eat. So, I work. If the US goes Communist, and I need a Bill Gates, I got his semi-lethal vaccine "I got vaccinated" chipped tattoo for contract tracing and being allowed to do anything in life, I opt out.
I am surprised, completely, that there is at least one other person, that young, gets it.
I wasn't looking for a date, and didn't give her my number, or email, and didn't give her a way to contact me by figuring out how to contact me. But she asked a number of times.
I thought it was a trap ... that is sick. In the former USSR, what I was taught in [high school] wasn't that CIA/KGB type bad, back in the day. Who know what who is up to what, today?
Jimmy Fallon, Robin Thicke & The Roots Sing "Blurred Lines" (w/ Classroom Instruments) (REMAKE)
What if El Salvador offered Travel & Life, No Restrictions?
I think the lock down #2 could be a year, or 2, and harsher than this one. Or, maybe the lock down will never end. I was the writing on the wall in 1995 where I was living in Stafford Springs, Connecticut, and leftist Communists were targeting those like me who connected the dots.
So, again, I am attracting that same negative attention. The US could become a war zone. If I stay past September, or October, I could get locked up, be in lock down, get arrested and imprisoned for working, get locked up for refusing the forced inoculations, or did of starvation. Going to Cuba, El Salvador, Vietnam, Ecuador, Ukraine, or somewhere I can not be harassed for just living.
If the Flu is bad anywhere, 4 in 1000 die, that is a .004 mortality rate. El Salvador for COVID, based on the population has a mortality rate of .00006 which is minuscule. Because 98%, or so, have no symptoms, I wouldn't be afraid to take a subway in New York City loaded with COVID sufferers in the Winter time, but am afraid of tests, and even more afraid of the untested vaccines to allegedly have monthly updates. There is very little chance to catch COVID, and I just wouldn't want to get it, or falsely test positive for it, because if medical staff in the US, gets more money if they treat me as COVID and I die, I don't want treatment where they will kill me deader than a hammer.
What would the US look like, if the Clintons and Obamas get the US, and the World, to go full "Jones Town" Communist, their Leftist Communist "Utopia"?
Democrats, think that Republicans and US Constitutional "Extremists" are sock puppets. It might be the other way around.
This bloggers video upload channel on BitChute, "SvenVonErick", [click here]
Holohoax Tales - Escaped death camp by claiming we were half-Jewish
The "Clinton Youth" Brigade from 1995?
Nazi Germany had the Hitler Youth. Do the Clintons have a corporate communist hybrid version from 1995 after the OKC Bombing?
Does the UN have a convert operation going on to inspire almost all judges to rig cases for their undisclosed clients?
Will all local, state, and federal police versions be de-funded worldwide. Will an international UN Guard Army be set up to replace all police and to give the international police union even more dues?
It is my father's birthday today in Wilbraham, Massachusetts. He is 80 today. From age 4, 1968, I was awake and disgusted with his globalist clandestine operations, and work to destroy the fabric of the US for Monsanto greater profits as a corporate version of the CIA. So, this video post is "Happy Birthday" to my father.
Chinese Government Agents bribing their way into Vietnam to spread COVID 19?
I have sources telling me that Chinese spies, not necessarily Chinese nationals, are paying their way into Vietnam who have intentionally been infected with COVID to spread the disease. Will Vietnam and other countries now have a spike in COVID cases as a psychological operation to continue to spread fear around the world? Divide, then conquer, has long been Chinese warring philosophy. If this is true, how long has the Chinese Communist Government been luring other nationals into its spy rings? How many nations have been affected by China's predatory spying to destroy world economies? Is the Coronavirus just one big hoax so that they can rule the world using the UN and pandering whore US Leftist Democrats as their minions? The American below posted the video in 2019, before there was any hint of any of this. Check out his perspective.
Freshman Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez — who has been in
office for six months — argued that she deserves a $4,500 pay raise even
though her party blocked an effort to increase congressional pay.
Keep in mind that this time last year, AOC was a bartender who lived off tips. And given her track record of tax evasion,
it’s unlikely that she paid taxes on those gratuities. Today, Ocasio
Cortez makes $174,000 per year as a Congresswoman, courtesy of U.S.
MADISON [Connecticut] - The biggest problem facing the Madison Police Department isn't the dizzying list of brazen, on-duty crimes by officers, from burglaries to the electronic stalking of women to receiving oral sex from prostitutes to ripping off taxpayers through workers' compensation fraud.
The thorniest consequence, the one facing most crippled police departments, is this: The climate of corruption is so deeply seated that just removing the bad cops -- the painful process going on now with no clear end in sight -- may not by itself bring radical, permanent change.
"The 'rotten apple theory' is a farce,'' said Neal Trautman, who's been teaching police officers about moral dilemmas for 20 years through the National Institute of Ethics, which is based in Mississippi. "These problems are cultural, and they're created over a period of years. Just removing the bad apples is a way of the dodging the truth.''
Who's to blame in a situation like this?
"If a chief's been there a long time, then he owns part of it, and the police commission owns the rest,'' said Michael Buerger, a professor of criminal justice at Bowling Green University in Ohio and a former police officer.
The Madison police, with a $3 million yearly budget and a spacious $5 million station, serve a shoreline community with hardly any violent crime. But problems in the 22-member department, led by Chief Paul D. Jakubson for the past 10 years, have resulted in the recent firings of four officers. A fifth faces a termination hearing; one more is still under investigation.
Here's an example of the extent to which shoddy work and criminal behavior became part of the agency's culture:
Officer Joe Gambardella was confronted by local marina owner Bruce Beebe in June 2006 after an alarm was tripped at his business. Beebe ran out in his underwear to investigate why the alarm went off and encountered Gambardella in his cruiser, driving away -- after allegedly stealing equipment from Beebe's shed.
All Gambardella said to his sergeant, Tim Heiden, about the incident was that he had had a weird encounter with a guy in his underwear. Gambardella was later charged in that burglary, and in October 2006 he would be suspended when he was caught on videotape stealing lobsters from Lenny & Joe's Fish Tale.
"In hindsight, you'll always find something that could have or should have been a trigger,'' Jakubson said in an interview last week.
He said the same held true for the long-running misconduct attributed to another fired officer, Bernard Durgin, who was charged in October with making dozens of illegal computer queries dating back to February 2006. The names he ran included his ex-fiancee, her new boyfriend and 10 women he met in his second job as a security officer at Yale-New Haven Hospital.
Durgin's boyhood friend, convicted felon Albert LeClaire, would tell internal police investigators that he brought two prostitutes to Madison to service Durgin "30 to 40 times.'' Durgin was out on injury leave for 468 days between 2000 and 2006; he was later found to have worked on at least a dozen occasions at the hospital, beginning as early 2003, while getting disability pay from the police department.
The department began an investigation after Durgin, co-founder of the Poor Boyz Motorcycle Club, flashed his Madison badge last summer in front of New Haven officers in defense of a riding buddy, ex-felon Gerard McAfee, who was fighting with the officers. Durgin and his friends had been stopped for reckless driving -- on a night when Durgin had called in sick.
"No one suspects a police officer is a criminal. As soon as we heard even a rumor of misconduct we investigated,'' Jakubson said. "Yeah, I'm upset. It's upsetting to know that people think they can get away with this behavior. But I didn't foster any belief in the workplace that you could do this stuff and not face consequences. These are grown men and trained professionals. What caused these people to do this? I can't climb inside their heads.''
'How Much Did Those Hookers Cost?'
Trouble has come in waves for the Madison police. It has destroyed the public trust and has hampered officers on the job.
"How am I supposed to believe that when I need help and I call, that they're going to deal with the situation in an effective manner?'' said resident Charles O'Meara, a registered nurse who lives on Durham Road. "I mean, my friends from out of town are calling me up making jokes about our police department. 'Hey, how much did those hookers cost?' There's just no defending this conduct.''
The damage done by rogue officers has hurt the department in other ways. There's a telling passage in the internal affairs report about Officer Matthew Sterling, who was fired in January after he patronized strip clubs, massage parlors and a house of prostitution in Bridgeport that was under investigation by police there. The report refers to unrelated accusations of sexual misconduct in 2003 against a former Madison officer who had been running the Madison Police Explorers, a youth group.
"This officer engaged in sexual activity with a female explorer that he was entrusted to mentor. Due to these events, our agency additionally lost support regarding proposals to assign a school resource officer to the school system. Patrolman Matthew Sterling was allowed to take over [as adviser to the explorer's post] in an effort to rebuild the credibility and reputation of this agency,'' the report says.
Scandal has dogged the department since the early 1990s. Current and former town officials said in interviews over the last three weeks that the betrayal and disgust residents are feeling now is the legacy of ineffective chiefs and 25 years of cronyism on the police commission.
"Commissioners wanted to be pals with the cops, and some cops always got preferential treatment, sometimes because they had something on one chief or another,'' said Michael Haynes, former chairman of the Republican town committee. He quit the post in 1997 over a dispute about appointments to the police commission.
"Both parties in this town should have taken more care in who was appointed to that commission,'' Haynes said. "We're paying for it now.''
'Proud Of My Time Here'
Wrenching and costly appeals, lawsuits and medical claims are expected to follow the recent set of disciplinary hearings and internal probes. Counting the officers charged with corruption, those compelled to give statements against them and those doing the internal investigations, twothirds of the department has been consumed for much of the past year.
There's a crisis of confidence in Jakubson, who makes $96,000 under a contract with no time limits that was awarded by a prior police commission; he can serve as long as he is able.
During the past few years, as the alleged misconduct went on, Jakubson never varied his business travel schedule. Expense records show the chief faithfully kept to a yearly slate of conferences, training workshops and business meetings outside the department from 1998 to 2008. He collected $28,000 in reimbursements for food, travel, fees and other related costs during that time.
Sources told The Courant that Jakubson was told, as far back as 2002, about problems with production on the midnight shift, with officers doing little or no work. These were some of the same officers who would be ensnared by the corruption probe and charged with criminal offenses four and five years later.
When Madison residents sent Jakubson a message recently by delaying action on an $84,000 payment he's scheduled to receive from a heart and hypertension claim, the action received wide publicity. But he is also pursuing a claim for a neck and cervical spine injury that he sustained Dec. 3, 2004 -- when he was flipped by another officer during prisoner-restraint training.
A doctor examined him and determined that he had a 42 percent disability in the neck and spine -- a rating that translates to a workers' compensation payment of $911 per week.
The payment is being withheld while the town's insurance carrier disputes the disability rating. The amount of the award and the number of weeks that it includes have not yet been determined.
Jakubson said he filed the heart and hypertension claim in the late 1990s because he was entitled to it and said the neck injury is the only workers' compensation claim he has made in his 33-year career.
"I'm proud of my time here, and I'm proud of my accomplishments for this department and the town,'' said Jakubson, who is the president-elect of the Connecticut Police Chiefs Association.
"In June, I'll have 34 years of service. I will remain here as long as it takes to get through these current issues and to get beyond them,'' Jakubson said.
"With the terminations and retirements, this department will have a fresh new look, and we're going to get into extensive retraining and a reaffirmation of management philosophies. That's where my focus is -- getting this straight and moving forward.''
'Legal, Moral And Practical'
Criminal justice experts contacted for this story were given a snapshot of the Madison situation. They were told the department has struggled to string together a few scandal-free years since the early 1990s; that the current chief was promoted from captain without a search, a job posting or any interviews of other candidates; that the appointed police commission is autonomous from the elected town leaders; and that some of the police misconduct that came to light between the fall of 2006 and the summer of 2007 had already been going on for three years or longer. The experts were asked whether a chief should be held accountable for officers who commit repeated, systematic transgressions.
"There's a doctrine called 'respondeat superior,' the notion that the department leaders -- the chief, the police commission -- are responsible to hire, train, supervise and properly correct the officers. That's why, in a lawsuit, chiefs and towns are named. It's a legal, moral and practical responsibility,'' said Buerger, the criminal justice professor at Bowling Green.
Robert Castelli, a professor of police science at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York and a former supervisor with the New York State Police, had difficulty swallowing the idea of a chief who was appointed without a job search or competing candidates.
Jakubson's appointment was arranged at an "emergency'' meeting of the police commission and immediately followed the sudden retirement of Chief James Jay Cameron.
A few years back, Castelli helped a small police department in Westchester County, N.Y., hire a new chief. The recruiting effort drew more than 130 applicants from as far away as Washington, California and Florida, which included police executives bristling with academic degrees and a New York City deputy chief with 5,000 people in his command.
"There's talent out there, and they want jobs like these. It's the responsibility of any police commission or town board to cast as wide a net as possible. The problem in the situation you're describing is that, at best, the question of whether they got the best candidate for chief will always linger," Castelli said. "And you'll never know.''
Madison First Selectman Al Goldberg is much more limited in his freedom to talk about the situation. He and other town officials have been told by lawyers that any statements they make that are viewed as "prejudicial'' could come back to haunt the town in lawsuits.
When Goldberg was asked if Jakubson should face negligence charges and a termination hearing, the former health care administrator, who was elected in November, said: "There has to be a change in the leadership structure.''
" 'Structure' is a politician's word. But all I have is my bully pulpit," Goldberg said. "Hiring and firing, by charter and state statute, is the purview of the police commission. The board of selectmen, the finance board and the voters have control of the budget; the police commission has control of the oversight, management and governance of the police department.
"I have told the police commission that we need to completely and convincingly finish these investigations, that there has to be that structural change in leadership and that the plan of corrective action has to involve public input and focus on the selection, hiring, training and supervision off officers. In other words, identify all the things that excellent police departments do. Without those three legs, the stool won't stand.''
The police commission, headed by businessman Emile Geisenheimer, has discussed paying for a study of the police force that is shaped, in part, by what the remaining officers see as the priorities. But the panel still has at least one more termination hearing to hold.
And something else is nagging town officials. There was a string of nighttime thefts of tools and power equipment from construction sites from 2002 to 2006. The thefts are unsolved, and there is a lingering question about whether they were thoroughly investigated, the officials said. The thefts stopped in the fall of 2006, when the latest scandal broke.
"We were hoping, with these hearings, that someone in the department would crack and name the person or persons responsible,'' said one official, who requested anonymity because he wasn't authorized to speak about internal police matters.
"If that doesn't happen, then these investigations will not have uncovered all of the problems.''
Contact Josh Kovner at
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[click here] for, Excerpt: The state attorney general's whistleblower unit is investigating allegations that a state police pilot threatened to kill other troopers and to crash the Trooper One helicopter into airplanes at the department's aviation unit in Hartford, state officials said Tuesday.
Even if there was 3x drizzle in the fah shizzle, I would not blame Trump a bit. She is above age of consent at that time, and Jeffrey Epstein made himself available to all who are wealthy and influential to compromise themselves and then be subject to blackmail.
Richard M. Nixon would have been forgiven after the first time he was accused of what he actually did. "I F'd up, I'm sorry. I won't do it again. Let's move on, and I will make it up to you. I don't want to talk about this ever again." Nixon would have then gone on to be the best US Presidents ever. He chose door #2, slime back, and hid.
Nixon and Trump aren't comparable unless Trump wants to mimic the "slime back, and hide" tactic. It didn't work for Nixon.
Donald J. Trump knows the Clintons, he used to hang out with them. He lives in New York City, he would have had to bribe the Clintons just to be in business.
Trump, the world and all of your base will forgive you for whatever you did, with who, where, and how, it all doesn't matter if you help save the United States of America.
You can either go down as the best US President in the history of the United States, or get the fate of Colonel Gaddafi of Libya where Hillary Clinton can squeal like a piggy with delight after a crowd drags you into street naked, the most medieval tortures, and Jerry Springer Show embarrassment will be the globally posted video of you getting a bayonet right up your pooper.
Trump it is your choice.
I don't want a Bill Gates shot and my DNA collected. I would like to impale Bill Gates on the White House front lawn using a team of 4 horses. Will you help me out with what hurdles I would need to do this legally? Also, can be put all the judges in the entire world in an internment camp for re-education while their finances are looked into for all their Hillary Clinton type corruption of fixing cases?
My email: thebigappletothebigeasy at gmail dot com Click on top banner of blog to go to newest posts. Click on white envelope below and share this post.
I feel a disturbance in "the Force". There are fewer, and fewer, people finding the motivation to go out, to see friends, to make a living. I see this as a growing problem. Inside, most of us know we are being lied to. Those in denial who spew the party line, wear the mask of submission, are ready to turn us dissenters in, when the time comes soon. "You own nothing, and you have no rights," is something police in the State of Connecticut constantly told me after the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995, the Clinton Coup 1.0 If the Clintons can decide who can do what, where, and how with their AI and Bill Clinton being in charge of all cellphone track and trace apps on all cellphones to see who you associate with, your politics, and your threat level to the UN/Chinese Communist/Leftist Democrat/Clinton agenda. How do you think it is going to work out for those who are perceived enemies of the Clintons?
Asteroid Impacting Earth September 22, 2020, CORONAVIRUS HOAX is a DRILL for that?
(INTELLIHUB) — The European Space Agency’s space situational awareness risk list reveals that a 131-foot-wide asteroid may strike Earth or airburst inside the atmosphere in September.
ESA data shows that the compacted chunk of rock named 2018 SV13 is traveling at a speed of about 44,000 miles per hour and will be headed inbound on September 22 with a “non-zero” chance of impacting. (i.e. the ESA thinks there is a possibility the asteroid may hit)
Although it is unknown if the object will miss earth altogether, burn up in the earth’s atmosphere upon entry, airburst or impact, one thing is for sure, planetary defense agencies in both Europe and the United States will be on high alert and will be ready to mitigate and or deflect the object if need be.
The ESA publically estimates the probability of an airburst is a chance of 1 in 3.6 million but if the near-earth earthbound object were to airburst it could pose a significant threat and cause significant damage to the affected area.
The object has been catalogued in the ESA risk list for 624 days at the time this article was authored.
So why the lockdowns? [more from source]
It is Awesome that Trump Commuted Roger Stone’s Prison Sentence
It is awesome that US President Donald J. Trump commuted Roger’s Stones prison sentence.
A full pardon would be even better.
The Clinton’s Coup 1.0 in 1995 is the reason that conservatives, farmers, small business owners, independent media, and anyone who would be unlikely to “vote” for a Clinton or Obama does poorly usually with police, the courts, and with any alphabet agency.
Boycott Bank of America and the 99 Restaurant for Contact Tracing and/or Mask Policies?
Scroll down in post for videos and music
I went to the Salem, New Hampshire USA Bank of America Branch. The death numbers for COVID are way less than regular Flu. Yet the wearing of masks and a 2nd lock down seem imminent. The is complete BS.
I went to the 99 Restaurant in Salem, NH a few days ago. The do contact tracing and you have to wear a mask to go inside. Other restaurants in that town aren't doing that. Where are these corporations and banks getting off on violating our US Constitutional Rights?
I went to Margaritas in Salem, NH. They have a where a mask order from Chelsea and Revere Massachusetts that is not even in the jurisdiction of New Hampshire.
Most Americans don't know what it is like to be an inmate, until just a
few short months ago. National Sovereignty is being erased worldwide.
Travel restrictions for average people may become permanent. The state
lies for the lock down are becoming beyond ridiculous.
Prison guards work a lot of hours, they get a lot of overtime, and it
isn't hard to make 6 figures, and there are often extra duty to work
with law enforcement, often getting paid for riot duty, inciting riots
and actually participating to get new "customers" into the prison system
based on their politics and amount of wealth that can be stolen and
converted into cash for the police, court system, and the state to divvy
up the booty:
There is an excuse every year to force us all to get the Flu vaccine. Until Autism is explained, I don't trust any of the Big Pharm push as many vaccines as possible and force us to pay them more, and more, of OUR Money. The Flu vaccine in my opinion, is about zero percent needed, and effective.
NJ governor ignores Bill of Rights in exclusive Tucker interview April 15, 2020